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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Blitz Wolf: 11/13/2019 5:00:11 AM

I Know What To Expect But...

...I'm gonna share my thoughts anyways. People complain about the lack of content. People complain about the lack of choice. People complain about the lack of end-game resources. The thing is... You're both right and wrong about this. There actually is a lot of content in D2. There actually are several choices. There... Okay, there really does need to be a more reliable source for Ascendant Shards but that's just obvious. Anyways, what the real complaint is is the total lack of anything meaningful. You did the raids so you could get fancy clothes. You did Gambit and Crucible so you could...get...other fancy clothes. You finally masterworked an entire set of....fancy clothes. Oh, and there's a couple of good guns and only about 10% of all exotics are worth anything to use. So what's the point? To be blunt, there isn't one and that's a huge issue with this game. This franchise. Pretty much every Titan is the same no matter the player. Every Hunter the same and every Warlock the same. It's not much of an RPG when the game basically pigeonholes players into playing every subclass nearly identical. For that matter, there doesn't even feel like there's much of a difference between the classes. Sure, players spend a lot of time trying to perfect a class and being super-amazingly-awesome at everything forever, yay! But that doesn't change the concept that my gear and weapons are going to be very similar, if not identical, to what you're using. I've actually been spending a good amount of time.... Absolutely trashing this game and the company on a regular basis because it deserves every ounce of genuine criticism that it gets. But, also, I've been spending a good amount of time thinking about the ways I would go about improving the game and the franchise. Funny thing is, I may actually have a solution. A perfect solution? Nah, of course not. I would actually have to go to Bungie and get more inside info on things about the game and how it works and plenty of other things. My solution is more of a framework based on what the average players can see and access when it comes to the game's mechanics. It is a rather detailed framework, though. It just cannot be used in D2. Like, at all. My system and ideas take existing assets from D2, and some from D1, and re-purposes them to work differently. It started with how to change how players use their weapons. Yes, an overhauling of a character's skills with weapon types. Which gave-way to how to solve the problem with mods being locked to an elemental affinity. To change the purpose of elements on armors. And that gave-way to changing how each player builds their characters. To actually have a choice in how your Titan works differently from mine; from the weapons used to the subclass abilities. I actually figured out a roadmap for all of that. Beyond that, I even created an idea for where Destiny's story is headed. I think it's very obvious that it's just going to be another big baddie that we fight and kill. Yet, despite killing it, we're going to kill it every week, again and again, because nothing we do ever actually has any change in anything ever. I thought of a new direction to take things while still holding true to pretty much everything established so far. That concept for the story also inspired a new way with what to do with repeated content, like Strikes, Nightfalls and Raids, and also how we actually do them. I know this isn't going to get any attention. I'm aware of that. The only thing I ever posted here that got any attention was a dumb joke making a callback to waking the Hive. That's fine, though. I just wanted to, I guess, take a chance that this might just catch somebody's eye with Bungie. To want to reach-out to me and maybe let me work with the team on creating a real RPG for the next Destiny game. Even if this does get attention, I'm already aware that most are going to say something akin to, "Well, why don't you share your ideas, huh? If you got all the answers. Why don't you just tell us the answer and fix everything, you're so smart?" Don't lie, you read that in one of those weird, mocking voices people use, didn't you? Well, the reason I'm not getting specific about what I would do is because.. Let me quote a personal hero of mine: "If you're good at something, never do it for free." Yeah, yeah... I know how that sounds but it's true. Why would I want to just share these ideas and get nothing for it if they do get used? Again, I know how that sounds, too, but the really funny thing about it all is that if I did specify what my ideas are, how I would re-purposed certain assets the game already has, it actually makes total sense. It's one of those obvious things that a lot of people don't think about until somebody says it and then it's like, "Ohhhh.. Yeah, you know, that would work." So hey, Cozmo or Deej or whomever.. If you're reading this and you're genuinely curious what I've come up with to help you build a better narrative to this game's world and to create a genuine RPG for players to get lost in, and not just about doing the same things repeatedly to get the highest level gear, then I hope you would send me a message. I want to help you shock everybody. Every remaining player invested in this franchise and every single person that thinks it's over and dusted. Shock them all. Blow their minds. I bet I could do it if you let me. Ah well.. I'm sure this will get lost with all the other threads anyways. Much love to anyone who reads it, though.

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  • Seems everyone is talking about the lack of content in this game, again. How a long grind doesn't equal quality playtime. You guys have no idea how much I wish I had just one connection to Bungie. One foot in the door. I'd love to help make the game you all want. I could do it.

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