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Edited by DuBChiri2: 7/14/2019 4:15:04 PM

Buff the under used exotic weapons.

A lot of Destiny 2's exotic weapons have potential for fun as well as good utility, but a lot of them feel like they are either out dated or simply aren't good enough to take up the slot. Although using an exotic shouldn't guarantee it obliterating everything, I feel like a lot of the exotics we have dont perform as good as they could be while those that ARE good pretty much annihilate everything. So I'm going to make a list of exotics that I think aren't up to par and what they could possibly do to make them more reliable. This is going to be centered around pve, but I'll make sure nothing bad would happen for PvP. Sunshot: Increase magazine to 12. Targets damaged by sunshots aoe explosion are debuffed and take 25% bonus damage from all sources for 5 seconds. Possible substitute: 10 rounds to the magazine. Sunshot now has a chance to make enemies detonate twice. The second explosion is larger and does 50% bonus damage. Chance of second explosion 35%. Sweet business: Getting kills with this weapon restores 15% of the magazine from reserves. The longer this gun is fired, the more damage it deals (up to 35% bonus damage in pve over 10 seconds, 15% in pvp over 6 seconds). Increase magazine by 1. Increase accuracy over time while firing from the hip. Hardlight: Weapon automatically adjusts to match the enemies shield type on hit. Hold the reload button after a kill to increase hardlights damage and to give it's ricochet rounds tracking for 5 seconds (25% damage buff in pve, 15% in pvp, does not reapply with kills until the buff is over). Cerberus +1: Killing enemies with this weapon tightens the spread and increases the accuracy of this weapon, allowing it to shoot at longer ranges. Suros regime: Increase damage granted near the end of the magazine up to 25% in pve (no change in pvp). Grant 20 points to range with dual speed receiver equipped. Increase reload speed by 20 points with spinning up active. Crimson: Getting a kill with this weapon extends it's range by 20 points and reduces flinch taken for 3 seconds. Possible substitute: Rapidly landing headshots increases the stability and accuracy of this weapon while precision kills grant a stack. Once you get 3 stacks, automatically start health regeneration when critical. Prometheus lens: Kills with this weapon grants up to 20 free ammo, extra ammo needed is taken from reserves. (In PvP make it 5 rounds). Damage of prismatic inferno increases over time (up to 25%). Trinity ghoul: The middle arrow always has chain lightning active (meaning it can make 1 jump to another target). Getting a kill grants all 3 arrows chain lightning damage. Getting a precision kill increases the damage of the chain lightning by 25%. Possible substitue: Getting any kill activates lightning arrows. Increase the damage of the lightning by 25% in pve, increase chain lightning range by 1 meter. Wish-ender: After penetrating it's first target with an arrow, every enemy hit afterwards takes a bonus 50% damage. (To simplify this, 1st target takes normal damage, every consecutive target hit by the same arrow take bonus damage). Increase duration this bow has a perfect shot for by 1 second (think of how oathkeepers allows you to knock the bow forever, but this is only for an extra second). Whisper of the worm: The final 3 rounds of this weapons reserves can be restored with consecutive headshots. Possible substitute: Getting 3 rapid headshots with this weapon grants 1 round to the reserves. This would get it a bit more damage while not granting it infinite ammo. Worldline zero: Sprinting with this weapon increases damage of next attack by 50%. Targets killed by this weapon while charged unleash an aoe disorient. Borealis: Rounds will match the targets shield while aiming at them for 1 second or will change when after the first round connects. Holding the reload button after breaking an enemies shield will convert 1 round to be strong against all shield types.

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  • They shouldn’t of nerfed whisper in the first place

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  • Exotic armor is in worse shape than the weapons. Far too many of them are just a waste of space.

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  • Bump

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  • No chaperone love?

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    4 Replies
    • I really like this

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    • Crimson isn't terrible now.. I still use it quite often. Used to strictly use that in year 1 because I loved it some much. Obviously 180s and other great hand cannons are better but it still has a few reasons to be used imo.

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    • I see nothing wrong with any of these

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    • Give sweet business tracer rounds(every 5th round causes burn damage for 0.5 secs) or explosive ammo.

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      1 Reply
      • How about Cerberus also slowly pushes back the enemy and also has high caliber rounds, and instead of slowly tightening as you get kills, it focuses more as you deal damage Basically, it already feels like you are hitting the enemy with a wall of bullets, why not make it that way.

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      • sky burner's oath - increased rate of fire, dragon fly vigilance wing - if anyone on your team dies your health begins to regen, if you die your whole teams health begins to regen. merciless - first slow charge hit debuffs enemy and every other shot gets increased damage as long as trigger is held cold heart - precision hits greatly slow pve enemies and regen ammo to the mag. while enemies are slowed by the effect solar weapons deal extensive damage. borealis - add box breathing, aiming at an enemy matches their shield type after a short time. breaking a shield returns ammo to the mag. killing ads with a shield explosion grants bonus damage for 5 sec. DARCI - aiming at an enemy for a short time reveals a highlighted weak point that will do 2x damage when hit, the weak point goes away after hit and a new spot comes up shortly after Queen breaker - move it to energy slot Huckleberry - increase magazine to 38, give it feeding frenzy two tailed fox - give solar rocket cluster bombs and give void tracking

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        • After reading some of these changes there will be some underused exotics again and i foresee another post asking for exotics to be buffed again.

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        • How can you mention the sunshot and not say it needs a visual recoil change? The barrel picks my nose every time I fire and I can't see anything. [quote]Cerberus +1: Killing enemies with this weapon tightens the spread and increases the accuracy of this weapon, allowing it to shoot at longer ranges.[/quote]I love this idea!

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        • I'm just gonna disagree with anything that involves RNG. That 35% chance to explode twice on Sunshot just makes me angry. I don't want my DPS to be RNG-dependant. Everything else looks nice. I would also say Trinity ghoul could proc on any headshot instead of only killshots. I want to be able to zap off of bosses or elites.

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        • they just need to buff all exotics to make you feel like you're not hindering your team because you're not using an exotic heavy

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        • I use sweet business all the time. The perks you suggested would make it OP as heck (damn censorship) in PvE and it sounds amazing. Please buff my baby...

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        • Sunshot shoud grant a burn damage over time

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        • Giving Sunshot touch of flame from D1 is a great idea, honestly.

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        • Here are some of my own suggested changes or updates to these exotics. Sunshot: Increased mag size to 13. Landing consecutive crits burns the target and makes them take more damage. Enemies explode when killed and chain explosions if it would kill another enemy. (Reward them crits) Sweet business: Killing enemies refunds a portion of the mag from reserve. Multi-kills increase damage for a brief time. (Reward your ad clearing) Hardlight: Breaking an enemy shield grants increased damage for a brief time. (Reward you for breaking shields) Cerberus +1: Give it quick draw. Weapon gains increased hip fire accuracy when swapped to for a short time. (Make it a hot swap shotty killer) Suros regime: I actually think this gun is fine as is. Needs an auto rifle buff in pve. Crimson: Reloading after a kill grants increased precision damage. Prometheus lens: Enemies killed by the flare Regen ammo. Trinity ghoul: firing the bow when crouched changes the arrow spread from horizontal to vertical. Landing all 3 arrows on a single target causes a stun effect. (Similar to Arc striker Disorienting hit) Wish-ender: Target takes more damage with each consecutive arrow hit. Arrows that over penetrate deal increased damage to the next target hit. Whisper of the worm: Landing 3 consecutive crits automatically loads 1 powerful round that deals the damage of 3 bullets. Hitting a Crit with the power shot automatically loads 3 bullets from reserves. Worldline Zero: Enemies that die to Temporal shift chain lighting to nearby enemies. Double tapping R2 during Temporal shift will throw a disc of pure energy (like Bolt caster) Borealis: matching enemy shields refunds the bullet. The refunded bullet deals increased damage. Has a chance to ignore enemy shields. Making it the only sniper that can 1 bang an enemy without breaking their shield.

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        • I would love to see some new mechanics get implemented into the game... Summoning shades of the recently killed to fight by your side. Arrows and bolts that, once embedded in a target, pull agro from the other enemies around them (taking increased elemental damage). Weapons or armor that offer up different elemental souls that float around you. An armor piece that replaces the rift with a giant elemental soul ball. An armor pieces that allows you to cosume your grenade charge to cause a massive self-destruct like explosion around the guardian. -- My point is... Bungie could do well with some more innovation. There's a lot they could do... but they would have the branch out from the traditional means of dealing damage and abilities. Having certain abilities tied to armor and weapons would be a great step, IMO. More stuff kinda like HHSN. Augments for what we already have. We get heaps of weapons and armor that all do the sameish thing... why not throw in some weapons and armor that add abilities to the game? I'm certain we could make a bunch of them if we tried.

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        • There is this little game breaking thing called power creep... and your buffs are so big its just destroyed what little balance the sandbox has... Bungie would need to make NPC's more bullet spongy or deal more DMG to balance things out which is a big undertaking and will result in the exotics being in the same place as they are now. Flat dmg increases for weapons is a bad idea look at how grenade launcher are right now due to flat increase they got they are DPS kings and will need a rebalance as nothing else comes close to them. Now I do agree that exotics just dont feel exotic but thats due to their perks being boring and generally a buff of some kind like all your suggestions they need to fun and interesting perks. If you want flat out DPS buffs which lets face it thats all your changes do then they need to be between 3-10% not massive increases like 20-50% you suggest.

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          5 Replies
          • Edited by Taril: 7/14/2019 9:34:49 AM
            My little nublet thoughts: [b]Sunshot:[/b] Okay... But why would I ever use this over Ace which still gets explosions, but then has Momento Mori for faster reloads and bonus damage to deal with majors? Especially when explosions are normally only hitting red bar trash? Why not just make Sun Blast happen on Precision Hits against targets with Sunburn on them? Making it into an explosion machine instead of Ace's twerpy little brother? [b]Cerberus +1: [/b]Umm... Tighter spread won't really do much, because the gun has garbage range and thus damage falloff as it is. It needs more range in addition to a tighter spread. OR it needs to embrace it's pseudo-Shotgun status with simply better damage when you get close enough to land its rounds. Something like a Catalyst that gives it Explosive Payload or something would be meme enough for the meme gun. [b]Crimson:[/b] It already has bunches of range from its Catalyst. What it doesn't have, is damage. It simply needs slightly more damage per shot and it would be usable. [b]Whisper of the Worm:[/b] Infinite ammo is literally why the gun got nerfed in the first place. Just make White Nail be Triple Tap but with bonus precision damage for the refilled shots. Not infinite ammo, but still extra ammo and more damage (Though, not that this gun is really underused, I see plenty of people using it in PvE... D.A.R.C.I. on the otherhand...) [b]Worldline Zero:[/b] Is fine. It just needs Swords to not suck in the game (Too many encounters in PvE that punish/prevent CQC, Swords don't OHK in PvP when the entire gamemode seems to revolve around OHK's) [b]Borealis:[/b] Uhh... But why? You've already broken the shield of your target? If there are other targets, 99.99% of the time they're the same element? Just give it faster reload or something. As far as some underused Exotics: Legend of Acrius could do with being updated to Y2 Tarrabah needs attention. Non-Anarchy GL's need a look (Prospector/The Colony) Vigilance Wing I've literally never seen anyone mention it, let alone use it... All Scout Rifles suffer from the Scout Rifle uselessness attribute (Though, this is easy enough to fix with blanket SR buffs to damage to make them actually relevant weapons now that Pulses, HC's and Bows exist with ridonkulous range to make SR's "Range" bonus irrelevant) Sleeper Stimulant and The Queenbreaker are both past their prime... Though, to be honest, a [b]LOT[/b] of it simply comes down to the fact that we're only able to use a [i][u]single[/u][/i] Exotic weapon at a time. Thus, any Exotic that isn't completely absurdly good is immediately rendered useless, because why would we waste our 1 Exotic slot on something mediocre when we have the option to spend it on something amazing? It's the same thing with a lot of Exotic Armour too.

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            10 Replies
            • Edited by SeanNH2003: 7/15/2019 3:17:25 AM
              Honestly I think many of these weapons are good in PvP but many people just use meta weapons so they can just easily dominate without skill

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            • Not the hard light, it would be titan shield bounces bullets

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            • Yes, like [i]Rat King.[/i] I want to see it broken.

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            • I agree with most except for Ceimson, as the catalyst already almost maxes out its range and might make it pretty strong in pvp.

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              3 Replies
              • Edited by J_v_K: 7/15/2019 1:03:03 AM
                Admittedly some of the exotic weapons do need a buff but what you are suggesting makes them too powerful and unbalanced for the role in which they were intended, especially when you factor in things like armour perks or the exotic catalyst. In reality when you say these weapons are underused you are really saying that they are underused in PvP which is not the standard by which you should be judging these weapons as underused. Before you think about improving an exotic weapon you need to understand what the role of that weapon is because many of the weapons are primarily tuned towards a specific role. To improve that weapon you need to improve its ability to perform that role. Take Sunshot for example. It's role is to deal with trash mobs and it is good at that, even more so with the catalyst applied, however its magazine size is somewhat lacking. Now even though its reload speed somewhat compensates for this weakness, increasing the size of the magazine to 10 would be more than enough to put the weapon in a good place. Now when we look at utility exotics such as the Sauros Regime or MIDA Multi-tool the need for a buff decreases further in a lot of cases. Utility exotics are workhorse weapons that have a number of inherent abilities and are capable of being used in almost any role. The Sauros Regime is a good example of this as it is viable in both PvE and PvP. especially with the catalyst applied which makes its recoil perfectly vertical and its healing ability procs a lot more often, especially in PvE. So when you combine this with its normal perks and stats it does not need a buff. As such I would suggest that you go back to the drawing board with a lot of these changes and have a re-think.

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