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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
3/1/2019 11:11:47 AM

The Darkness Within Us All

For a nine year journey this game has seen things happen. The game was super exciting on its release. I saw my friend play it first, the graphics were stunning the music was perfect for its sci-fi feel and I just loved being able to play three characters on one game. I did not know anything about MMORPG so i did not really get the whole jist when it was mentioned for the community. The excitement lasted a long time too. The whole game was still young so it had a lot of beauty in my eyes. Around the Trials of Osiris Came release (before it was Trials of the Nine) is when it started to shift in my eyes and Yeah... I never beat it... So it was around here i began to feel that anger now. By taken King i had fallen... The game atmosphere was changing and we all felt that change. I bought the full edition of Destiny 2 and still had fun there on the opening but I felt the damage of D1 still after Taken king... I left this game three times. Been reprimanded by you #TeamBungie and still came back and gave you my money... Your experience matched with that music really made my world. So i came to say to all people I get it. I think some things can be done differently too. But if they will not listen then i just play the game. I got into their lore and it was really cool and i like the theme so it worked for me. Yes it can get redundant but i still get on every week... There are two faults here, Guardians. Us and Bungie only they know why they do what they do so the questions i want to ask i cannot get answered. We know they are stubborn and it is tough to handle but we are also toxic AF. Really just look at us Guardians, we aggro on purpose, troll accounts on purpose, write the worst things to each other and legit complain about everything under the sun.... Maybe Bungie is not the one to crucify... Maybe we should crucify ourselves first for how we always act. Its dark... Really dark, Guardians... Dredgen Yor knew he would die one day and planned for Shin Malfo to kill him... So he knew he was Dark We need to look at ourselves and realize we are not helping the case we try to make. Maybe if we were more formal they would take us serious but we do not always come formal do we? If we can change our darkness a bit perhaps it would be rewarded... Or they can be just as dark and we can change and they can still be off But either we need to find the light again... We are getting too far away from the light.

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