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11/30/2018 8:54:07 AM

Bad RNG? Breytech weapons

Going for the wayfarer title and all I am missing is the 18 kelvins. Doing node after node getting schematic after schematic, I seem to be getting duplicates of the frigid jackal. 5 schematics have been the frigid jackal. Luckily enough I finally got all 40/40 nodes completed. I thought to myself this is it the final schematic for 18 kelvins. On the 40th node no schematic. On the next node got a schematic and would you believe frigid jackal again. Surely getting all 40/ 40 nodes should give all breytech weapons?! The grind itself for that is a long one. I'm still grinding away to get 18 kelvins opening all nodes as I have been and yet nothing still. Funnily enough I thought to myself let's do this on another character to change things up. First schematic was... frigid jackal. If I have all 40 nodes completed, what am I missing to get the 18 kelvins?!

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