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11/12/2018 4:02:42 PM

Something positive about Destiny

Just some things I want to share about some encounters I’ve had of late. The other day I was running my third toon through the Forsaken story and doing a mission. The mission took place in a public space so there was a random nearby and I had to dismantle a mine. While standing in the ring they came over and began to help me capture the point and kill adds. Afterwards I had to run off to continue the quest and I thought about that random. I remember looking at their name so I messaged them. “Thank you for helping me” They replied “no problem”. Was it a hard thing to dismantle that mine? Heck no. But it was that moment where you see Destiny come to life. You see another player in the world you don’t even know and you see them involved in something and you want to go help them. It’s such a small thing but for those who are able to notice it you appreciate it. I have been playing a lot of crucible in order to complete Broadsword and Luna. A lot of crucible. I’m not even a great pvp guy but I keep hacking away at it. One match I was jumping through the air and fast. This guy sniped me mid air from across the map. Now I suck at sniping and I get murdered a lot but when I get killed by something like that I have to give them kudos. I messaged the guy at the end of the match (which I think we lost). “That was an excellent shot you sniped me out of the air with. Nice job” He replied “thanks,respect”. There’s no denying that there are plenty of folks better than me in pvp but even I know when something exceptional happens and I think there’s nothing wrong with letting someone know when I get a chance to witness it. Even if it results in my death and loss. I was looking to try and get the sleeper catalyst but I never did the Spire of Stars raid before. I figured it was going to suck because I don’t like the trying to put a 6 man team together, hope they stay and be chill throughout the whole process while trying to learn. I went to the LFG on Xbox and found only one post at the time. It said they were carrying one so I figured maybe I could learn alongside them. Turns out the main guy was a Sherpa and when I told him I knew nothing other than some vids I watched he said “perfect! He wants all new to the raid people”. Now I’m sure anyone who has been in this scenario knows how these things can go. Lots of confusion, deaths and miscommunication. This guy was an absolute gem. He never lost composure nor did he make any under breath remarks or jabs. He was calm, collect and polite and worked through all the problems until we finally beat the raid. We all thanked him and of course went on our way. A few days later I gave the Prestige Spire of Stars a go and got the Sleeper catalyst on phase one of the last encounter. I was ecstatic to say the least. Now to be clear I had trouble with dying at one part. Partially because with raids every team does things their own way and these guys had their own method that I just wasn’t catching on to. You can hear the remarks like “Wolverine died....again”. Recognizing I was definitely the weak link I apologized and told them I would understand if they would prefer someone else more capable or experienced to not hold them back. They said no and that we could get through it. I explained that there was something to their method I must not be understanding that was putting me in a position where I was exposed for too long and maybe some call outs might help. The guy that was with me was excellent. I could tell he wanted to make this work and saw that with the right guidance I would be good. He started making call outs for me in particular that allowed me to take cover when needed and still be where I needed to be. We completed the phase and I got the catalyst. I told them all how grateful I was for sticking it out with me. Later I saw the Sherpa guy on in my friends list and I took the time join his party which was full because he was raiding and tell him I got the catalyst and if it weren’t for his patience and selflessness to teach others I might not have gotten it. I know this is long winded but to me it’s important. There are good folks out there and I know it’s easy to get caught up in all the toxicity. I have no delusions about what’s broken or needs fixing but I think 98% of the forums has that covered. I love Destiny. Its my comfort food. My pick up and play game. I like how the combat feels and the stuff I get. I like working with friends to achieve goals that are challenging and troubleshooting them with load outs and tactics. I also love when the community has a moment to shine like it has for me. Albeit not the majority but when it does I take notice and try to let them know when I can. Tl;dr just some touchy feely stuff I wanted to share. If you don’t want to read it I understand.

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  • Edited by uberjerkface: 11/14/2018 10:03:51 PM
    I dont comment on here often but i read the posts all the time. I LOVE THIS!! A little story. I get on to play about once a week and most times pretty late. Anywho, I was running my first and only gambit match of the day with a bunch of randoms , first round we won and it was damn close, second round they won and it was close as well, and the third round, third rounds the gem. I noticed at the intermission portion with the drifter that all of the other team had the raid completed glowing crown above there heads and were from the same clan , so I don't know if they were all in on it but i think they were, had to be. The last round it was real close again. Both teams got the prime and ours was old meaty ( would theirs be too?). Im amped... I want mal super bad. So they send in a invader and the guy, who by the way was has been the invader each time and has been doing a damn good job at it too. So he comes in and they have their prime down by 25%. He runs up to just by our prime, Im waiting to get trounced by this guy, he waves and sits down. The damage bar on the the opposing side stops going down. Just stops...dead. We win and I get the quest drop. He / She / They gave us the win. They gave me the mal quest! I donno who they were but many thanks to them. I will pay it forward. Keep it positive!

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