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9/9/2018 3:39:08 AM

Deathmatch in Comp

Why, of all game modes, would you put deathmatch in competitive? It completely drains the tension out of a match and replaces it with a simple "run and gun with a power weapon and you'll be a-ok" I was genuinely confused whether I'd accidentally stumbled into quickplay because of the shear nonsense and campy garbage that was apparent. Deathmatch has it place in casual, not competitive play. Objective-based game modes require more than rooty-tooty point and shooty, they require tactical plays and defensive plays, while deathmatch is purely offensive due to there being no return for a purely defensive strategy. Even supremacy would've been an acceptable alternative to it because at least supremacy requires the smallest amount of consideration when making offensive plays. Competitive is meant to be a level above casual, so why does it have the most basic and boring game mode in its playlist?

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