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Edited by Upperclass Bum: 9/9/2018 2:21:39 AM

You ever have a simple dream with nothing major going on...

Then suddenly there's a mini "race war" / riot? No? Just me? I had a dream that essentially led to me being the unwilling catalyst for a race war / riot. As the title suggests, it didn't start out like that. [b][u]*Fair warning*[/u][/b]: [spoiler][b][u]this is long as -blam!- and is [i]not[/i] a story thread. This mess of incoherent ramblings is just my best approximation of a dream I had. I normally don't bother to record my dreams, but I found this one too odd not to and figured there's no harm in posting it here while I do so.[/u][/b][/spoiler] [spoiler]My mum, sister and I were at some sort of school like office building or something. We had an appointment for I don't even know what. They were both in their "women moods" and some sort of argument happened that resulted in me going -blam!-thisshitImout.avi, so I was planning to leave but had to go through this convoluted security process. It was convoluted 'cause apparently, every woman was on the rag and couldn't do simple functions. The receptionist was having some sort of issue with her sister who also worked there. What that had to do with me or my leaving the place is beyond me, but it was effecting her to the point of not being able to do her simple task. Some weird dream shit happens at that point that I can't make sense of, then I'm on my way to leaving the building through one of the exits with two sets of double doors. In the space between the two doors, there's some baggage and other stuff -- some of it mine. How it got there I don't know (weird dream shit). Two of the bags I immediately recognize as being mine and proceed to pick them up. A third, rectangle shaped bag with wheels and a extendable handle catches my attention, something about the bag seems familiar, but I don't quite remember it being mine, so I ultimately decide to leave it. As I walk out, I see that there's suddenly a whole mess of people, both outside and some behind me exiting as well. This is odd 'cause the doors are glass and there was literally no one outside (or behind me) until I opened the door. As I walked out I noticed I inexplicably had two color pencils in my hand. One black and one brown (might have been green, can't remember). A woman, who was the apparent owner of the wheeled rectangle bag then flags me down and says I stole her black pencil. I pretty much told her to gtfo as I remembered it was indeed [i]my[/i] pencil that I was using for something specific along with other ones. She calls over her Johnny Sins looking husband, but he doesn't say or do anything. She refuses to -blam!- off and I refused to give her the pencil, so I snapped both of them multiple times and chucked them. I don't know what happens after that, but suddenly there's a whole bunch of people split into two sides. One side comprised of her and a bunch of white people of various demographics and social standings, but primarily the Confederate flag waving Maga hat wearing types. While my side was essentially the counter to that, with primarily BLM followers. Some weird dream shit happens, don't really know. All I remember at this point in the dream was me being heated and my mum telling me to calm the -blam!- down as both sides were feeding off my very presence. Something happened, don't remember what, but both groups started moving in opposite directions. The white group to the left and the black group to the right. As both groups moved, there was no shortage of verbal conflict or agitation, but neither side did anything. My mum kept trying to get me to the car so we could leave, but couldn't manage due to it being in the opposite direction the mass of people were moving in. The black side started acting pretty crazy and was on some Black Panther type shit (I mean both the group and the movie) talking about going to war or whatever as to group quickly picked up pace to the point of running. I overheard some of them talking and a guy saying a girl's name. The guy was corrected by her and was told not to call her by her "white name" (or something to that effect, I don't quite remember) and to call her by her "African name". I rolled my eyes and told them they're -blam!-ing stupid and starting breaking off from the group. Some weird dream shit happens and I find myself in some sort of auditorium that has two basketball hoops on stage for some reason. There was a girl that I pretty much told to give me the basketball and -blam!- off 'cause it had been a long time since I played and just wanted to shoot some hoops solo. She complied, but as she did, two other, bigger and older guys came out from the shadows wanting to play. I don't know what happens after that, but I then find myself in a vehicle with who I think were the same two guys (Idr) and I think we were trying to get out of town before the war started or something. We were driving down this single lane highway. To the left, was an area with a bunch of airplane hangers and solar panel looking things. It was some sort of flight school as their were constant groups of aircraft in the air going over various maneuvers while loud voices over unseen intercoms or control towers directed and critiqued them. To the right of the road was a single strip runway with all sorts of normal - strange looking hybrid aircrafts taking off, literally right next to us traveling in the opposite direction. This caused me to exhibit some child like joy as seeing each one take off made me excited even after the roof of the car was clipped by the nose of this UH-1 looking VTOL hybrid and nearly getting hit by some sort of Harrier... At that point, I woke up and was immediately disappointed as I realize that caused my dream to end.[/spoiler]

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  • I had a dream that I was in a war. I was shot in the the neck. And I could feel the pain. The I woke up to my cat standing on my neck🤣

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  • Bruh ya'll are edgy af I can guarantee that ya'll don't really dream about race wars and genocide. Ya'll probably dream about trying to go out with your crush then getting cucked or something.

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    • i had a dream where i can only move in a straight line and not diagonal, and if i did try to go diagonal i'll just rag doll onto the ground

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    • Edited by Nightowl46: 9/11/2018 2:42:30 AM
      [b] [/b]

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    • No. All my dreams are the product of an incredibly active mind. I can never fully shut my brain off and as a result my dreams usually involve mass-genocide or imminent danger to all of humankind.

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    • I've had a commercial break in my dreams before...

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      • Edited by cRaZyT101: 9/9/2018 1:37:47 AM
        My dreams normally involve some type of horror situation, usually an empty mixture of my elementary, middle, and high schools. Dark, empty halls with shadows moving at the opposite end. People chasing me in the lower levels. Being a custodian in the dead of the night, working in the silence. Edit: I did have one massive battle in one of my dreams inside of both a college theatre and some kind of cafeteria, it actually reminded me of a Destiny raid for some reason. Would love to have it again.

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        • Nope

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        • Edited by Combat Mind: 9/9/2018 8:47:05 PM
          At least you have normal dreams. [spoiler]My weirdest dream recently was me sitting in a dark shack, lit up only by candles, and no one in there spoke English, only French. So, naturally as anyone would say in this situation, I go “Hau hau hau baguette” and everyone there panics and bolts out of the room. Then the dream ends. Another short one was, I was walking in a perfectly white area, nothing around but 1 kid. I walk up to him, he stares at me for a solid 10 minutes (at least it seemed like it) and he goes, “You’re too happy.” Dream ends.[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by NeonPropose: 9/9/2018 7:45:58 PM
            I mean I’ve had quite a few weird dreams and then some crazy ones. Weird dreams: [spoiler]so I had a dream I was once eaten by a tiger and couldn’t scream for help. [/spoiler] [spoiler]i also had a dream I was a little elephant and I kicked a football into this massive house where these massive horrible elephants lived (they were called Donphans in the dream), and they basically started to stalk me around the house as I tried to retrieve my football. [/spoiler] Crazy dreams: [spoiler]one dream basically had me at scouts with a bunch of my friends, my brother and for some reason two characters from a show that used to be on TV as a kid. Anyway, we’d gone on a massive trip to, what was basically hogwarts, to the extent that we sat in the massive hall, and Dumbledore and professor Magonagul where there. So Dumbledore does this massive speech and basically welcomes us, and then finishes it all of by saying, “and please if you hear this sound we’re about to play, it’s the Machoke, and that’s when you need to run”. Then they pulled out a boom box and played this noise which was basically roaring noises. Anyways fast forward a little bit into the dream, and a kid gets injured in the maze and all the adults are searching the grounds for the machoke. The we’re all in our living quarters talking about what is essentially a massive f*ck off werewolf haunting the grounds. Then all of a sudden I pop up and is like “Oh I know where it is”, and then lead the others to it, to then have the dream end with me pulling up a floorboard and then to see this furry thing open up, to see it’s eye.[/spoiler] [spoiler]so another dream had me at school, completely normal day. Till I go up to the first floor, which is controlled by a f*cking faction which blew my mind in the dream. So basically the first floor was owned by one faction and the second by another. The ground floor was neutral. But for some reason I then led a third renegade faction on the third floor (which doesn’t exist irl), and then a massive war broke out on what was basically a battlefield of junk. It was weird af. [/spoiler]

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          • No, usually all of my dreams are apocalyptic dreams. World ending, second coming of Jesus, meteor hit earth and changed its orbit and is now floating away from the sun, everything's on fire, epidemics, zombies, stuff like that. Rarely do I have "normal" dreams

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          • ... Does bread fighting butter count?... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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            • I had a dream where Donald Trump came to my school and gave either money or some sort of award for being black. After that happened, we went in the school for lunch. When I was getting the lunch, I saw that there was strawberry milk, which confused me, because the school I went to at the time didn't serve strawberry milk. I was more confused about my school having strawberry milk than I was about Donald Trump being at my school. I probably remembered this a little wrong, since I had this dream like 2 years ago (maybe 3), but this is a dream I just [i]remember[/i]. I didn't write this down anywhere, until now.

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            • Not that, specifically, but ive had a lot of dreams that just warp into nonsense pretty fast. I've written a lot of them down in a little journal thing I started when I was in grade school. I had one a bit a go that I was going to post, buuuut I got distracted and forgot. [spoiler]So I was at some party in someone's house. It was crowded and I wasn't a fan of the music, but it was cool. Everyone was having a great time, drinking, talking, dancing, there was a pool and most of my friends were out there, but it was dark and I've got this thing about dark water. Instead, I decided to join the crowd around the couches having a mini Killer Instinct tournament. I've barely played that game and I couldn't describe what exactly happened because "weird dream shit" but I had a pretty good winstreak with Hisako and the crowd was all hyped up. Then my arms just randomly start bleeding. So dream me decided to just try and ignore it and continued enjoying the party, but I noticed the music had stopped and everyone was watching me and talking about me. Trying to be a subtle and shit like I wouldn't notice. I continued to ignore it all and tried striking up some conversations, but everyone just kept staring at my arms and acting all awkward and Eventually I walk up to one of my old friends from high school and say, "Hey man, I'm pretty uncomfortable here, can you give me a ride home?" And he smiles and says, "Yeah I'm still good to drive!"(Side note: don't drink and drive! This was just a dream! This definitely never happened in real life!) And slams his bottle into the head of some demon/zombie thing and throws it threw the door. Oh btw, it's a hellish zombie apocalypse now. My friends all Biker/Viking and pulls a big ass sword out of nowhere and starts hacking a path to his truck and I'm all goth witch channeling the blood from my arms into blasts of purple fire that disintegrate these Nazgul fellbeast things above us. So we get to his Mad Max style semi truck and as I'm putting some gloves on to cover my arms I start to realize this is a dream. Not because of the weird horror fantasy shit going on, but because I haven't seen this particular friend since highschool about a decade ago. As if on cue, he turns to me with his shitlord smile and says, "Hey, uhh, I know we haven't talked much since that shit in highschool, but... how's your sister? She ask about me?" So I kick the door off and hang out, facing him, and shout, "This is where I get off!" (And immediately cringe at that terrible one liner) Two black angel wings shoot out of my back and I jump out! ...into an on coming train and wake up on the floor of my room. Side note #2: I have a queen size bed all to myself in the corner of my room and sleep close to the walk specifically to avoid falling out of bed. [/spoiler]

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            • Nope.

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            • I had a dream last night where there was a this plug thing in my left shin. I pulled it out and looked in my leg. It was hollow and had a bunch of maggots crawling around in it.

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