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6/25/2011 10:10:23 AM

Bungie Aerospace: Indie Game Developer Stats Integration!

Turns out Aerospace is a [url=]Indie Game Developer 1-Up program, intended to help Indie Game Developers integrate their game statistics with the platform.[/url] Not as fancy or shiny as I was hoping, but maybe they plan to expand on it. (It's in the dropdown now) [quote][Original thread:][/quote] (Please note that I'm not a part of Bungie, so all of this is purely my own thinkin') [b]Updated: June 26th 2010[/b] [quote][url=]Detailed update on a bunch of things. Important read![/url][/quote] So to add to a bunch of theories and ideas flying around about what Aerospace might or will be, I've posted my thoughts before on what I think it will end up being. I've previously said this regarding what I believe Bungie Aerospace is: [quote][url=][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn[/url] Calling it: I think Bungie Aerospace will be Bungie's own Social Network, complete with clan-support for the new-IP, cross-platform statistics, new-IP-related news, community-content spotlight, interviews, ViDocs, and perhaps even downloadable/purchasable old Bungie games like Gnop!, Myth and Marathon. I just think it will be the central hub network for Bungie's next game, and I think it will have a heavy focus on community content. I'm not sure what this would mean for as far as its function goes, but I definitely feel like the plan is to have all of their future games' content offsite so that it doesn't clutter Bnet. So yeah, them's my thoughts.[/quote] There was one core thing that was bugging me about this idea, and that was that it didn't really offer anything that Bnet didn't already have or could do. Then ingenuity struck. [quote][b]Bungie Aerospace could connect the players of the new multi-platform IP together. From Xbox gamers, to PS3, PC and iPhone gamers, or even Facebook gamers.[/b][/quote] Here's how: [b]Step 1.[/b] [quote]Think big. What's the next logical step for the games industry? Well, there's social-gaming on Facebook. There's the hugely successful SmartPhone market. There's the [i]hugely[/i] successful World of Warcraft MMO. And then there's the past 10 years of experience developing the FPS "Halo". Valve has also released Steam on Playstation 3, allowing PS3 and PC gamers to play together. Bungie are also now independent from Microsoft: a 3rd-party developer. They can do what they want. Then there's step 7: World Domination. How can you dominate the world in this current game climate? You connect everyone together through a singular hub. [url=]It's been reported previously[/url] that the entire gaming population of the Xbox and PS3 online markets is around 65 million, whereas PC gamers have over 100 million users worldwide. What if you were to combine those numbers together? You'd make quite a hefty number, that's for sure. That's where Bungie Aerospace comes in. "Aerospace" gives connotations of a world in the clouds and above. The idea of an untainted area of the world as-yet unclaimed. A place that covers the planet. Globally dominating, you might say. So there's the big idea. Makes games for as absolutely many markets as possible and connect them all to Aerospace. Also expand on Player Investment (as seen in Reach's Armoury) to the extent of having affordable and attractive micro-transactions payments for content like costumes, weapons, quests, etc, as opposed to monthly payments. Keeps everyone happy! I'm sure you can see where they could go with this.[/quote] [b]Step 2.[/b] [quote]Convince major publisher, Activision, of multi-platform games of a new business venture that could revolutionize how games and gamers connect together over each platform. Sign 10-year contract.[/quote] [b]Step 3.[/b] [quote]Hire! Hire! Hire! This is no easy task. Developing for multiple platforms is something that Bungie is yet to do, and specifically the Playstation. They're familiar with iOS, PC and Xbox development, so that's all in the bag, and Android/Blackberry development isn't too difficult to pick up and learn (if you're familiar with their codebase already, that is). But the PS3 devkit? Yeah, that's some superbly complicated stuff right there. Not to mention expensive. You'll want the absolute best and most experienced people to ensure success.[/quote] [b]Step 4.[/b] [quote]Start getting servers set up and internally test connections via each platform you're going to be connecting. It's been said before (and I've personally had it explained to me before) that is it entirely possible to connect Xbox and Playstation gamers together, and it has been done before, but never commercially, and that's all down directly to Sony and Microsoft: they'd never allow direct connections. So what do you do? You make a proxy server.[/quote] [b]Step 5.[/b] [quote]Why not also make that a social-network to boot? Bungie have said that they are moving away from weekly updates and the Comm Chatter, so it can be assumed that news will come from Aerospace in the future. Feeding gamers news directly to their games? We've seen Bungie do that with the notifications that pop up in Reach occasionally, so why not make room for that as a full feature?[/quote] [b]Step 6.[/b] [quote]Blister ahead with developing both the game, and Bungie Aerospace. Both would be completely essentially for eachother to survive and be successful.[/quote] [b]Step 7.[/b] [quote]Release game. Be super awesome and successful. Win over entire gaming population of the planet. Die happy.[/quote] [quote][/quote] [b]Additional Reading:[/b] 1. [url=]*Mouse/Keyboard VS Controller Solutions *'s WLID-requirement Login Concerns *Microsoft & Sony's disagreements? *Social Interaction (same functionality as Raptr) *Musing over comparable UNSC, Covenant, Flood, Forerunner Factions for new IP[/url] 2. [url=]*Migrate WLID userbase to automatic Aerospace account? *Aerospace not the same functionality as Steam.[/url] [quote][/quote] I've spent some good few months thinking about this, and I believe this is my final conclusion on the matter. I look forward to July 7th to see how close I am to the target. Should be interesting! What are your thoughts? [Edited on 06.30.2011 4:57 PM PDT]

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  • New IP - "Destiny" - How it could be integrated into Aerospace. [quote]Contents [quote][i][b]- Platforms -[/b][/i][/quote] - Consoles - Computers - SmartPhones - Console/Computer Features - SmartPhone Features - Xbox Live "Free to Play" service for MMOs [quote][i][b]- New Trademarks -[/b][/i][/quote] - Seven Seraphs, Osiris, New Monarchy, and Dead Orbit - Playable Factions? Different design-genre for each? - "Crimson" - Aerospace's Steampunk iPad-based "test" game. - Aerospace: "software downloadable from a global computer network" - Cortana, Durandal and Joyous. Three Mythical Swords. Three Advanced AIs. [quote][u][b]- Destiny Gameplay -[/b][/u][/quote] - Controls cross-platform being unfair? [quote][u][b]-'s WLID integration. -[/b][/u][/quote] - Aerospace migration. - Security. [/quote] [quote][i][b]- Platforms -[/b][/i][/quote] [b]Consoles:[/b] Xbox 360 Playstation 3 [b]Computers:[/b] Windows PC Apple Macintosh Facebook [b]Smartphones:[/b] iPhone iPad Android Blackberry Destiny on consoles, Windows, MacOS and Facebook: players on XBL and PSN networks will be connected to gamers on the other platforms through Aerospace much in the same way that the Halo games are connected to, by way of an external server. Only, the it's not just statistics that get sent over, but: - Live data of player coordinates and location in the universe - What platform they're playing on - Connection-speed data - Live actions - Voice-communications - Text-communications - File-shares* (including screenshots, saved films) - Inventory View (marketplace): items [health-packs, ammo, weapons], quest items, etc - Bungie Aerospace APIs could allow the community to create their own SmartPhone and Computer apps to expand on the already-expansive feature-list for the game. These will include things that Bungie can't predict the Community will ask for (a common thing found in all games).* Destiny on SmartPhones will be able to access the content on Aerospace and could display: - Live Global Player Location Maps/Search (updated every few seconds)* - Marketplace to spend Player-Investment "Credits" - Destiny-related Mini-Games to earn Credits - Text-communications with players connected to Destiny through Aerospace - A PDA of Missions/Tasks/Achievements/Medals showing completion levels for your character - A cut-down-in-filesize (simplifying polys and textures) version of the game that you can play on SmartPhones that can handle it [url=](such as iPhone and iPad)[/url]. - Potentially more. *Bungie-Pro subscribers only (that's a heck of a lot of data to cross over Aerospace) Rumoured [url=]Free to Play service on Xbox Live[/url] could be provided for Destiny, meaning essentially that in place of monthly payments, they could instead use micro-transactions (as I predicted in my OP). Thanks, AJ. [quote][i][b]- New Trademarks -[/b][/i][/quote] Seven Seraphs Osiris New Monarchy Dead Orbit [url=]Copyrighted under "artwork'[/url] I believe these to be the names of four playable alien factions in Destiny. Their appearance is likely to be dramatically different from eachother. My reasoning for this is so that silhouettes from a distance are identifiable, and similarly, characters close-up can be interesting to look at. Not to mention that this allows Bungie to be extremely creative and combine all sorts of design themes and genres together in a single game. Remember [url=]that Bungie were asking for Steampunk reference images[/url]? [quote]We were actually shooting for another video game company in space borrowed from the Bungie Offices. The game we were shooting for is going to be on the iPad.[/quote] Sneaky, that quote essentially implies that it's not directly Bungie who are to be doing a Steampunk game, but "another game company [i]borrowed[/i] from Bungie". [url=]Bungie Aerospace, maybe?[/url] Please note that it says for Bungie Aerospace's services: [quote][u][b]Computer game software downloadable from a global computer network; Computer game software for personal computers and home video game consoles[/b][/u] [b][u]Computer software development in the field of mobile applications[/b][/u][/quote] This harkens back to my theory that perhaps the iOS games, in accordance with the Bungie Beta program, will simply be there to essentially playtest the entire Aerospace network [i]before[/i] Destiny comes out. I think this iOS game will either be called [url=]Crimson[/url] or [url=]Grognok[/url]. I think specifically for a Steampunk-styled game, "Crimson" sounds more appropriate. I especially think this as [url=]Bungie [i]Aerospace[/i][/url] has trademarked "Crimson". What about [url=]Cortana 5's theory regarding Cortana, Durandal and Joyeuse?[/url] Well, the general idea is that Marathon and Halo's stories are entirely about the two AIs featured in the games, and that Joyeuese will be the player's AI in the new game. I love this theory and I fully support it; having expanded on it and helped Cortana do her research for it, but I feel like Joyeuse will play a much larger role. The overall story of Cortana, Durandal and Joyeuse is that they are swords "of the same steel and temper", hidden across the world and take part in many myths and legends of this world. We've already found Cortana and Durandal, and have carried them as our own swords to defeat the enemies that have stood before us. Now its Joyeuse's turn. All three swords have had their names altered slightly. [url=]Curtana | Cortana[/url] [url=]Durendal | Durandal[/url] [url=]Joyeuse | ?[/url] My guess is that "Joyous" will be the Bungie-version, as "Joyeuse" is French for Joyful, but I figure that they'll want a name that's similar in layout, but in English. As to what Joyous represents...that can really be almost anything, but it is my belief that it will represent some form of ancient AI kept within a long-forgotten weapon of sorts; perhaps a sword. I think that Joyous will play an important role in Destiny, guiding the player to it, and essentially acting the same guidance and support role as Cortana and Durandal. [quote][u][b]- Destiny Gameplay -[/b][/u][/quote] Controller VS Mouse/Keyboard VS Touch-Screens? How would that even be fair? Well, it could be made fair by doing away with PvP missions, unless you were playing against other players on the same platform as yourself. I fully expect to see PvP content, but I think the game will have AI at its core. Makes more sense to me as it would stop any worries about unfairness and imbalance. You could even create separate World Servers for each player to immerse themselves in. [quote][u][b]-'s WLID integration. -[/b][/u][/quote] Currently, uses WLID at its core for members to sign in with. This means that it works through Microsoft's Live service. How off-putting could that be to Microsoft's competitors' gamers such as Sony and Apple's? I'd say very. People interested in Bungie Aerospace from could migrate their accounts over to a separate account, then allow them to link their WLID, PSN Account, etc. Whether or not you get to keep your Bnet profile's attributes (like member titles, account-age, etc) is another matter. Not sure about that. However, Bungie's doing a good job of attracting extra players to link their Gamertags to, so perhaps they're planning to migrate our accounts [i]for us[/i] to simple Aerospace usernames/password accounts separate from WLID. This also allows Bungie Aerospace to provide their own security, not having to rely on WLID's security. Not being a part of Microsoft, this seems to be extremely important. [quote][/quote] Well that's my update on my thoughts regarding everything I may have missed from my first post. Also. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MURDUR 587 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh ajhallmon [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Luke35120 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dunver Hire SonicJohn.[/quote][url=]He's a great artist.[/url][/quote][url=]And has industry experience.[/url][/quote][url=!/JohnDowdles]Not to mention he's not too bad to look at, if you ignore the hideous growth on his nose, of course.[/url] It also says he's in Seattle currently. Really he's actually pretty good candidate.[/quote]I'm not sure whether to feel flattered or somewhat stalked :P <3 [Edited on 06.26.2011 5:24 PM PDT]

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