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2/13/2018 5:36:50 PM
Hi, Thank you for your report. Bungie actively investigates network manipulation and other forms of cheating. We will continue to monitor game performance for people abusing the system and enforce our policies. We regularly address players who we have confirmed are cheating in one form or another. Rest assured that we will continue to do so. If you suspect a user of cheating, please use the in-game Report player Function: [url=]Reporting a Player in Destiny[/url] If you are unable to submit a report through the in-game system, you may fill out this contact form with the requested information: [url=]Link[/url] Additionally, if you believe you have discovered a critical exploit, feel free to private message this account and know that it will be forwarded to the proper parties for investigation.

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  • Please investigate this asap, so much time have passed and it's still a thing

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  • Well I shoot someone right in face and watch their health grow and when I reload I get killed by said guardian. I'm so sick of cheaters in this game just to improve their fake k/d. I don't get it but when a player is reported I shouldn't be seeing him in next match or next day. Something has to be done. I play for real and do my best just to lose to a fake. It's not like they can even represent those numbers of theirs in a real battle cause then they will be found out no good. No money on the line nothing to win just fake numbers. Ugh please Bungie there has to be something that can be done so the true players can play. I'm not even that good so when I deserve a kill it sucks when it's taken away by someone cheating

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  • Bungie has to investigate all cases of cheating. Just because you report them doesn't mean they are banned the next day. It takes multiple reports and someone then investigates. If they have a team of 10 investigating 10000 cheaters then it takes time. These help forums are often flooded with "I'm banned why?!?!?" Posts so bungie are actively banning. Sadly in most online games there is cheating it's a fact of life because some people can't stand to lose.

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  • Yeah your right what what you say makes sense and I know they don't just say whatever to it. But there has to be some tech out there that can help. I'm so sick of seeing people do this when there is nothing to gain. Yeah they look good on paper when someone checks them out but if they are ever invited to play trials or something and their cheating doesn't work then they just get outed for being a bad player and a fake, just like people who pay others to play for them, it isn't gonna make them a better player. I don't get it, But whatever it is what it is.

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  • The jitter mod is currently only possible on COD games.

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  • Edited by Leo_C441: 2/14/2018 6:48:04 AM
    Which mod or mods are possible on Destiny? Just asking for info to identify when we see someone using one

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  • Edited by Trollefix: 2/14/2018 9:53:45 AM
    There is a Destiny specific modded controller on the market at the moment. Avaliable for both ps4 and Xbox Unfortunatly. It allows the user to set the amount of shots delivered in one burst. This would work on sidearms and pulse rifles. Keep a look out for those types of weapons if you wanna spot a modded controller. Someone posted a link here to a store that sell these so i read the info there. Hope this wont ruin PVP :(

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  • The only thing we can do is raise more awareness until this issue is fixed. We should record every encounter with a cheater and post it here and on Reddit. We should blur cheaters PSN IDs or GTs because it's against the rules to show them (cheaters must be so happy!) both here and on Reddit. If this is done by a modded controller, then it's just a button combination, it must be possible to fix it software side. Come on now Bungie, listen to the community, we are people who actually play your game, not people who don't and complain.

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  • Edited by Trollefix: 2/15/2018 11:04:00 PM
    These controlles have a specific chip/software that enables different cheats. Bungie should have tools that can spot if a weapon is fireing in a way its not suppose to. For example a 3 burst pulse becoming a 20 burst pulse. And then ban accordingly.

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  • Edited by bwaksy: 2/16/2018 8:10:18 PM
    All these chips can do is mess with inputs so it must be possible to fix this by patching the game. If they cancel the burst cooldown by inputting weapon switch command really fast and then switching back and firing again, then the burst cooldown should stay when player changes weapon. If this is impossible to fix then like you said, they should implement a simple anti-cheat: the game should detect if the weapon is firing faster than it supposed to and ban the player if it does. They implemented the system that checks if the raid was completetd without glitches, if they care about fair raid completion then they should care about fair PvP.

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