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1/2/2018 8:28:13 AM

Changing Eververse For The Better

Greetings Guardians, Here is a sort of condensed list of requests which you will find, among other things, below: -Keep Eververse (I know it sucks) -Scale back Eververse similar to the D1 model -Return shaders, sparrows, ships, etc. to Raids and other activities (Make end game loot actually look cool again) -Every season change, add new items in the exact way new items in the Eververse store in D1 were added, including the contents of such new items (So not adding a bunch of sparrows that look the same just to keep me from getting the sparrow I actually want). -Make ALL Eververse items obtainable through bright dust -Bright dust would be rewarded every time you level up (Amount TBD) -Possible Eververse "leveling system" similar to a faction level to make exotic emotes or other items slightly harder to obtain -The most hardcore of players should be able to obtain almost all items from a single season if they continuously log in every week. Now I know removing Eververse completely is so unlikely we might as well wait for Bunige to make good games again at that rate. But all jokes aside, I would ask you to think back to all of your dreamy Destiny 1 memories, Taken King and forward. Now think of when Eververse was first installed during The Taken King, we were furious at first, but learned to live with the new installment. Do you remember feeling pressured to buy things from Eververse in Destiny 1? I certainly don't (ok I will make an exception for that Ghost Ghost, that was adorable, but I still did not ever buy any silver). The point is, Eververse was not something the player was required to partake in. I remember looking at other Guardians in D1 and thought "man that armor looks bad ass" yet that armor or that weapon was almost always from a raid or trials or other end game content. More relevant however, would be the sparrows, or the shaders, or the ships I would see other Guardians have and WANT them and actually have a plausible and sensible chance to obtain those items I wanted by grinding those activities rather than getting XP for loot boxes. Gear acted as trophies in D1 (sparrows, ships, and shaders included) because they usually required skill and lots of grinding of end game activities to obtain such items, but now if I see someone in D2 with a full set of Optimacy armor from those bright engrams, I think to myself either one of two things, one: that person is extremely lucky, or two: how much money did that person have to spend to get the full set? The Optimacy armor looks awesome don't get me wrong, better than the D2 raid armor even, yet there is no sense of achievement from wearing armor or shaders obtained from the Eververse store. Remember how we were told in D1 how the Eververse store would help fund the live team to give us free updates? I don't think they ever needed the extra money but the old Eververse store was almost never intrusive on my play experience. Sure I might really, REALLY want that Ghost Ghost but the pressure was never enough to buy silver. Even if I were to buy silver, at least I would get an item worth getting, unlike in Destiny 2 where they purposely shove multiple filler items to decrease your chances. In the Dawning engrams there are like what? 3 exotic ghost shells and 1 exotic sparrow, etc. etc. Well guess what? There are also 10-15 legendary ghosts or 10-15 legendary sparrows just to decrease my chances of receiving the only good items in the loot boxes. At least in D1 there was only 1 or 2 sparrows and 1 or 2 ghosts with close to no filler items, and if you bought silver in D1 you almost always got something good, hell, you could even sometimes pick EXACTLY what you wanted in terms of emotes or other items that were not in a random loot pool. Yes, there were sort of loot boxes in D1 however, they were, compared to the current odds with bright engrams, fair. There were also items which you could purchase directly instead, look back to D1 to know exactly what I am talking about. So after all this (if you've made it this far) I would suggest a compromise. Now of course I would LOVE to see Eververse completely gone however, the realist in me points towards a compromise between company and consumer. I believe the D1 model of Eververse was near perfect, and with some tweaks and changes this could become an honest and acceptable way of implementing micro transactions for all games. However, there is one problem with this. What would the XP bar be used for if Bright Engrams were effectively removed? XP never affected Eververse in D1 and only got you motes of light. So, I would recommend a similar use of XP in how it is used in D2 but a slightly different system to reflect the changes. You remember how Eververse in D1 was sorted into seasons with mainly new emotes and a few other items every few months a year? What if this system was re-implemented in D2 and the XP could be used to receive bright dust upon leveling up (don't know how much yet), where you could then use the dust to select a single item to pick from the Eververse store? Maybe certain items would cost more dust than others but the idea remains the same. Or taking this further, the new system could require the player to "level up" their Eververse rank by buying lower level Eververse items to work their way up to that exotic emote. Perhaps even similar to a record book leveling system. (Or really any system to make that top level Eververse loot a bit harder to get to help Bungie and make those items even more exotic). Of course, XP levels would have to be increased dramatically but I believe it should still be possible to obtain every single item, or close to every item, per season in the Eververse store if you log in and complete all you raids and nightfalls, or play Crucible religiously, or go out on patrols every single day. People like this, as in those who continuously log back in throughout each week, are the lifeblood of the game, and showing these committed players a bit of love by making it to where they could obtain all, or close to all, items in the Eververse store per season without spending money would encourage more and more players to become committed, and to build the game up in the long run rather than the short gain of a micro transaction purchase. Also, one last thing, with the removal of this loot box model, the shader system should return to the original D1 standard, the current shader system only exists to encourage purchasing more loot boxes. Alright, so you made it this far, I guess I should thank you for taking the time to read through all of my ramblings and unstructured madness, so uhhh thank you. I really believe Destiny has great potential and I would hate to see it squandered like it is being now. I would love to see you guys critique and add on to my theoretical system, I honestly just came up with this stuff on the fly. So, now all I have to say is good luck to you Guardians, and remember, eyes up. -Q0707

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