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9/1/2010 1:41:19 AM

[Story] Streams of Fire *(Chapters 15 has arrived!!!)*

This is my first fan fiction, or my first fiction, period. So feel free to give me any criticism or comments, as they usually are helpful... For those who are too lazy to sit and read this here, you can download one of these 3 PDF files and read them wherever you want on: [url=]Your computer[/url] [url=]Your iPad or eReader[/url] or even [url=]Your iPhone or iPod touch[/url] These PDF will be updated with the post here, so you can grab the new one when the chapter is up. All you have to do to download the PDF files is click "File" then "Download Original" To pull this file into iBooks on you iPod or iPad, simply send it to yourself as an attachment in an email. Open that email on your selected device and there should be an option to import it into iBooks, where you can read in the comfort of wherever you happen to be. You may also notice a shiny new cover. Keep in mind that I made it, and I am in no way an artist, and I drew it on my iPod too... If you would like to contribute a more awesome cover, please do so. I would love a nice, even shinier cover... [url=]Chapter 1[/url] [url=]Chapter 2[/url](it's in the middle of the post) [url=]Chapter 3[/url] [url=]Chapter 4[/url] [url=]Chapter 5[/url] [url=]Chapter 6[/url] [url=]Chapter 7[/url] [url=]Chapter 8[/url] [url=]Chapter 9[/url] [url=]Chapter 10[/url] [url=]Chapter 11[/url] [url=]Chapter 12[/url] [url=]Chapter 13[/url] [url=]Chapter 14[/url] [url=]Chapter 15[/url] [b]Streams of Fire Prologue[/b] The battery of my wrist computer was dead. Of all times for it to happen, the nearly limitless energy source that powered it had gone out. I stared at the black screen, my reflection showing clearly, despite the long crack running through it. It was the first time in fifteen years that I had seen my face. I had always been too busy, too focused to spend time in front of a mirror. I gazed now into eyes that seemed unfamiliar, a face covered with scars that I could barely remember, and a short crop of hair much different from the long style of my adolescence. Gray patches were just starting to appear, odd, considering my age of 35. I guess that's what war does to a man. I pulled the busted contraption off my bleeding forearm, and threw it to the charred dirt. I put my hands to my face, holding back the tears of a battle gone bad, continuing them upwards through my graying hair. Then, as if a switch had turned off, my arms dropped, lifeless, to the ground. I no longer had the energy, nor the will to move, the day had drained all hope from me. I sat in silence, leaning against the useless warthog, watching the landscape around me burning. Reach was glassed, but for some reason, where I was had been left untouched. I watched what were once mountains flicker behind the heatwaves of the superheated surface. I heard the fizzling of the air around me as the temperature continued to rise. I felt the sweat dripping from my beaten brow. My senses were ablaze with the symphonies of a dying planet, and all I could do was wait, wait until I joined it. Reach's last hour had arrived, and I had been unfortunate enough to be stranded on it. Strangely, my thoughts veered away from my situation, and drifted towards my past. I put my head back, staring into the fiery sky. I watched a Covenant cruiser drifting silently overhead, its purple hull creating a stark contrast against the orange and crimson sky. It flickered with the flames of a burning world, its plasma weapons finally finished. I stared at it for what seemed like hours, and then I finally closed my eyes, and drifted off into another world. [Edited on 02.17.2012 10:25 PM PST]
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  • thanks for the support, I'm actually mostly done with the next chapter already. Now that college is over for the year, I'm on a bit of a writing craze. I may spin out a second chapter for Jiralhanae soon as well, so stay tuned!

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  • Wicked chapter, man. I look forward to your normal progress returning.

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  • I peeked over the hill one more time, making sure once again that we had counted the jackals correctly. Six of them patrolled the roof of the building Duncan was trapped in. Three more fumbled with something around the door. "Duncan, we're counting nine jackals outside." I spoke quietly into the comm. "That sound right to you?" "No, there was an elite, at least one. Check again." I looked around once more, trying to find anything even remotely resembling an elite. I looked to the others, thinking maybe they had seen it. They all shook their heads. "Negative, Duncan, we see no elites, maybe it had bigger fish to fry, left the jackals to handle you?" "Sounds plausible. OK, we'll take the three at the door, you get the ones up high. Should be nice and quick." "Alright, on my three." I motioned to Strauss, Reynolds, Stone, and Young, and they each took aim. I focused on the two jackals on the left. "One...Two..." My scope peaked just over the edge of the hill, a giant eye centered in its gaze. My finger rested on the trigger. "Three!" Five shots rang out simultaneously, as the door burst open below. I quickly took out the sixth jackal as three ODSTs tackled the jackals that had been trying to break their way in. The three ODSTs and my squad met by the the door, Duncan and Bishop easily distinguishable to us. "That was clockwork, Roland." Duncan put forth, removing his helmet with a grin. "I'm almost disappointed there wasn't an elite here to see tha-" Before he could finish, a figure materialized out of the air, igniting a pointed blue flame as it roared. We all reacted quickly, filling it with bullets as we all let rounds fly. The elite dropped dead, its camouflage preventing its shields from being at maximum power. We were silent for a moment, until Duncan burst into laughter. "I just couldn't keep my mouth shut, could I?" He asked us jokingly. As the brief spout of laughter died down, his tone became a bit more serious. "I see you've gained a member." He said, motioning towards the still unhappy Private Strauss. "Ah, the spoils of war!" I joked, Strauss angrily contorting his face to mock me. "So, where's the Major?" "He was injured by a mortar shot, he's in CLINIC Base for now." The eight of us walked down into the home, where we were greeted by tears of joy from the two families inside. A young boy came up to me and hugged my legs tightly, his mother trying to pull him away. "It's alright ma'am." I told her, smiling. I looked down at the boy and knelt in front of him. "What's your name?" I asked. "Walter, sir. Did you kill all the aliens?" "Yes, we did, don't you worry. You're safe now." The comm on Strauss's waist suddenly came to life. I snatched it and listened in, static obscuring parts of the message. "Attention, this is..... Base, we are....... attack! Please, we...... all ground units to....." I carried the comm to the doorway , hoping to get better signal, some of the others following me to listen. "I repeat!" the voice sounded over the comm, much clearer than before. "This is CLINIC Base! We are under attack!" I looked back to Stone, a look of worry on both of our faces. "Roland, this is Luck! Did you -" "Yeah, I heard it, Luck. Get down here and pick us up, we need to get over there as fast as possible, the wounded can't fight for themselves."

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  • This chapter is a little shorter than normal, but I've been busy with exams. Now that they are over, things should return to a somewhat regular schedule... ------- [i][b][u]Chapter 10[/u][/b][/i] Stone, Reynolds, Young, Strauss, the Major and I sat, exhausted, in the back as Luck made her way to the nearest UNSC stronghold. "CLINIC Base, this is dropship Gamma two four. We have injured aboard, requesting drop-off." Luck spoke over the comm system. "Gamma two four, this is CLINIC Base, we are full to capacity. I'm sorry, but you're gonna need to try somewhere else." Luck looked back at Major Salvich's unconscious body, and turned back to the comm with resolve. "Are you telling me that you have no place for a single man? No empty beds?" "We don't even have space left on the floor, ma'am. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do." "Where do you suggest I take this wounded officer, CLINIC Base? What other medical facilities are -" "An officer, ma'am?" The man on the other end cut in. "...Yes, Major Salvich here is need of immediate care." Luck answered, confused by his change of heart. "Bring him in ma'am, we can't refuse care for an officer. We'll have to find space in the officer wing. Sending coordinates now." We were shocked. How could they refuse to help an injured private, yet allow any officer in? All we could do was continue on towards the facility. When we arrived, the Major was coming to. As he mumbled, his mind probably in turmoil from the injuries, two nurses ran out with a gurney, and we carried him carefully onto the bed, which was immediately discolored by his burns. "What are the extents of his injuries?" One of the nurses asked me, her heavy accent showing her Hungarian origins. "A plasma mortar landed close to him, he was thrown into the air and his entire left side has been burned badly, along with most of his back." The Nurse nodded and the two departed, the Major between them on the gurney. We stood, confused, in the small hangar. After a minute of standing, we boarded the pelican, and searched for signals nearby. Locking on to a nearby distress signal, we took off, and left the Major in the hands of CLINIC Base. ------- Major Connor Salvich woke up slowly, staring at the olive drab ceiling. He felt as though he were floating on the soft bed. He moved slightly, and the pain hit him. An involuntary moan escaped him, and he sat up. "Oh, look who's awake!" An unfamiliar voice said beside him. He turned to see another man seated in the hospital bed beside him. "Who are you?" The Major asked, confused, "Where am I?" "You're in the UNSC CLINIC Base, Major. I'm Collins." "CLINIC Base?" Salvich asked. "Looks empty." He looked around, noticing only a handful of other in the room. "That's because we're in the officer's wing, Major. It's small, but there aren't many of us. The rest of the facility is overflowing." "What?!, why don't they put some of them here?" "I don't know, Major. That's just the way it works. I guess they think that soldiers aren't useful without officers to lead them. There's no big shortage of privates, but officers are harder to come by." The Major lay onto his back, the pain immediately telling him that he shouldn't have. "How long have I been out?" He asked Collins. "Not long, maybe a few hours. It's hard to tell without windows." Before Salvich could think of something else to say, a nurse came along. "OK, Commander," She addressed Collins, "time for the implant." She pulled back the sheets, revealing Commander Collins' severed legs. She rolled a gurney next to the bed, and the Commander grabbed a bar above the bed, moving himself onto it. "Talk to you later, Major." He called to Salvich as the nurse rolled him away, "Gettin' me some new legs." Major Salvich stared for a while, then looked over the bandages all over his body. He lay his head back, and waited. ------- We landed in a mountainous region of the Viery Territory, about a kilometer away from the signal source. I grabbed the comm from Private Strauss. "UNSC personnel, this is Sergeant Roland, responding to a distress signal. Does anyone copy?" Static drowned out the silence around us. "Roland?" a familiar voice questioned over the comm, "Roland this is Duncan. You came just in time. We're surrounded by covies. We've barricaded ourselves in a house, got eight civilians in here too. Can you give us a distraction?" "I'd love to, Leiutenant." I answered "Me and my men are making our way to your location now" The coordinates, sent by Duncan, blinked into view in my eyepiece. I pointed, nodded, and we started off towards the new waypoint. ------- Collins was wheeled back to his bed thirty minutes later, shiny metal caps now covering the ends of his severed legs. A look of frustration sat, unmoving, on his face. "What happened?" Salvich asked, if only to break the silence. "Some -blam!- about the legs still being tested. They aren't ready for me yet. These are just the caps that they snap into." "So they don't even have the legs? What's the use of putting those caps on now?" "Oh, they have 'em, they just have to go through a little more testing before they'll give 'em to me. Apparently, this new type of artificial limb is just a prototype, and I get to be the guinnea pig." The Major nodded in understanding, then lay back onto the bed. The silence, only interrupted by the coughing on the other side of the room, tore its way into his head. "...It was an elite." Collins blurted abruptly. "What?" Salvich asked as he sat up. "My legs, Major, an elite cut them off." "An elite? And he didn't kill you?" "No, slaughtered all the others, didn't even break a sweat. He got to me and stopped, just stared at me for a bit. When I didn't back down or run away, he tossed me a sword." "He gave you his weapon?" "No, he had another, it seemed to me that he wanted to duel. Don't ask me why, I only played along because I knew my bullets wouldn't do -blam!- against his shields. We circled for a while, surrounded by dead marines. He lunged at me, and I tried my best to block his attack. He was simply too strong, knocked me on my back, gave a short laugh, and swung once, right through both of my legs. Then he spoke to me, in a deep, gravely voice. 'You don't deserve an honorable death, human.' he said, 'You will decide your fate.' " "What the hell was that supposed to mean?" "I haven't a damn clue, Major. He picked up a pistol from Private Dameron's dead body, emptied the clip, and put a single bullet back in. He tossed it to me, no doubt expecting me to use it on myself. I aimed the gun, and fired once at his head. He laughed and said 'So be it.' Then he turned and walked away, leaving me there, bleeding. Next thing I know, I wake up here. Apparently, backup got there soon after I passed out, got me here in a hurry. I just hope I can find him again, leave him to die like he did to me." "You probably wouldn't recognize him if you saw him, Commander." "Oh, I'll recognize that one. His helmet had a long etch in it, all the way across his face, like a blade had almost gotten to him. I'll know that mark when I see it. I'll kill him if it takes another pair of legs to do it." Commader Collins and the Major lay quietly, in their beds both running through the story in their minds. -------

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OfTheBloodguard ...Unless you've got some giant ace up your sleeve, that is...[/quote] ... I just might... I'll have to see how it comes along......

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gr33n Knight [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OfTheBloodguard This was WELL worth the wait. Great job on these two chapters.[/quote]Thanks, already have some plans for 10. Don't worry, it won't be another five month wait.... Also trying to think about where I want to take Jiralhanae in the next few chapters...[/quote]Lol. And, to me, your newest story seems really hard to pull off. Not to sound weird, but I've been thinking about it, along with other's stories on here. Unless you've got some giant ace up your sleeve, that is.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OfTheBloodguard This was WELL worth the wait. Great job on these two chapters.[/quote]Thanks, already have some plans for 10. Don't worry, it won't be another five month wait.... Also trying to think about where I want to take Jiralhanae in the next few chapters...

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  • This was WELL worth the wait. Great job on these two chapters.

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  • "I will, sir." A particularly large marine spoke up, climbing onto the gun. "What's your name, marine?" The Major asked. "Corporal Manning, sir." The Major nodded, and I hit the gas. We sped around the semicircle of overturned warthogs, and saw what was left of the ground assault. A small group of warthogs were surrounded by the small number or revenants that Strauss had mentioned. As we neared the first revenant, its driver still unaware of our presence, Major Salvich fired the first rocket. The trail of smoke found its way quickly to the target, tossing the once powerful machine into the air in a cloud of smoke and red fire. The explosion alerted its allies, and we became the new target. I dodged and weaved between the red bursts of plasma, expertly avoiding the shots as I made my way around the circle. The revenants thinned their ranks around the other warthogs as they converged on my location. I veered, changing direction to confuse the revenants. Almost immediately, the battlefield became a maze of mangled machines, enemies, and our warthog, all concealed by a thick cloud of dust kicked up by our vehicle's tires. Stone and Manning fired away, all of us blind, save for the streaks of red and blue that arced through the dust, the intense heat melting the dirt and sand. Every breath was filled with shards of glass, stinging my lungs like needles as I tried to concentrate on the concealed enemies all around us. The warthog spun wildly as my mind raced to find a target. Out of nowhere, we stopped abruptly, slamming into one of the revenants at full force. After my head stopped spinning from the impact with the steering wheel, I heard the angry cry of an elite, no doubt the driver of the vehicle. I heard movement behind me, and I turned to see Corporal Manning leaving the gun, and running across the top of the warthog. He jumped off of the hood, diving at the elite with his combat knife drawn. Unable to see what was happening, I waited and listened for the struggling to stop. I saw streaks of blue light the dust as the elite fired his weapon wildly, no doubt as blind as us in the dust. A few more seconds passed, and the firing stopped. "Got him!" I heard the Corporal exclaim. His face materialize in the settling dust, a grin spread widely across his face. "Do you think we can use this revenant?" Before I could answer, a blue mortar arced just overhead, searing the tip of the warthog gun. It slammed into the revenant, sending the warthog flying high into the air, throwing Stone off of our improvised gun as it did so. We hit the ground, hard, with rockets spewed along the path we had just taken. The warthog was upside-down, and I was a few feet away, the Major not far from me. I stood, wiping what was either sweat or blood off of my face, and looked at the warthog, noticing the still glowing-hot front bumper, then turned to where the revenant lay, the majority of the vehicle evaporated by the heat, while the ends had melted, now infused with the dry dirt. Manning was nowhere to be seen, no doubt a part of the red cloud of plasma and metal that was rising from the destroyed vehicle. The dust was beginning to clear, and I could see the two remaining revenants let loose a volley of mortars, the wraith turning its attention to the other warthogs once again. Both mortar shots missed us, luckily, but the Covenant wouldn't stop there, I knew. They were barely visible through what was left of the dust, but I watched as they raised their guns once more. Before they could fire, two warthogs materialized out of the dust, and slammed into the revenants simultaneously. Both were thrown abruptly, their mortars firing in completely different directions, one of them hitting the other with the shot, taking out the revenant, but also one of the warthogs. As I pulled the Major up by the arm, and hobbled over to Stone, I watched two marines take out the revenant's driver, two more warthogs appearing behind them as the rest of our small force made it to the battlefield. The Major slowly regained consciousness, as I neared Stone, who was already rising onto his feet. The three surviving warthogs drove over to us, and I was relieved to see Young and Reynolds among the survivors. I climbed into their warthog, and Stone and Salvich each took the passenger's seat of another. The nine of us headed straight at the wraith, who now had us in its full attention. Before it could fire at us, the other warthogs all charged it, knowing that it was defenseless against two fronts. It went down quickly. The two groups of warthogs rendezvoused, and we finally met the men we had worked so hard to save. One of the marines approached me. I noticed the emblem of a Staff Sergeant on his uniform, and gave a firm salute. "Save it, Sergeant." He spoke, "I'm Lieutenant Ryan Williams, this is Sergeant Marvin Mobuto." He pointed to a very large man behind him. "We were in charge of this unit, and you saved our asses." He gave me a stiff salute. "It is me that should be saluting you." I gave a firm nod, then stepped down from the Warthog, the other marines following suit. "I'm Sergeant Jonathan Roland, this is Major Salvich. It was his plan that saved you." I motioned to the Major, who was still a little groggy from the impact. "Roland, come in!" Luck's voice sounded in my ear. I motioned to the Staff Sergeant to hint at the message, then walked off to the side as the Major began talking to him. "I hear, you Luck. You still okay up there?" "Those banshees tore us up bad, Roland, but I'm alright. How'd you make out down below?" "Almost got massacred down here. Got ambushed by revenants and a wraith, but we got 'em." "So I take it you don't need the pickup?" "I-" A shockwave ripped past us, nearly knocking me off my feet, taking my attention before I could finish. I looked up and saw a ship, the UNSC Grafton, low in orbit. It had just fired its MAC cannon. "Damn, that was loud!" I heard from somewhere amidst our group. Cheers erupted from all around. However, the cheers were soon drowned out by another explosion, as a stream of blue fire tore its way through the Grafton, demolishing it in an instant. Suddenly, the sky was filled with terror, a massive ship, hundreds of times bigger than anything I had ever seen materialized in the amber sky. The cheers had been replaced by silence. "Roland!" Luck spoke fearfully, "Please tell me you ain't seein' what I am." "... We need that evac... We need it ASAP, Luck!" I turned to the Major, who met my fearful gaze. "Retreat!" He called out, "Fall back! Now!" The marines scrambled into their warthogs, a clamoring mess of men all running for their lives. Before we could find our way into our own 'hogs, another wave of revenants, no doubt from the newly appeared ship, came from the side. A volley of red plasma seared across the sky, striking many of the warthogs as they fled. The sounds of explosions, screams, and engines clashed horridly in my ear as I ran for the warthog. A second volley landed all around us, the warthogs destroyed. All of us that were left ran blind, like ants avoiding the magnifying glass. We knew not when nor where the next shot would land, all we could do was hope that it wasn't where we were standing. I barely heard the whirring of engines over the thunderous noise of plasma striking dirt. I looked up to see Luck's pelican swirling through the dust and smoke. "To the pelican!" I yelled into the comm. I ran as quickly as I could to the dropship. Luck was keeping it moving, about five feet off the ground. I jumped for it, and two hands grabbed mine, pulling me in. Looking up, I saw the faces of Stone and Reynolds, but the rest of the marines were nowhere to be seen. I scanned the dust for others, Young and Strauss both making their way to the ship soon after me. While Stone and Reynolds helped them in, I searched for the Major. Finally, I spotted him, silhouetted in the dust by a flash of red. "I'll be back!" I yelled over the noise, leaping from the pelican, despite the protests of my squad. My knees buckled at the impact, and I stumbled, but kept on running in the direction of the Major. Then I saw him, confused and lost in the dust. "Major!" I called to him, and he turned. A look of relief on his face. A flash of plasma appeared behind him, and he was thrown into the air. I myself was knocked to the ground. I ran to him, determined to get him to safety. I looked down to him, his side badly burned by the plasma. "Get out of here!" He said, struggling over a bloody cough. "I won't make it. Look at me." "I'm not leaving you here, Major." "Look at me, Roland! I'm going to die here!" "Like hell you are." I grabbed his arm and leg, slinging him across my shoulders, and ran. The hot shards of glass in the air bit at my lungs, and my legs strained in protest, but I kept going. Plasma scorched the dirt around me as I neared the pelican. Luck lowered it almost to the ground, and I stepped in, lowering the Major into a seat as gently as I could. "You're a damned lunatic, Sergeant." He coughed, closing his eyes and wincing. "Get us out of here, Luck!" I called forward. The hatch closed, and we sped away from the battlefield, weary, but alive. ------- [Edited on 08.06.2011 3:24 PM PDT]

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  • [b][i][u]Chapter 9[/u][/i][/b] We drove onward, the warthogs bouncing wildly on the dry and cracked surface of the Viery Territory. I looked over to see Major Salvich manning the other 'hog's gun, while Young drove. I myself was in the turret of my warthog, taking the opportunity to use the gun, instead of my usual position as the driver. As I took in the panoramic view of the virtual armada of vehicles, something caught my eye. As I focused on it, I realized that it was a group of Banshees headed directly for us. "Incoming!" I called out. Salvich turned to see it as well, and the two of us prepared to begin firing. A third warthog came up close to us, and the gunner followed our lead. The Banshees sent out their first volley of mortar shots, taking out a handful of our vehicles. The warthogs ignored this offensive and continued onward as the falcons and pelicans above took care of the Banshees. [i]Godspeed , Luck[/i] I thought, as I watched the aerial battle unfold above me. A ravine lay ahead, with a single bridge crossing over it. As a warthog was crossing, a mortar shot from a wraith landed in the center of the bridge, destroying it. The warthog continued, and just made it over the gap. "Stop!" I called out to Stone and Young. I knew we couldn't make that gap. The other warthog didn't listen, and the driver attempted the gap. They didn't make it. "Go around. Try and find another way across." The five of us followed the main body of the battlegroup. As we blindly drove onward, a line of Covenant ground vehicles came at us from the side. I opened fire at the nearest revenant, but its red mortar crashed into the ground next to the warthog, flipping it. I was thrown from the turret, landing on the cracked earth below. I looked up to see Stone crawling out of the overturned vehicle, coughing up dry dust as he did so. Young pulled up nearby, Salvich firing wildly at the swarming Covenant. Warthogs all around us fell to the same fate, some suffering from direct hits, and many other being overturned. "Help me turn this thing over." I ordered. The other warthog cleared out as the five of us strained to flip the massive vehicle. "This isn't going to work." I admitted after we were unable to budge it. As I stared in vain at the warthog, a Covenant dropship drifted into view. "Get down! Dropship inbound!" The five of us crouched behind the vehicle, staying out of view of the Phantom. The dropship came in close, over the warthog. The turret mounted on the bottom swiveled in our direction. "Dammit!" Salvich cursed. The entire ship turned towards us, but before it could fire, one of our own dropped, flaming out of the sky, slamming into the purple abomination and sending it reeling into the ground. We dove away from our warthogs as the smoldering mass crashed into them. "Quick," I ordered, "check for survivors. Save ours. Kill theirs." The five of us swiftly scoured the wreckage, putting a handful of mangled elites out of their misery, and paying our respects to the pilots of the pelican that saved our lives. We took cover in what was left of the pelican's bay. "Luck, this is Roland. Do you copy?" "Aye, Sarge, I copy. I'm just a little busy at the moment." Her voice was barely audible over the stammering gun of her ship. "We're stranded. Our warthogs are busted up and we'd love a pickup." "I'll see what I can do, Roland, but I've got some asses to kick up here. Hold tight." "Will do, Luck. Sending our coordinates now. Give 'em Hell." "I intend to. Just don't get shot before I get there." With that, she cut the comm, leaving me alone with my team once more. We called out to the surrounding units that had been stuck in similar situations, offering them cover in the pelican. A few accepted the offer, but others tried in vain to flip their overturned vehicles. Most were picked off by the Covenant forces, and the rest eventually retreated to the safety of the dropship. 13 of us had scrambled together, crowding the usually spacious interior of the ship. I was the first to speak up. "We can't sit here and wait for the Covenant to come and get us. What do we have for a counter-offensive?" "Are you insane?" one of the younger soldiers contested, "We'll all be killed." "And who are you?" "Private Joseph Strauss." "I think what you do is up to your CO, Private." "My CO's dead, and I say it's crazy to try and fight them." "Well, I'm Sergeant Jonathan Roland, and [i]I'm[/i] your CO now. Understand?" The Private clenched his jaw, but gave a nod nonetheless. "Good. Now, what have we got? Any turrets still functional? Any heavy weapons?" Another young marine spoke up. "We had a couple rockets back in the warthog, along with a launcher. Not sure if they're still there, though." "Alright, that's a start anything else?" "I think our turret still works." suggested another marine. I nodded, "OK, is that everything?" Silence confirmed that it was. "Alright. You five, go with him to check for the rockets." I pointed out five soldiers to go with the marine that had spoken up. "You," I turned to the marine who had mentioned his turret, "take my team to your 'hog, see if that turret works. If it does, tear it off, bring it here. Got that?" He nodded, and Reynolds, Stone, and Young followed him out of the pelican. I motioned for the Major to stay with me, then turned to Private Strauss. "I need you to scout out the Covenant immediately around us. Stay hidden." He gave me a glare, then stalked out of the pelican. "What do you think, Major?" I asked after the others had left. "Any ideas?" "I might, we'll have to see what's around us." Strauss trudged back into the dropship. "There are four revenants and a wraith nearby. There are a handful of warthogs still trying to take them out." Major Salvich turned to me "I think I've got a plan. I'll explain once everyone is back." I nodded in confirmation just as the six marines came back carrying a rocket launcher and a few extra rockets. After only a few more minutes, the other four returned with a turret barely supported between them. "Good," Salvich began "I think I've got a plan." He grabbed random guns from the group, and began arranging them along the floor. "This pistol is the pelican, and these assault rifle clips are the warthogs." He arranged the weapons suitably, then tossed four more pistols to Strauss, who could barely hold them all. "Now, Private, put the pistols in the general area of the revenants you saw. After he was done with the pistols, he tossed him an AR. "That's the wraith." A few marines started shifting uncomfortably at the mention of a wraith. "Are the warthogs still mobile in this direction?" He asked Strauss, motioning to the area on the other side of the revenants. Strauss nodded. "Alright, now we got lucky with the arrangements of the 'hogs. They are a near-perfect semicircle protecting us from view. One of the warthogs was tossed into the center by a rogue revenant shot, so we may be able to flip it over if we all pitch in. My plan is to outfit this vehicle with all of our weaponry, and attack the Covenant vehicles between us and our fellows. If we can't take them all out, we can at least provide a distraction for the other warthogs." The Major picked up the rocket launcher, and hefted it onto his shoulder. "We've got 12 rockets, including the two in here." He tapped the side of the launcher as he said so. "If we don't miss, we can at least take out the revenants with them. We can mount the turret in-between the front seats of the 'hog, and have a gunner lay across the T-bar to fire it. The rocket launcher can be manned by a man in the passenger's seat. Four men in a warthog." "There are twelve of us, sir." Strauss argued. "Do the rest of us just wait here to watch you four kill yourselves?" "The rest of you will use the distraction we will provide to work together and flip more of the warthogs over, and join the fight." Many of the other soldiers nodded at this, finally seeing the big picture of the plan. "Anyone disagree?" Not even Strauss spoke up. "Good, now let's flip this 'hog." The twelve of us surrounded the machine, daunted by the sheer size of it. Eight men grabbed hold of it and struggled, barely managing to overturn it. Salvich and I carried out the turret from the pelican and lifted it onto the warthog. The T-bar snapped into place between the mangled pieces of metal jutting out from under the gun, where the rolling of the warthog had nearly torn it off. Pleased by the positioning of the turret, we tossed all the rockets into the passenger's seat. I climbed into the driver's seat, and Salvich took the launcher's seat. "Who's coming with us?" The Major asked. Stone climbed aboard, manning the mounted turret above us. "Reynolds and I will take one of the other 'hogs, sir." Young called up to me. "Understood." I replied, "Who's gonna take the other turret?"

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  • Sorry for the delay, there was a death in the family, and I was out of town for the last few days. But after a very long wait, here is Chapter's Eight and Nine: [i][b][u]Chapter Eight[/u][/b][/i] A shake to my shoulder woke me. I looked to see that it was Luck, pointing to the incoming pelican. "Better get up, Roland. Don't want HIGHCOM thinkin' you've been slackin' off do you?" She joked. I chuckled a bit as I stood, the weariness of a long day was playing havoc with my muscles, but I ignored it. [i]Best to work through it[/i], I thought. The Pelican touched down a few meters away, and we boarded, carrying anything we could from our own, crashed ship. Luck walked into the front, hoping there was room for her, but two pilots were already driving. She sat uncomfortably in the back with us. It was strange. In the 17 years I had been in the military, I had never seen Luck sit in the back of a Pelican, she was always doing the flying. Before I could say anything to her, a screen lit up in on the wall of the ship. A surprisingly youthful face introduced himself as Major Salvich, the same man we had spoken with earlier. "Now that I have a secure connection," He began, "I can brief you on tomorrow's plans. The Spartan's of Noble Team have recently discovered a huge Covenant invading army, hidden from us by cloaking technology. It appears that what you found was similar, if not the exact same thing." "It was Vice Admiral Whitcomb that discovered it sir," Duncan put in, "He's the one that sent us in to destroy it. He says there are more of 'em too." "He was right. We are still unable to establish contact with the Vice Admiral, but we have also recently discovered numerous compounds." "How recent? Have you been able to do anything so far?" I asked. "Within the past few hours. Noble Team alerted us first. After you destroyed that compound, communications opened up, and news of other installations flooded in. Tomorrow we go on the offensive. We are staging a massive ground assault on the compound discovered by Noble Team, and you came on board just in time to partake in it. We will be assaulting the Viery Territory, and will do as much damage as we can there." "What are we going to be doing, sir?" Duncan questioned. The image of Salvich's head was replaced by a satellite image of the tower, which then zoomed out to show the entire area around the compound. "You and your fellow ODST will be assigned to a Pelican, and you will be dropped where needed. Roland and his marines will be in Warthogs on the ground assault. Lukenowski will be flying a pelican in the aerial battle." "What about me?" Wesley put forth. I'm no soldier. "You are an ONI engineer, am I right?" Wesley nodded. "You will be escorted to the Office of Naval Intelligence Headquarters in New Alexandria with the others affiliated with ONI... Any questions?" "When do we start?" Duncan said with a grin. ------- By the time we arrived, it was nearly morning. Duncan and Bishop quickly departed, heading straight to the group of ODSTs standing by the landing pad. Wesley was met by a waiting ONI representative, and was led away. Luck, Stone, Reynolds, Young and I walked forward, not quite sure where to go. Luckily, we were soon approached by Major Salvich, all of us giving a quick salute. I offered my hand to the Officer, and he took it with a firm grip. "Damn good work, Sergeant." He began. "Once the sun is up, we hope to do with an army, what you did with a single dropship." "It wouldn't have happened without the Spartan." I insisted. "A Spartan?" "Yes, he got us into the generator station, secured our exit from the station, dove out of the Pelican to save the bomb, and saved my life more than once. Without him, we would not be here." "He lived up to his name." The Major commended "That's all he could have asked for." I nodded. "This is your team?" "All that's left of it." I answered somberly. "Young here is a civilian, one of ten that aided us in the ground assault on the generator station." "Well, he isn't a civilian any more." He turned to Young, "Your are now Private Young." "Thank you, sir." Young muttered gratefully, giving an unrehearsed salute as he said so. The Major nodded to the newly appointed private, returning the salute. "You'll also have one other addition to your team, Sergeant." "An addition? Who?" "Me." "Major?" I asked, confused. Officers didn't often enter in the battlefield. "You heard me right, Roland. Reach is my home, I've lived here my whole life. I'll be damned if I let the Covenant take it without going through me first." He answered, determined in his decision to fight. "I understand. I look forward to serving under someone with your experience." "It is I who look forward to serving under you, Sergeant." I gave a look of confusion to the Major. "You've proven yourself to be a better field commander than I ever was, Roland. I'll be honored to follow your command on the field." "Sir, I don't quite know how to respond." "You don't have to. I'll see you on the field." With that, Major Salvich left us there, in the hangar. "Sergeant Roland?" A timid marine asked from behind. "Yes?" I turned to answer. "Come with me, we've got your warthogs ready." "I'm gonna need new guns and equipment too." "We've got that taken care of for you, sir." We followed the marine to a cluster of vehicles, and he showed us to a stockpile of weapons and ammo. I spied a new wrist computer resting on the ammo case, and quickly replaced the broken one on my wrist. "Good luck, Sergeant." shouted the marine as he jogged off to help the next team prepare. I looked around at my squad. Luck had been pulled aside to the pilot's area of the hangar, so it was only Young, Stone, Reynolds, and I. We silently prepared for what was soon to be the biggest fight of our lives, knowing as well that we should pull weapons aside for the Major. We had been assigned two warthogs, both with mounted LAAG turrets. I decided that I would take one of them with Stone, while Young, Reynolds, and the Major would take the other. Once everything was ready, we sat and rested, waiting for word from Salvich. I hadn't been sitting long when I felt my eyes begin to droop, and fell deep into sleep. ------- Chapter Eight is short, but Chapter Nine's awesomeness should make up for it...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gr33n Knight [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OfTheBloodguard [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gr33n Knight Don't worry, I should be getting back into this soon.[/quote]Woooo! I've been watching this for so long now, and now it's picking up steam once more![/quote]Thanks, good to know I have a fan! Did you read the update of Chapter 4? Just wanna know how well it fits into the story.[/quote]Yeah, it fits in there quite nicely.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OfTheBloodguard [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gr33n Knight Don't worry, I should be getting back into this soon.[/quote]Woooo! I've been watching this for so long now, and now it's picking up steam once more![/quote]Thanks, good to know I have a fan! Did you read the update of Chapter 4? Just wanna know how well it fits into the story.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gr33n Knight Don't worry, I should be getting back into this soon.[/quote]Woooo! I've been watching this for so long now, and now it's picking up steam once more!

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  • OK, I just did a big edit of Chapter 4, and now it doesn't break canon, as Keiichi was now a part of a Headhunter team, in which he was the only Spartan II, much like Jorge. So... now it works. I know I've been really quiet on this story for a while, as I've been having MAJOR writer's block for this particular story. However, I have started a new story, [url=]Jiralhanae[/url], which I will be writing alongside this one. I think I may be coming out of this block, and have a few ideas to get back into the story of Jonathan Roland. I'm working on Chapter 8 right now, and Chapter 9 should be following it shortly. If all goes as planned, both 8 and 9 should be done and up by next monday. I've been working every weekend, and had school every day during the week, so I haven't had time to really sit down and work on this. I say next monday because I'm going on vacation this weekend, and will have free time for writing. Don't worry, I should be getting back into this soon.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TPS Bluekilla Love it[/quote]Thanks, good to hear. I'm working on chapter eight now that I finished another project. I will also periodically be writing another story that is under a temporary title: Jiralhanae. Chapters eight and nine will be up soon, I hope, as will chapter one of Jiralhanae.

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  • Love it

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  • Reading... :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gr33n Knight I know what I want to happen, I just have to figure out how to write it.[/quote] It's frustrating, I agree. I'm somewhere through my 4th chapter, but for the life of me, I just don't seem to have the skill to get it sounding right. But you're a really great writer from what I can see, and once you get past your block, I'm sure you'll whip up some magic.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OfTheBloodguard Wow. This is really awesome, man. I can't wait for the next one.[/quote]Thanks, once I get out of this block, I should get chapters eight and nine out fairly quickly. I know what I want to happen, I just have to figure out how to write it. And thanks for the comment, Wolverfrog. I guess you picked up on my subtle hint...

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  • Wow. This is really awesome, man. I can't wait for the next one.

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  • Brilliant work, mate. Carry on, please.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gr33n Knight [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheGreenAlloy That was amazing.[/quote]Thanks. I'm a bit stuck for the next chapter, and I'll probably hold it until I release chapter nine as well. Since eight will be pretty slow, and nine will be more action, I figure I will release them together. Also, I am writing a lot for my new English class this semester. I'm writing another short story, apart from this, as well. It isn't over yet, though.[/quote] That's comforting to hear.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheGreenAlloy That was amazing.[/quote]Thanks. I'm a bit stuck for the next chapter, and I'll probably hold it until I release chapter nine as well. Since eight will be pretty slow, and nine will be more action, I figure I will release them together. Also, I am writing a lot for my new English class this semester. I'm writing another short story, apart from this, as well. It isn't over yet, though.

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  • That was amazing.

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  • thread saved for further reading

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