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6/10/2011 12:36:42 PM

Community Joe Interview - Hylebos

Brought to you by [url=]Bricypoo[/url] --------------- [b]Q: Who are you and what do you do?[/b] A: My online handle is Hylebos, I'm 20 years old and I'm currently a Sophomore at Western Washington University. I've been taking a lot of math and science classes, and I'm considering a Major in Computer Science. When I'm not working as a Math Tutor at the University or studying I'm usually goofing off on or playing video games [b]Q: Computer Science? You must be one smart dude. Next question, Do you have anything you like to do besides get on and play video games?[/b] A: Recently I've been really getting into Magic the Gathering. I used to play it a tiny bit with my siblings back in Middle School, but I never really got into the entire Booster Packs / Tournament Scene, and mostly collected Intro Decks. But I recently discovered a Magic the Gathering Club at my University a month or so back, so I've been going there regularly to play and discuss the game. I've got a mean Sliver Deck which always elicits groans from my fellow club members whenever I play with it. In the past I've also played a ton of Go, an ancient Chinese strategy game which revolves around surrounding territory on a 19x19 grid with stones. Despite the game's simple rules, the strategy and tactics are deeply profound, far outranking chess in my honest opinion. I was pretty good at Go for a casual player, but I haven't played it in a while. I should probably pick it up again when I have more spare time this summer, it keeps your mind as sharp as a knife. As for Sports, I enjoy Orienteering, which is a bit like Cross Country Running but with compasses and maps. You try to navigate your way to a series of checkpoints scattered all throughout the course in the fastest time possible. Lots of route choice, jumping over logs, sliding down ravines, crashing through brambles, great fun. [b]Q: Orienteering sound like a pretty fun thing to do. Random Question #1(Random questions will be thrown in during this interview just to catch you off guard) If you were only going to be able to listen to one band/artist for the rest of your life who would it be and why?[/b] A: Probably whoever worked on all the Donkey Kong Country soundtracks. The music is great and the nostalgia is epic. [b]Q: I have to say, the music on those games were pretty sweet. Anyways, What was your first Bungie game? What did you think when you first played it?[/b] A: The first Bungie Game that I played was Halo CE of course. I first encountered the game at a Birthday Party that I went to back in the 7th Grade. Back then I was a devout Nintendo Fanboy who unconditionally hated all other consoles, so it was very difficult for me to get over my childish bias and try something new. My very first game was Slayer FFA on Battle Creek. It was very tough for me at first because I arbitrarily decided 10 seconds into the game that the Pistol was a crap weapon because it was smaller than the Assault Rifle that I had spawned with. As a result I found myself struggling to defend myself against my opponents who were seemingly capable of killing me in seconds from across the map. I distinctly remember finding a ladder and climbing it only to get shot in the dome by the sniper who was camping up top. It was pretty frustrating and confusing. However, despite coming into the game with a negative attitude, I found small little gems of fun to latch onto and enjoy. My very first kill came from a Plasma Grenade that I had scooped from the waters of Battle Creek, and it instantly became my favorite weapon. Although I still died a ton, I'd always know that explosive happiness was only a short jog away from whatever location I spawned at. Nobody was safe, and great times were had by all. I also remember learning to drive the Warthog on Sidewinder. My previous driving credentials consisted solely of Mario Kart, so the entire two stick driving scheme took some getting used to. Definitely loved flipping across the map from explosions though, it's that sort of chaos which keeps me coming back to the series... Altogether it was a great first impression, and several other experiences like it led me to eventually forsake my console fanboy ways and get an Xbox and a copy of Halo 2 of my own, and it's only gotten better from there. [b]Q:I find it quite intriguing how you still remember so much from your first game. I don't remember much at all of my first game... Anyways, so what first brought you to Also what keeps you staying here? (I know it is because of me but I'll let you say it your self)[/b] Although Halo 2 was the first Bungie game that I actually owned myself, it wasn't until after the wake of the Halo 3 Announcement Trailer at E3 2006 that I discovered during my search for details about the new game. I never even thought to look at the forums back then, my attention had been ensnared by Frankie's Bungie Weekly Updates which I promptly became hooked on. Visiting every Friday for updates on Halo 3's Development soon became a permanent part of my weekly routine, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. The Weekly Updates weren't the only articles that I read though, I distinctly remember laughing my ass off at the [url=]Letters to the Webmaster[/url] ("I have a question for [i]you[/i] Robert Shaw..."). It's a shame that the first one that I read happened to be the last one that they made, I really wish the Webmaster would stop peeing sometime and answer more emails. I also really enjoyed reading the articles about the various weapons in Halo 3 (example: [url=]The Spiker[/url]). Lots of great information in those segments, I really wish they had done some more during Reach's Development as well... I didn't actually register my Account until a few months after Halo 3 came out. It turns out that my Xbox 360 had come with several free two week trials for Xbox Live, and now that I finally had the perfect game to use them with, I entered the online world of Halo for the first time. I wanted to see how badly I had been sucking my past few games, so I created a Account so I could access my player statistics more easily, and I've been posting on the forums ever since. I just can't bring myself to leave this place, it's far too interesting and I always get the feeling that I'll miss out on something big if I'm away for even a few days. There's some pretty funny characters in this community, and there's a lot of people who respect me, so thus I stay. [b]Q: I will give you a 9.5 for that respond. I would have given you a 10 but You never mentioned me once... Random Question #2: Do you like Pie or Cookies more? Why?[/b] A: Cookies are the better choice of course. While I have nothing against Pie, and far prefer it over Cake, it simply isn't very transportable. Pies are pretty large and fragile, and if they break, their delicious and gooey filling goes everywhere. It's not a pretty sight, and even trying to transport a small wedge makes a huge mess out of your pockets. Cookies on the other hand can fit easily into your pockets, and even if they crumble apart they are still delicious and not nearly as messy as a pie would be. Great for concealing en masse, very easy to sneak past overvigilant Dining Hall exit guards. You can bring them on road trips, into the wilderness, and there's enough variety and styles of cookies to keep things interesting. ...But damn do I love Rhubarb Pie. I really do need to find some way to combine Rhubarb and Cookies together one of these days. That would be epic. [b]Q: Though cookies are more mobile I would still say Banana Cream Pie destroys cookies... Random Question #3: What new movie are you EXTREMEly excited to go see?[/b] A: Huh. I'm not honestly much of a Movie guy so I hardly know whats coming out. Maybe Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides? I've heard that it's good stuff. [b]Q: Not a Movie Guy? What is wrong with you!! Back to related question.... What groups/people do you really like on here?[/b] A: Groups? The ones I currently frequent the most are [url=]Aerospace[/url], [url=]Bnet Regulars[/url], [url=]BUNGLE[/url], and the [url=]Mythic Members group[/url]. They all have some interesting characters in them, and they're a nice alternative to the mains when it gets a bit crazy. People that I like? Spawn031, A 3 Legged Goat, Burritosenior, Homeboyd903, SkilPhil, Methew, and many more people in my groups and on my Friend's List. [b]Q: Oh, I'm not on your list of favorite people? Oh, I see how it is... Anyways it is time for the final and most important question! How do you eat your Oreos?[/b] A: I don't often eat Oreos, but when I do, I first separate the top half of the Oreo from the bottom half of the Oreo using a twisting motion to break the seal that the frosting has on one of the sides. I then take the side that retained most the frosting and position my the bottom front row of my teeth onto the very edge of the frosting. Then, keeping my hand steady, and pivoting my head in a scraping motion, I remove all the frosting from the cookie. This usually takes several passes, but once it's gone, I eat the remaining parts of the Oreo normally. It's a bit strange, and I have no idea why I started doing it that way, but that's how Oreos are eaten while I'm around. One of the many mysteries of my life. --------------- And that was our interview with an aspiring scientist! get the point. Stay tuned for another installment of [url=]Community Joe[/url]. Summer will make them fewer and more far apart but they will still exist. Promise. [Edited on 06.10.2011 4:49 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Clone Outcast [b]Next question, Do you have anything you like to do besides get on and play video games?[/b] [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Clone Outcast [b]Anyways, What was your first Bungie game?[/b] [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Clone Outcast [b]I would have given you a 10 but You never mentioned me once... Random Question #2: Do you like Pie or Cookies more?[/b] [/quote] Your capitalization is driving me crazy.

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