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7/30/2010 10:06:03 PM

Bungie Weekly Update: 07.30.2010

THE MOST ANTICIPATED UPDATE OF 2010! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=BWU_073010] click for full story [/url]

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  • The new studio looks bigger than the airport here.

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  • Great Update ^.^ ~TGW

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  • To answer some really stupid questions: 1. Bungie moved to Bellevue, Washington. 2. There are 49 achievements. 49/7 = 7

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  • What a brilliant update Urk. So much to discuss. The new cinematic trailer was positively brilliant! What really amazed me though was from 0:47 to 0:51! That whole space battle looks exhilarating, I can't wait to get to that point in the campaign! Ha, I know it's all about cut scenes and everything with you guys, but I just think it'll be fun to play! Cut scenes are nice, but just playing Reach will be enough for me. Anyways though, stunning work on the campaign, you guys have done such a nice job with that so far! Ha, I mean...I can tell from the video you have of course. Now I have a question though Urk. The 4th Achievement "Monument to All Your Sins;" What exactly is that all about? I'm curious, because it says that you have to beat the Campaign "alone" on Legendary. Does that mean if you beat it on Co-Op LIVE, you won't get the achievement? Anyways though, aside from that brief question, brilliant job with the achievement everyone, you really did a spectacular job! This is going to be a huge help. Wow, and those maps are looking especially nice! I'm loving 5, and 6, those are definitely my favorites! Ha, they're all good, but 5, and 6 are my favs. Anyways though, I had another question. It's about Forge World basically. Will be able to edit the gravity of our maps, so that our map could be altered to go into different directions? I'm asking, because about 4 minutes or so into that Forge World ViDoc I noticed a sort of altered map, like a map that looked as if he was running sideways. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk First and foremost, we're huge.[/quote] LOL, now what exactly is [i]this[/i] supposed to mean Urk? Ha, just kidding, but yeah I see what you mean! Oh and I definitely think you should take Sketch up on his idea of the Video Tour. I'd love to see that. Wait, and will Reach be released by the time you relocate? Ha, wouldn't that be neat if you settled into Bellevue the very day Reach was released. That, IMHO, would be very cool. Ha, and about that picture of it not obvious that he's spending some quality time with our friendly neighborhood Spider Man? Haha, just kidding. Brilliant work on the update though Urk! :)

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  • Thanks Urk.

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  • I can't wait for Halo: Reach XD

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  • This is by far one of the worst updates we've received about Reach.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ThreeSixXero Gruntpocolypse time.[/quote] Teeheehee >:D P.S, what the heck is a Moa? That the ostriche thing? edit: nvm, read page 3, thanks for the info's Not zachary <3 [Edited on 07.30.2010 3:25 PM PDT]

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  • Nice new building, looks like a Expo Center!

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  • Awesome update! The new studio looks awesome, I wish I could work in a place that cool.

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    I'll have those achievables done in a few months. I don't know about the 1 set on Legendary though. That will be challenging.

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  • the first achievement has an error on the spelling.. the word "neeeded" is "needed" i think.. Im from mexico.. i have been playing halo since halo 1 came to xbox,, good job

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  • The new studio looks really nice. I dig the movie theater type setup with all the lights. Which Bellevue are you moving to though?

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  • Nice update, not an update with the most words but definitely the update with the most screenshots ^^, The variety of all those different maps made with the same building blocks is breath taking! Definitely the map '[url=]horizon[/url]' with $0 left. I am still curious if you can build at the pillar structure in forge world. In other words are there boundaries (except to the open sea). can't wait for 14th September, already ordered my legendary edition and the guy confirmed that i was the first on the list. (preordered on April-Mai). byebye.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JABBERWOCK xeno Moas? Those things are extinct! Do you mean ostrichges?[/quote] Good find. I don't believe they're actually Earth-based moa that you'd find in NZ; they're actual wildlife on Reach. [url=]Pic for your delight[/url] (far right) ... and [url=]the rest of the bundle[/url]. [Edited on 07.30.2010 3:17 PM PDT]

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  • Yes! What a good update (and much shorter). Thanks for not giving me a headache with walls of text this time and thanks for the reveal. Keep up the good work! TTYL I hope! Take care More to come later....

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  • That was a pretty boring update tbh.

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  • Most anticipated? Nonsense! But still informative, nontheless. The new studio looks quite impressive. Sure looks like one hell of a work place.

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  • Headbanging hunter? Fantastic. I don't care about anything else. My life is complete. It should be an easter egg in the game.

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  • Yeah so the map with the words "hang em" in the url.. early hang em high build?

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  • Those are some sweet maps. I can't wait to unlock all those Reach achievements

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  • I guess I'm about to find out why this is so anticipated.

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  • Like the parts with the acheviments but overall it was a pretty lame update.. (MOST ANTICIPATED UPDATE OF 2010) i dont think so?? [Edited on 07.30.2010 3:05 PM PDT]

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  • The new studio looks great. I know we might not get it for a while, but will we be getting a full studio tour at all?

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  • yes i got page 3 epic... Not so sure this was a full on update but the info was still beast [Edited on 07.30.2010 2:55 PM PDT]

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