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Edited by Veration: 9/13/2017 6:40:04 PM

Dust Walkers, Chapter One: The Hell Knight, Part Two

"I want a sniper." The Exo looked up at him, and to this day Jotunde hadn't been able to see them as much other than bulkier, smarter frames. The Awoken also peeved him, and he really only preferred humans such as himself, but he didn't care when it came to making love. As long as it had an orifice on its body. He was still unnerved by the amicability he could sense in the robots glossy eyes and the understanding that they were think, breathing, eating and drinking things as well. Garren looked at him. The two, like many other associates had made in the underground, were mutually business partners. "We have a few in stock today," Garren drawled, spinning on his heels and turning around to the array of firearms in his collection. Auto rifles, grenade launchers, snipers, shotguns, RPG's and sidearms.. it was a gun nut's dream, all meticulously crafted with parts from Old China sweatshops and scratched-out serial numbers. He took one in his hands, sliding his hand across the stock and putting the other at the gun's long barrel. "This is a fine rifle. Hakke make, part of the Merens-B line. Very well crafted. Kicks like a bitch, but will make a large, fleshy hole in whatever you're shooting," he spoke halfheartedly, giving off the sense that he said the same few things everyday without variation. Must be a shitty job. "I'll take it. Doesn't particularly matter what it is. As long as it kills good," he grunted, getting a grip of the gun's design in his hands, getting used to its feel and the placements of necessary components. "Usual amount?" Jotunde retorted, looking back up at the Exo. "Why not," he said empathetically, the Titan placing a voucher down on the table and transmatting the new rifle back to his quarters back on the Tower. He began to stride out of the place, and as soon as he turned his ack to the entirety of the establishment, he felt a barrage of eyes piercing through the back of a his head and staring intently at him leaving. Jotunde swung the door open and slammed it shut behind him. It's base flew apart with splinters. The fresh air of the air outside and the slightly burning sensation of the Traveler's strong Light coursing through the air was a relief to smell after entering the Seeder, which reeked of musk and the thick scent of smoke. Not that Jotunde was too fargone with the fragrance with smoke, as he pulled a thick cigar from his pocket and let a small flame of Solar light blaze at his fingertips, the tobacco within now ablaze with embers. He held it in the corner of his mouth as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and began walking down the streets. These were the worse neighborhoods of the City, where not much happened but seedy criminal activity, contained blood wars between the crime syndicates in the underground of the City and a home for muggers ransacking passerby for Glimmer. Even worse, the Militia barely patrolled here, only breeding more chaos. The street was barely lit, and the lamp at the end of it flickered as moths clung to the contained source of energy, only coming out in the depths of night when these walkways were entirely deserted, families piling into brick co-ops and hunkering down from burglaries like fortresses. He walked towards it, a holoboard erected from the sidewalk. It read in bright, flashing letters: [b]CRUCIBLE ON MERCURY, HOSTED BY LORD SHAXX HIMSELF! COME ON, COME ALL, CIVILIAN OR GUARDIAN, AND SEE OUR BEST AND BRIGHTEST REAP THE SPOILS OF WAR. SHUTTLES WILL BE PROVIDED TO ANY NON-GUARDIAN AUDIENCES.[/b] Below that read the fine print posted in a small scrawl at the bottom, and Jotunde felt a pang of anger, a dry croak bellowing from the deepest of his throat and a plume of smoke from the gathering fumes in his mouth. The exploits of the Hell Knight had been apparent to Shaxx, sure, and the Crucible Lord knew of Jotunde's prowess with the Light and, especially, the fists. But for the old man to not tell him of the competition? The man was becoming a prude. From what Jotunde had heard, he was a hellraiser back in his day, too. It didn't matter. Regardless of whether or not he had gotten an invitation, he was going to Mercury; he would depart by sunrise. ________ [b]2:43 PM, The Day After[/b] The [i]Deonida Verdant[/i] tore through hyperspace, a fatser-than-light blur tearing through the Solar System. He had been traveling for a few hours, some classical compositions spraying from the ship's speakers at a low volume; he saw that he was running low on fuel. [i]Shit[/i], the realization fully awoke him from his hazy state. He had drifted to a vegitative state as he traveled, staring up at the pin-ups of the Queen of the Reef, Ikora Rey and Amanda Holiday posted above his dashboard and smirking. He stared at the Nav Panel to the left of him, which displayed he was passing over the Ishtar Sink region of Venus at the moment, at that surface reports made by Vanguard scouts noted that there were many abandoned gas stations littering the place around the college sharing the same name. Jotunde jerked the throttle of his Verdant down, swiveled the trajectory of his ship at a low descent facing Venus and prepared for hyperspeed exit. He would be making a stop at Venus. [b]END OF CHAPTER ONE[/b] From now on these will be posted daily! Check every morning for a new chapter, or part of one. Also, please tell me precisely when you would like to be notified up an update. [b]Chapter Two[/b]: [b]Part One[/b]:

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