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7/24/2010 1:13:47 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 07.23.10

Thus at the flaming forge of life, our fortunes must be wrought. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=BWU_072310] click for full story [/url]

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  • how come when ever i arrive the topic is dead?

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  • Thanks for the awesome update! It took me 4 days to read it! Chris, you did a fantastic job! I loved all the info on campaign and how you guys have made it amazing! Thank you to everyone else who put all of this together!! You guys rock!

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  • I wish i could just go into hibernation until the 14th of sep!!!

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  • Damn. WALL OF TEXT.

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  • yeah i guess Draddition

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ashjr59 pancakez47 if your idea was included in halo reach it would be the worst game ever and everybody would hate it and they'ed hate you so basically your idea fails[/quote] Come on guys- I thought we graduated kindergarden a long time ago. Just because you don't like someone's idea doesn't mean you need to have a tantrum about. Try showing showing a little respect and give a little constructive critisism- makes the world run a lot better.

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  • pancakez47 if your idea was included in halo reach it would be the worst game ever and everybody would hate it and they'ed hate you so basically your idea fails

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  • I'm speechless.

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  • Sounds kinda cool, if I'm understanding this right. It would help if you could make these paragraphs into sentences- makes things a lot easier to understand. I think it would be cool to swap weapons with other, but only when they want to. Action swapping with someone with a close range weapon sounds stupid to me. Sorta like the melee counter to swords, it ruins the weapons by giving someone a counter in the only case the weapon is usefull. And again, please try to use sentences and better grammar in the future- it makes things a lot easier.[/quote] well yay thaks but mabey you can get in a button mash contest , if you take the weapon and the opponite still wants it, you can get in a button mash compittishon bye rapetly taping ( B ) if you win you take the weapon and kill em with it if you loose the guy that was going to attack you in the first place can still kill you , if ouy or a oppnits friend walks in and catches the button mash contest kill the opponite and your team mate will get an assit ,problem solved!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] pancakez47 quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AquaBomber15 i dont get it, the controls are legit. and messing with the layout is jus a confusion that isnt really neccesary[/quote] yeah it kinda is, you know when go offline you press down on the d-pad your weapon is atimaticly lowerd to make it easier on people to make mashimina specificly for RvB right , well think of a better way to preivint getting killed by a shotgun ,or sword like a noob would do right....... well TAKE THE GOD@MN THING away from them them then kill them with there on weapon how cool is that. Or you see a needle hor pick up the br swap there gun and go here use this like a normal person would do wak em in the head and kill him with his on weapon then t-bag or v-bag em. how cool is that ,or with out taking a risk of getting booted be lik =e bud let me use the snipes you wont regret it ,if they dont givev it to you just take it and run and say youll thank me later , and jm pretty sher bungie will make a button on ech person to gi ve you the option to make that person take or still form you on your team like mute and unmute ,take or swap on or off,its a perfect idea and bungie will love it , you will love it when you do it ,its as simple as that everones happy ,its like getting someone out of the seat that you want to drive but only with weapons. its just like muting if you dont want the whole team stilling your weapons or a perticuler person just putt take or swap on or off just like muting and ,if you dont like the idea just do that i swer its perfect the whole world will get use to it and like it if you think of it that way ,just like muting guys its perfect!!![/quote] Sounds kinda cool, if I'm understanding this right. It would help if you could make these paragraphs into sentences- makes things a lot easier to understand. I think it would be cool to swap weapons with other, but only when they want to. Action swapping with someone with a close range weapon sounds stupid to me. Sorta like the melee counter to swords, it ruins the weapons by giving someone a counter in the only case the weapon is usefull. And again, please try to use sentences and better grammar in the future- it makes things a lot easier.

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  • thank you @sshole ineed answers from bungie not you!!

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  • Great update; and thanks for all the answers. That game's just gonna be awesome. Its awesomeness looks that awesome that I can't wait for it... See you on september :D

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  • What tha he11 is wrong with facking pancakez u cant spell and that idea is for dumb@sses i mean what the he11 is that its stupid

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  • So much info. My head are asplode!

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  • ture i wounder if theylike it do you like it.

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  • I cant wait for reach :) i like halo way better then MW2 cause like in halo 3 its like u can do everything like for example..... make a classroom XD but halo reach is going to be kick ass

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  • that came out of to long messeges accaly those are the two long messeges from the froum that i pulled throw with you guys help , thu last thing i put waz ( well it dosent even matter now cuz bungie seems tolike it.well reply back asap and hope you really like the idea!!!! \m/>O<\m/ rock on bungie rock on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AquaBomber15 i dont get it, the controls are legit. and messing with the layout is jus a confusion that isnt really neccesary[/quote] yeah it kinda is, you know when go offline you press down on the d-pad your weapon is atimaticly lowerd to make it easier on people to make mashimina specificly for RvB right , well think of a better way to preivint getting killed by a shotgun ,or sword like a noob would do right....... well TAKE THE GOD@MN THING away from them them then kill them with there on weapon how cool is that. Or you see a needle hor pick up the br swap there gun and go here use this like a normal person would do wak em in the head and kill him with his on weapon then t-bag or v-bag em. how cool is that ,or with out taking a risk of getting booted be lik =e bud let me use the snipes you wont regret it ,if they dont givev it to you just take it and run and say youll thank me later , and jm pretty sher bungie will make a button on ech person to gi ve you the option to make that person take or still form you on your team like mute and unmute ,take or swap on or off,its a perfect idea and bungie will love it , you will love it when you do it ,its as simple as that everones happy ,its like getting someone out of the seat that you want to drive but only with weapons. its just like muting if you dont want the whole team stilling your weapons or a perticuler person just putt take or swap on or off just like muting and ,if you dont like the idea just do that i swer its perfect the whole world will get use to it and like it if you think of it that way ,just like muting guys its perfect!!!

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  • quote]Posted by: pancakez47 look on the controller you got your jump( A ) melee( RB ) whitch is pretty -blam!- up pickup or swap weapons ( X ) enter vehicle ( Y ) move ( left thumstick ) look ( RIGHT THUMSTICK ) move ( D-pad ) armor ability ( LB ) look at score ( SELECT } swap grendande ( B ) witch is pretty -blam!- up all im saying while there still twiking halo reach thet need to change d-pad moving whith d- pad right take whitch they already have it when you go of line press down on thu d-pad and your weapon is lowerd to mak it easier to make a mashimina , why dont they make it esier too make bull-blam!- kills with a shoty or sword alot eiser to prevint on you or someone else imeen come on guys its a great idea if you think about it. whitch is stupid in thu first place and put the take button in . tap too take hold down to swap weapons like you do to mearines in halo 3 and odst but only take them and swap them . do you sweet and awsome that would be im meen that will take machmaking and mashimina to a hole new level it would be awsome taking another weapon from someone about ready to shoot shoot you with a shoygun that would be so cool and take alot of realf off of yur shoulders for all you shotgun and sword noobs and you know thats cool now that you think of it right.besides wen your offline you press down on thu d-pad and your wapon is lowerd now thats awsome too for all you mashimina fans .wy wouldnt it be cool to take and your weapons with another friend or foe imm een you want sniper they can just give it to you or you can just take it from them but that would be -blam!- up but funny for all u sniper fans , you tired of getting sworded or shotyed just take it form them sword them or shoot them t-bag them then walk away, agian for all of those shotgun and sword noobs.its just that smple and that cool . just tryn too take up for an idea.[/quot.

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  • well in the next messge im going to show you what happend in 1 of my messeges diminstreating how the take and swap button to me truly works i hope you dont mind the solpey ness cuz i felt like i was in a war so yeh here it goes

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  • Well hello every one im the guy that came up with the take and swap button ( right bumper ) im asuming your thu guy that sent me the messege , if you did thank you if you didnt i hope that you not totlay freaked out by

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  • imeen the messege toldme to come here so i really dont know wat to do i got the messege at like 10:47 it told me to tell u guys that, my names pancakez47 hello and im looking to wats next.

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  • Also, I know you can't make items "despawn"- but is there a way to open up areas of the map like,say, in Invasion? Of course, thats assuming we can make invasion maps...

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  • I have lots of quetions: First- is that annoying save error in H3 fixed in reach? 2- Can you play firefight on custom maps? Please? 3- Can the forklift raise/lower its two prongs? 4- Can we please get some sort of matchmaking system to test out public maps? that would be AWESOME!! 5- Is there any tool to help us level placed surfaces, so when you make a floor to a map it won't be bumpy and such? 6- Please tell me our campaign character isn't gonna be a silent character like in ODST? 7- Can forge 2.0 get ANY sweeter? I honestly didn't think H3 forge was that hard, and i've made some insane stuff- never even thought you could iimprove it. I feel like its christmas morning 10 years ago- and the game doesn't even come out for a month and a half!!!!! [Edited on 07.26.2010 11:45 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALPHAxxDRAGON did you fix how when you accidentally bump an object into another it moves the object you hit if not does it still cause the object you hit to disapear then respawn[/quote] They just said in the update that they fixed almost everything that was wrong with forge in H3 including that one.......Seriously guys dont b so stupid

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