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5/8/2017 8:07:26 PM

PVP in Destiny 2

Bungie should not listen to the complaints of a few individuals about something being op, because that's pretty much what ruined the game since the start they should focus on gameplay and see for themselves, test out every weapon and make changes only if truly needed not because people want them

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  • With how the games abilities work, the crucible should be very fast-paced, and it was. HoW was by far the most fun meta for me, as it was fast paced, primaries could compete with special weapons, and skill was almost the only determining factor in who won. Sure, there were the thorn users who played like wusses and sat in a corner after the two tap, but wusses will always find a way to play like a wuss no matter what. Point being, this game wasn't meant to play with Slow ttk's.

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  • Naaah. The problem is that----Destiny 1----Bungie created a Crucible that was designed to play fast, fluid, and with the MOBA like aspects of Titanfall 2 or Overwatch. But instead of embracing that game, Bungie spent the last two years waging war on it. Trying to force it to play like Halo. ...and they lost. Badly.

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  • That isn't what happened. Josh Hamrick (I hope that's right) stated that they nerfed bladedancer as they did in the update before last because it was proving difficult for low skilled players to handle. During the large hunter nerf last summer they said it was made based on hunters having the highest overall kd of all classes. They could have made changes on those grounds for only the recent nerfs but regardless they show that changes are made based on things bungie prioritizes, not what any specific part of the playerbase says or thinks. The game fell to its current state because: They infrequently updated the sandbox which allowed unnecessary or poorly balanced changes to remain live for far too long. They put out too many nerfs & very few buffs. They nerfed things severely while buffing things slightly for the last year & 6 months. They had poor internal communication which led to incorrect & incomplete representations of the company and it's views on certain things.

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    6 Replies
    • You see most of the time Bungie nerfed things they saw fit. And when people started to complain instead of the game improving Bungie managed to fk it up multiple times. They need to nail it the first time otherwise it's sort of fked up forever. As it seems. F. e. look at scout rifles. Never were they op or up.

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    • And by that you mean not blanket nerfing an entire weapon type and ignoring the single issue they have then yes

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    • I hope its like it was year 1. Thorn all the way. But this time a different gun... i just want to play a meta like that again and actually grind for the gun where i dont need friends to help me get it

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    • I will evaluate D2 under the assumption that its PvP is nonexistent. Since our overlords in Bellevue wrecked their first game's PvP, I have to assume that they might do it again. If PvE alone is good enough to justify getting the game, I will. If not, there are other (game) worlds than these.

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    • Mayhem is the only game mode that still plays like the Destiny pvp I came to love.

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    • Destiny 2 is PvP only after the campaign there are no raids

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      5 Replies
      • Zavala would never allow guardians to go mess around in some arena while The Last City burns. Shaxx is even fighting the Cabal. Lore-wise, there should be no PvP in D2.

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        9 Replies
        • The only way that this won't happen is if they take pvp out all together. Will never happen.

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        • Edited by Bulked, Apostle of Strengf: 5/9/2017 1:21:02 PM
          Nah, they look at stats of what is being used vs not used. Which of course with this community is one in the same with what people cry about needing to nerf. They want to switch up metas so the game doesn't get stale rather than just doing the intelligent thing and getting rid of metas altogether. I would rather have a Crucible with less lag and better matchmaking that made us all use standard perkless weapons than this Crucible we have now. Yeah it's a lot of fun bringing different weapons and perks into PvP, but there are so many perks and so many archetypes, it's impossible to perfectly balance them all. Which is usually why one archetype with one set of perks becomes the best choice. So really, it isn't much different than if we were to all use PvP weapons on an equal plain.

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          1 Reply
          • Or they could just BALANCE the damn game and keep PvP and PvE separate. Or just forget PvP all together and have D2 be PvE only

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            34 Replies
            • Better off just tossing PVP in the bin, or make it a separate game imo. It's been nothing but a cancer creating machine on this community

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              4 Replies
              • 9 days to go...

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                1 Reply
                • How would PvP even be doable? We have no light powers, our city is gone, the Crucible will not work.

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                  7 Replies
                  • Without community complaints, Jugg-shotgun Warriors would still be a thing. Please stop taking the 5-10 bad nerfs and want to get rid of the 15-20 great nerfs that were needed.

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                    1 Reply
                    • There is only one answer... Nerf the Sandbox team!!! That's right fire the whole team Bungie. If I annoyed my entire customer base this often, and constantly released software which had bugs and issues, I would have been fired a long time ago. Please Bungie don't let them near D2. I'm a filthy casual who is barely average at the game, and the constant sandbox changes have even removed a lot of the fun for me! I realise that the sandbox team may read this, and it may sting a bit... however this small sacrifice is for the greater good of the game we all love... be strong. BH out

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                      2 Replies
                      • If Josh Hamrick or whatever his name is, is still the PvP lead by Destiny 2 then truly do not expect any aspects of PvP to change going into the new Destiny. In their minds, the crucible is fine. When you make changes to the game from people who only play the game for 30 minutes on the 3rd Tuesday of every month it hard to see what is wrong with this game. Match making will still be that same joke that it is now. Putting way too much effort into an aspect of a game that literally does not need to be touched. Make it 100 percent CBMM then leave it alone. I'm sorry if the blueberries you so dearly protect get shit on for one game. Since it's CBMM they could find a new lobby with 12 different players in a heartbeat. You'd think Josh would realize working on the PvP side of games wasn't meant for him when he almost destroyed Halo Reach. Now he brings that ignorancy too Bungie. Don't expect anything to change with Josh as the PvP lead. In their eyes, the PvP is "working as intended."

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                        2 Replies
                        • We are talking about the guys who think crucible is supposed to be slow paced. With the destiny movement system that basically every company copied(call of duty to name one) this game was built for fast paced balls to the wall gameplay

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                          2 Replies
                          • Edited by TheTommieC: 5/8/2017 8:46:37 PM
                            [i]Have you seen them play their own game?[/i]

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                            7 Replies
                            • As long as special ammo stays the way it is now I will be very happy with pvp in destiny 2. If it doesn't I'll still be happy cause I'm playing destiny 2

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                              9 Replies
                              • The Dev Team are a disgrace to the entire gaming industry. Let me rephrase that. The Dev Team are the laughingstock of the entire gaming industry. Totally clueless.

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                                • It's because kids suck at pvp that's why. :/

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                                • There's no community feedback involved in any patch they done, maybe 1 or 2 little things all they do is look their charts and weapon usage and change based on that we asked for private matches - 2 years we asked to nerf thorn - 1 year we asked nerf shotguns - never until the green ammo complete removal [spoiler]they nerfed it 8* times so why did shotguns were the most used if they were the most nerfed? because they were patheticaly slightly nerfed[/spoiler] we asked for primaries buff - never listened to us

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                                • Even though I agree with you, that is obviously not how Bungie operates or want to operate. The sandbox team should test weapons BEFORE they enter the crucible. Either they don't do that or they do and not care if something is OP. Think about the first months of SUROS Regime, the first weeks of Vex Mythoclast. Thorn during House of Wolves. Hopscotch Pilgrim when it was the same archetype as Parthian Shot. High impact shotguns with shot package. I can go on. If the Sandbox team really wanted a fair crucible, those weapons wouldn't have been released in the first place. And don't believe weapons get nerfed because people complain about them. OP weapons are meant to come in waves. So we all start the grind again. Why do you think we can only get the Ice Breaker through the nightfalls? Because nobody cared about nightfalls and we needed that carrot. Why do you think we could only get the Hopscotch Pilgrim in year one through playing strikes? Because nobody cared for strikes at that point.

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