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Edited by JzstNo: 5/7/2017 11:17:58 AM

Petition to change Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2

As everyone is well aware trials has been a major influence in nerfs and buffs. I think the majority of the playerbase doesn't like trials or play it anymore. It was fun when it first came out and the games you get matched with are random people. Now it's complete trash and brings out the worst in people. I think we can all agree that trials has had a negative impact on the game. So I say for destiny 2 we remove it and replace it with some other competitive pvp. Edit - wow so many replies and likes. Thanks Im not saying remove competitive pvp, I love watching sweats and high intensity games on YouTube and twitch, what I'm saying is elimination as a game mode brings out the worst in people and what's fun in being shouted at by team mates for making the wrong play in a important situation in a game of trials. I would like to see a trials game mode of skirmish or zone control, something competitive but not elimination. The top pvp players obviously like trials but that's a small percentage of the player base and the nerfs that affect PVE because of trials are ruining the game. Look at special ammo for example Edit 2 cosmo replied. I'm done Edit 3 to all the people saying trials should stay. I agree, the concept of trials of osiris should stay and it's good to have a competitive game mode that makes people want to try their best. What Im saying is the state that trials is in has caused a lot of messed up stuff in pve. 1) skorri nerf - in a raid we now have to wait double the time to get our supers before a boss 2) special ammo is all messed up 3) constant nerfs of weapons The post was made with a view to change the way trials of osiris is like have either a skirmish, zone control, salvage or capture the flag sort of game where it's not just who can throw their sticky first and then jump the hell out of there. It's icebreaker/wormwood city at the moment. Trials was good in HOW and I went to the Lighthouse 3x a week most weeks but now it has definitely declined and seems like a lot of people are not enjoying it as it is right now. QUOTE [quote]Even though I used to love trials and have gone flawless almost 50 times, I can't help but agree that's it's had only detrimental effects on the game. The nerfs attempted to 'balance' trials have seriously harmed pvp and pve. At no point ever were snipers a problem in pvp. Yet they received dozens of nerfs to bring them down for trials. This destroyed them in pvp and seriously harmed them in pve. It lead to the shotgun dominance we saw at the beginning of year 3. Which then lead to the nerf that completely destroyed their competitive viability I pve, pvp and trials. The skorris nerf clearly aimed at trials hurt pve in the worst way. The Templar challenge mode is made drastically easier when you launch the encounter with full supers. The skorris nerf doubled the amount of time we had to wait for the Titan to get their bubble back. Either trials need to be removed. Or all game modes need to be balanced separately.[/quote]

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  • Edited by pie_0wns_y0u: 5/5/2017 11:20:26 PM
    A bad player complaining about trials, typical.

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    4 Replies
    • I actually disagree with you and I think that you're wrong about trials being the source or the reason for the numerous weapon balancing issues. Trials is not responsible for the balancing problem. In trials 80% of the people were using Matador Party Crasher or Clever Dragon and many other weapons over the years guess what I could be playing Supremacy control clash and get killed by the exact weapons over and over. The reason why you think trials is the causes because the people that play trials and elimination type modes have a goal in mind to use weapons that have the quickest time to kill or they gravitate to weapons that do not need to wait on Special ammo because the matches are so short and spawning with the ammo or creating ammo like a deal-breaker is why that is primary and only weapons being used. But Bungie would never have changed done weapon issues based on Trials because he just had two small above player population. Honestly it's all the people who play PVP seem to be the ones who complain the most and right in forums the most in fact people who play trials complain less. it it's a result of tuning other classes. For instance ice breaker and sidearms are now the the only Special ammo people use because of of the Nerf to . If you don't like trial just don't play it it's only it on the weekends it doesn't bother me one way or the other and it's got less players so the influence on weapon changes is at all because of Trials of Osiris in fact I actually believe that regular Crucible is the main reason because it has the largest player base. If trials weapon balancing is broken so is all of Crucible weapon balancing they go hand-in-hand.

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    • Edited by CountyCheese770: 5/5/2017 8:42:55 PM
      Why not remove it, it's the SAME people and the SAME streamers playing every weekend doing carries on the SAME character. Nothing changes except for a few people who decide to finally give it a try and then realize how tryhard and MLG it is then say F it. If Destiny would limit accounts, mac addresses, ip addresses, something, to limit people to running one flawless per week per character then maybe casual people would give it a go and probably have a good time and enjoy 6-7 wins and possibly go flawless. But until that time, it's the same people on the same hunter running multiple accounts through trials. Edit: remember Destiny 2 is already made minus a few tweaks it's complete. The "tell us what you'd like to see change" probably isn't going to happen since Bungie has already written all the code for it and is now only working on bugs. So just take it with a grain of salt that Bungie will actually "alter" trials before the release of Destiny 2.

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      3 Replies
      • Only if all raids will be removed as well!

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        5 Replies
        • Doe's nobody just play for fun anymore or social get together with friends. I was under the impression that a game should be fun and a little frustrating but enjoyable all the same. Majority of posts I read are negative for one reason or another. I don't play pvp that much, but when I do I love it I'm absolutely appalling like my guns don't work appalling, so I run around greanading and punching people in the face, so much fun. I usually play with friends who are always top of the leader board and really good pvp players, but friends or not all I hear is moaning about some grenade or gun etc etc etc. While I'm having fun..... It's a game and the last time I had a reality check games were supposed to be fun not aggro and stress. The game will be what it will be if you choose not to enjoy it and let it become serious and not fun anymore then maybe you should try a different game. To ban certain play modes seems unfair, and the reality is that destiny is a money machine that pays people's wages, you always have the choice to opt in or out, and play it however you see fit. If you get grenades or punched in the face by a black an pink warlock that was probably me and I was laughing and having fun when I did it, and when you get me with a payback, it's no big deal 🤣🤣🤣

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          8 Replies
          • Not just osirus its pvp and story mode. Their little glitch fest to keep us wolves at bay are destroying player base and running folks off in general. They THINK they have it figured out, but are doing nothing more than losing customers at a rate they cant afford. Some came back only to quit again. As we all go in search for the SAME weapons a 3rd time in one game, you gotta ask yourself, "How can a guy in the top 5% of players pvp, be there with a K/D of 1.3?" answer is its not about skill its about how much time you play, the top gets there by buying into stupid. Other than skirts and maps, its just another run gun fest and probly half the crap maps are in different in color and skin, they are likely cod crap revisited, it is all Activision mind you. I have all the COD i can stand. I want that 10 -15 yr story game I was promised when they took my money with a offer, i want it without the burden of tolerating lazy destiny, now you who paid for the game get to pay dearly, your gonna start fights and run us off. I got 1 word for them. IDIOTS!!!!!!!

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            • Another raider complaining -_-

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            • Completely disagree trials has absolutely no influence in pve, separate both pve and pvp nerfs/buffs and figure out where we should go from there. I infact find this post ridiculous people cry for nerfs from trials and it affects the entire game and what does that? Crucible affects the entire buff/nerf scenario so no don't remove trials because some kid can't adapt to ever changing metas.

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            • Making an end game rumble gamemode would solve this.

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            • Weapon nerfs have nothing to do with trials. People will cry no matter what game mode they lose in. #LeaveTrialsAlone

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            • Edited by WormChi: 5/6/2017 6:58:10 PM
              I think it was better when the matchmaking didn't match you against the same card. Sure you might get a super tryhard team on game 1 but you wouldn't always get it on game 9. I think the random factor made it more apealling for casual players since you could get lucky and play against a bunch of plebs. Now you know to get lighthouse you will have to play some pretty tough teams at some point. This makes the casual players stop play at all which just makes every thing super sweaty and not fun for anyone .

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            • Think I have a simple fix for trails, just to make this clear I play sometimes, and still have fun, even though never been flawless. Just make the light house earned from attempts, make adept gear and ornaments only from flawless cards. You know like challenge mode in the raids. Gear and lighthouse for playing and extras for flawless. Elimination is intense and I enjoy that, idk maybe make it go to lighthouse after 5 card completions or go after 30 cumulative wins, flawless card gets you go without the other stuff

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            • Just keep PvP separate from PvE and I'll be happy.

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              2 Replies
              • I agree with OP, some gurdians may never make it to the lighthouse amd paying for it is redonkulous

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                • I blame sbmm for the nerfs way more than trials

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                  3 Replies
                  • One thing that can be done to easily change the playlist is give it a ranking structure with different rewards for each tier. Or once your account(not your toon) gets to the lighthouse once during the event, you're put into a different roster and only get matched with players who've also already been there. Obviously each successful return to the lighthouse could yield more rewards. Something of this nature would help the Trials community and also bring in players that may shy away from the mode because of the sweats that make up a good portion of its player base. I understand that it's meant to be a mode that is meant for the more skilled players and is more competitive than IB but, this is also the reason the game mode gets the hate that it does and is becoming too toxic.

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                    4 Replies
                    • [quote]As everyone is well aware trials has been a major influence in nerfs and buffs. I think the majority of the playerbase doesn't like trials or play it anymore. It was fun when it first came out and the games you get matched with are random people. Now it's complete trash and brings out the worst in people. I think we can all agree that trials has had a negative impact on the game. So I say for destiny 2 we remove it and replace it with some other competitive pvp. Edit - wow so many replies and likes. Thanks Im not saying remove competitive pvp, I love watching sweats and high intensity games on YouTube and twitch, what I'm saying is elimination as a game mode brings out the worst in people and what's fun in being shouted at by team mates for making the wrong play in a important situation in a game of trials. I would like to see a trials game mode of skirmish or zone control, something competitive but not elimination. The top pvp players obviously like trials but that's a small percentage of the player base and the nerfs that affect PVE because of trials are ruining the game. Look at special ammo for example Edit 2 cosmo replied. I'm done Edit 3 to all the people saying trials should stay. I agree, the concept of trials of osiris should stay and it's good to have a competitive game mode that makes people want to try their best. What Im saying is the state that trials is in has caused a lot of messed up stuff in pve. 1) skorri nerf - in a raid we now have to wait double the time to get our supers before a boss 2) special ammo is all messed up 3) constant nerfs of weapons The post was made with a view to change the way trials of osiris is like have either a skirmish, zone control, salvage or capture the flag sort of game where it's not just who can throw their sticky first and then jump the hell out of there. It's icebreaker/wormwood city at the moment. Trials was good in HOW and I went to the Lighthouse 3x a week most weeks but now it has definitely declined and seems like a lot of people are not enjoying it as it is right now.[/quote] Trials should be in D2 but with separate balancing from the rest of the game (and all other 3v3 modes)

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                    • I do think it's time for trials to evolve, let me preface this with some experience. Some Thursday's when the star align and I have Friday off, I get together with a bunch of guys, and we all LAN party Halo 2/3 CTF. The amount of fun that game mode is astonishing in 8v8 or 6v6. I say that Trials move from 3v3 elimination, to 6v6 CTF with maps designed and devoted to that game mode.

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                      • Edited by Warden-kaL: 5/6/2017 4:48:16 PM
                        Trials and the spirit of the mode at its core is amazing there is not much in the game that provides a real challenge to players and trials does just that. Now sandbox balancing catering universally has it making the decisions on the whole game which it shouldn't. Applying certain weapon restrictions or special rules for that mode could help alleviate that. Separating the pool of players by those that have been flawless and fresh runners would undoubtedly allow more players entry to the lighthouse. Overall the mode at its core needs to stay, removing it is also going to alienate all of the players still striving for that achievement and the accomplishment you feel for making it. However it is naïve to think the game mode in its current state is optimal by any means.

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                      • Oh poor baby with the skorri nerf. Everyone survived 2 years without skorri.

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                      • Probably all Trials need is to be considered the PvP Olympics of Destiny. Elimination is too formulaic, it's the most different kind of experience you can have from the rest of the crucible and pve (rounds stopping the action? Madness). I don't know what could be done to fix it. Change it to Skirmish and Salvage, or make it to be based on solo rumble, something that is not people using the same routines over and over again. Be done with the 9 consecutive wins requirement for the lighthouse, it brought ddos and paid carries, or just be done with trials and create ladders. Solo ladders and fireteams ladders.

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                      • [i]checks OP's Legend[/i] Oh, [i]that's[/i] why..

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                        7 Replies
                        • It certainly could be improved, but in no way should it be removed.

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                        • We don't even know if ToO will BE in Destiny 2

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                          4 Replies
                          • Edited by lokey975: 5/6/2017 6:05:19 PM
                            Nerffs and buffs should have no impact on PvE. Exotics primaries are pretty much worthless due to PvP something does need to happen. PvE use to be much better in so many ways. I want my exotics back.

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                          • Edited by Kage Verix: 5/6/2017 6:11:52 PM
                            [quote] @SargentStretch [spoiler] Completing a raid will reward all guardians participating in it for the first 3 completions. After that if you run it more you gain no rewards but you can help others finish the raid without preventing someone else from completing it. In Trials the exact opposite happens. Those who have already completed it 3x in one week can prevent other players from going to the Lighthouse by continuing to run it over and over. Why create end game content that allows that?[/spoiler][/quote] So playing off his comment. How about once you have completed going flawless and going to the lighthouse your first time during that week you get a "buff". Lets call it "[b]Mark of Osiris[/b]" This buff makes it so you can now only be matched against other teams with a player that went to the lighthouse. This buff is for your entire account. If you go to the lighthouse 3 times, and get your 3 rewards, your buff gets replaced. It is now called "[b]Champion of Osiris[/b]" [spoiler][b][u]BENEFITS OF THE BUFFS[/u][/b] [b][u]Mark of Osiris[/u][/b]: 10% increase to exp gains in Trials of Osiris. High chance of loot at the end of each round. [b][u]Champion of Osiris[/u][/b]: 25% increase to exp gains in Trials of Osiris. Guaranteed loot drop at the end of each round.[/spoiler]

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