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Edited by iBramrock: 5/4/2017 11:39:36 PM

I am Confusion by the term "Crutch"

Someone kindly explain how the use of a grenade, melee, super, gun or gear is a crutch? Like if everyone has access to them easily then how is it a crutch? For example, prenerf TLW, if you crush someone with it thats not using TLW (especially from close range where TLW dominated) then the guy who got crushed complains about a crutch, when they could just use TLW as well. Then people complain about sticky grenades being a crutch... but they're the ones who choose not to use them. What I am gathering is if you use anything and it nets you a kill or allows you to survive something then it's labelled a crutch? So until we're all walking around with no guns, no nades, no armour, no arms (to melee) then everyone will have a crutch? Edit 1: Just so everyone is aware, I'm not actually confused, it just doesn't make sense that people accuse others of having a crutch after being outplayed by them lol

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  • Crutch is a term that pretty much all FPS GAMES use and a way to say that " the user over-use that item/ gun. To the point where they use that item in almost every situation without considering any other options." I am against the word crutch... simple because if I find a gun or a combo that suits me best... I'm going use it For me I know my "crutch" is -High agility/speed - love speed, I don't know if it because I am an athlete who runs track, I just love the saying "you can't kill what you can't hit." -Mida- I use this baby since year one and I love how she feels. I love the speed it grants you -Sidearms- I been using sidearms every since HOW after getting my hand on Dynasty... I love how quick you can draw it out and can be used in short range due to Mida being a mid-long range weapon. -shotguns- I'm not going lie, I am a bunny hopping player who love to strafe .... I love shotgun ever since the video game "Gotham City imposter." I love how you can move fluently while being a force to be reckoned with. And last but not least Bones / hunters- I love the agility that is granted especially pair with speed abilities and Mida Notice how all the "crutch" for me is tied in with speed and agility.

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    • Anything can be a clutch Example, although sniper rifles suck ATM, a player can only succeed if he uses a sniper

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    • Personal definition: Skill/weapon that a person relies on so heavily that their game-play or performance would be greatly diminished if they did not have it. Also can be a weapon/skill that has such an unfair advantage that you are essentially forced to use it despite whether or not you like it.

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      • No, you see, when you're an elite player, you're not supposed to die. At all. Nothing should kill you. Not even grenades, or TLW. So, we're all just supposed to wander around aimlessly, kinda like clay pigeons, so that the elite players can just kill us even easier. We should have nothing that can kill them. Not stickies, not shotguns, not snipers. Etc. They're toxic. They've ruined a great game, or what had a lot of potential. All we can do is hope that the second game is none in the same, other than the title of the game. I hope it's a ground up revamp. It's needed. They also need to get a clue as to what "players" want, and not just streamers, sole pvp players, and trials tryhardians. I've never spent this amount of time on a game in my life. Others I've played though, make this one seem silly sometimes though. I understand that there will be tools (weapons, abilities) that are stand outs, but they shouldn't stand so far out, that other options seem almost ignorant to equip. Modern Warfare for example. A lot of people run the m16 with stopping power. It's consistent, and sucks to play against. However, I've beat that set-up many times, with weapons that will kill extremely quickly, or played to my weapons role better, instead of looking for the "best" of the best. In destiny, that isn't a thing. There's just performers, and then there's garbage. Like, 1v1, Palindrome vs Free Will, players of equal skill? The pali will win. The gunfight is almost one sided. Even trying to play around the fact that one has a lower impact, doesn't make up for the rate of fire difference. They messed this game up. Period.

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        • Sticky nade=smart play

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        • I would like a list of these so called "crutch" weapons. I would like to equip them immediately.

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        • Obviously it's so players that want to label themselves "skilled" can blame anything other than their opponent or their own shortcomings when they die.

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          • Using the meta is a crutch tho, bungie doesn't want us too use it's when they implement changes. You're suppose too use the weapons that got nerfed. Everyone knows this. And pvp isn't for everyone, just ToO players. [spoiler]satire[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by Swiftlock: 5/8/2017 9:00:38 PM
            In gaming terms, a crutch is something that makes up for a player's lack of skill. Pre-nerf hammers were a crutch because the damage resistance allowed bad players to run into the middle of a firefight and rack up big killstreaks for little effort. The Last Word was a crutch when it was legitimately broken and got a damage boost for aiming down the sights. It offered an unfair advantage that other weapons often couldn't keep up with, and it gave players an artificial edge over enemies with less effective short range weapons. [b]Those[/b] are crutches. If a weapon or ability doesn't reduce the need for the player to perform well, then it's not a crutch. Glad I could help with your confused state.

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          • Easy..... balanced- anything I use crutch- anything that kills me

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          • "Crutch" original meant the singular method of one's ability to succeed. In Halo, there were a few wannabe MLG guys that seriously leaned hard on a sniper, and focused on those no scopes with a passion. Unfortunately in a game like Halo, snipers spawn on the map with a limited number of rounds, so if that is your crutch, it is going to be a rough game. Now, in Destiny the term refers to whatever the person essentially spams on the map to succeed. For example, if a titan has the bewbie exotic chest with fusion grenades and simmering flame, and wouldn't you know it he is not touching his super and getting sticks left and right, then guess what? By Destiny's standards, stickies are his "crutch". Hell, I use flux grenades because they are effective. Unfortunately no armor piece or ability allows me to spam them as much as titans though, so I have to focus on other areas in order to drop fellow guardians. Not complaining either way because, to be honest, I don't really care either way.

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          • "Crutch"=== anything the that person complaining is tired of LOSING to. Its a "crutch" because he finds it frustrating to play against, and he either CAN"T adapt to it....or resents HAVING TO ADAPT to it. So he tries to shame people into not using it. I find it funny that----in PVE---you're an IDIOT if you DON"T use the game's best weapons. But using the game's best weapons gets you called every-name-but-the-one-your-mother-gave-you in PVP.

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          • its people complaining about using items the game gives you , then they call you out as ur a noob for using it .

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          • Edited by Smough: 5/5/2017 12:43:06 PM
            Well in the same way that somebody with a broken leg needs a crutch to help him walk. A casual needs the most powerful item available to help him get kills. So that item is labeled a crutch for casuals. Simple, really.

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            43 Replies
            • It's just something folks say when they die to a common item. The folks that say they don't care about utilizing the meta then complain they are bing killed by the meta because the meta is a crutch. It sounds a little childish. I have a baseball bat. You have the exact same opportunity to use that bat. You decide to use a skinny tree limb and either hit a dribbler to the in field or strike out. I use the bat and knock a homerun. Stick user: "aw man. That bat is a crutch! Git gud" Bat user: " I'm sorry! I couldn't hear you as I was making the way around for my homerun"

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            • It is funny how many people don't actually seem to know what a crutch is. A crutch is this thing that you stick under your arm and use to help you walk around.It is not uncommon for a person to use two, and it is usually only used by people with leg injuries. In a video game the idea is the same. It doesn't mean an overpowered item, or ability. It is just something you lean heavily on in order to try and get by like everyone else. This becomes a problem, if you never learn to live without it. Metaphorically shifting back to the real crutches...Imagine a person who's leg is healed an simply refuses to walk on it. TLDR; Learn what words actually mean, and learn to walk again.

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              • It's a term to pat yourself on your back by try hards living in their moms basement at age 40

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              • Hi Confusion! I'm dad! [spoiler]Before the hate, it's a joke[/spoiler]

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                • Edited by : ^ ): 5/5/2017 7:58:02 PM
                  Yeah, I was following you until you mentioned TLW wasn't a crutch pre-nerf. There's a reason no one uses it anymore. It wasn't because people truly "enjoyed the gun for what it was." It was because it had the fastest time to kill over any weapon that wasn't an instant kill. (*If we're talking House of Wolves era TLW )

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                  • I'd say a crutch in PvP is something that doesn't have a good counter to it, other than itself.

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                    • Edited by JediCardTricks: 5/5/2017 6:54:30 PM
                      a crutch is anything anybody in Crucible, kills you with. It's simple, if it kills you, it's a crutch, thus it is OP. Kind of like how in life, death is OP. edit:grammar

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                    • In the simplest definition, a Crutch is something that is so overwhelming powerful or good that it actually takes zero skill to use

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                    • Some good definitions here. I agree with Supreme Butthurt, Kone19ps, and Riv3rMon5ters for the most part. For weapons I also like to think of it where the mechanics behind how the weapon works is what's really doing the work for you. Think of how flinch was in Y2. It actually re-centered back on your target so all you had to do was wait for that to happen and you had your accuracy again. When flinch was increased all the people that relied on that mechanic lost their minds while really skilled snipers were mostly unaffected. The poor flinch was a crutch. Think of the real word. It's something that helps you move when you have a leg injury. Without it you would be less effective.

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                      • A crutch is something that takes away the need to learn to play the game. Fusion grenades are a crutch because they don't require you to learn to aim your grenade or use it strategically, just throw it and you get a kill. Fireborn is a crutch because it removes the need to learn how to not die.

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                        2 Replies
                        • am confuse about glue bombs, need downgrade not?

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                          • It's a term used by elitists to demean players who kill them because they aren't as good at the game as they think.

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