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originally posted in: I really like (this week's) TWAB
Edited by CatMan: 2/24/2017 10:59:37 AM
Same, a lot of salt under you, but at least they (bng) are actually communicating in this one. Keep it up bng

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  • Only took what 2 and a half years? Not to be salty and I guess better late then never. Hopefully this trend keeps up in destiny 2

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  • I'm only talking about the one post. Not saying they will keep it up lol. They are so unpredictable.

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  • I know I just don't get why people are getting so excited I mean it's great that they are listening don't get me wrong, but there's been several times that they have heard us and outright ignored or lied, remember skill based matchmaking?

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  • lol yeah I do

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  • I'm so happy to finally see people start acting with some sense in this community. I won't lie, I've poured my fair share of salt, and it's one of the main reasons I left for awhile, this game was making me a toxic twat. Ever since I left I played other games whose communities aren't so toxic and took some deep looks at myself. Yeah bungie didn't make all the right choices, but who are we to judge them? A bunch of opinionated pricks on the internet. We have no right to belittle them when in most cases, we wouldn't fair much better. At least they're trying to make the game better instead of just giving up on it and telling us to throw money at destiny 2.

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  • Same

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  • I honestly hope destiny 2 is perfect, I love destiny and I think most people on these forums do as well, and it's because we are so passionate about it that it frustrates us when bungie does stupid crap, and they do that a lot, it's fair that people are mad that they broke other perks trying to nerf hungering blade, it's fair that despite them saying they were going to make surgical changes because they didn't want to nerf to hard... then proceed to nerf super hard. I mean destiny is 2 and a half years old and it's been a bumpy ride from the subpar launch to the disappointment of dark below, heck if taken king wasn't as good as it was I probably wouldn't be here, all my real life friends who used to love bungie dumped this game. Rise of iron was decent but it didn't have near enough content to keep us occupied, the raid is fast and easy so all that leaves is pvp and with how far apart the balance updates are it gets stale especially when you look at say overwatch who has constant balance updates, so I get why people are salty and are typically negative towards bungie because as much as I love the game they haven't done a whole lot to deserve our trust, nor should we be willing to overlook all the issues, I mean they broke several other perks trying to fix one.... that's messed up

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  • I've said it before and I'll say it again, as with humanity, I hate how we are, but I'm beyond in love with what we could become. I'm in love with what destiny could have been, with its potential, but part of its potential lay within us, and our thoughts and opinions and beliefs of what the game should be. I believe bungie listens to us, do they communicate it well? Not really. But our feedback on this first game is shaping the future of the next, as with all games before it. We can only hope that bungie has seen enough positive to outweigh the negative and that they create the product we dreamed of at vanilla launch. Or at least close to it.

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  • Most of destiny 1 issues are that the game engine is crap they've said as much before so hopefully that got ironed out, and they do listen to us.... they just ignore what we say most of the time which to be fair most of the time we are wrong but not always. Like we noticed when skill based matchmaking was introduced even though they denied it... and then admitted it was introduced by one guy, or the auto buff of .4% oops I mean .004%. You know I do give bungie a lot of crap a good portion is deserved but I would love if destiny 2 came out to reviews score of 10/10 and perfect reviews, I would love for destiny 2 to be so good It makes me not want to buy or play other games I want it to be so good that destiny become its own genre like darks souls did.... also Books please they lite is so cool I want more of it

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  • XD agreed, even if the rating is 8/10, as long as they nail what the diehard fans wanted in the beginning then they'll have earned my money.

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  • Both of you get from under my comment.[spoiler]lol jk[/spoiler]

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  • This is my rock!

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  • ...NOOOO!?!?

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  • XD the question marks!

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