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2/16/2017 1:32:14 AM

(Opinion) I feel that the community is currently overreacting

Note: Every reaction toward this patch is within reason and accepted. I am merely stating my opinion, right or wrong, on the current state of the game and community. It has only been a little over one day. I can understand where a lot of criticism from the community comes from. We as gamers (and as teens/adults in general) can be very negative toward change. We can especially be negative toward change when complications break various aspects of the game, like the current hungering blade break. Everyone has the right to provide criticism over an aspect of this hotfix that was [b]never[/b] meant to happen (yes, I am looking at you guardians wearing your Spinmetal hats in the corner). Regarding the rest of the patch, I feel that players have not fully embraced the current state of the game. It's understandable that players examined the changes on paper and immediately pointed out aspects they did not agree with, but players need to experience the change for themselves. As soon as this hotfix launched, a portion of the community [i]vehemently[/i] opposed and rejected the patch. Players have every right to like/dislike changes made to the current sandbox, but again, it has only been a day. Dogfooding (yes, that is a term to Google) a product or service is extensive. Bungie has done it, and they have allowed us to be a part of a continuous process to make the game better. In the case of Destiny, we have the opportunity to make our voices heard through qualitative data (i.e. forum posts, discussions, videos etc.) and quantitative data (i.e. playing the game and showing Bungie the numbers). There's a lot to discover with the current state of the game and new options to play with So, have you liked/disliked what has been provided in the patch notes? Good, have you tested these changes? How much have you tested these changes? How are shotguns performing in PvP? Are they packing a better punch in PvE? Is your handcannon's steady aim granting you more kills? Does the new range application turn one of your normal 3-shot kills into a 4-shot kill? Does Truth's rockets still effectively kill their intended target (Hint: Even with an round/ammo loss, it still makes things explode)? Are the Truth changes negatively impacting its PvE experience (Hint: Another yes for many)? Etc. You've tested everything changed by the patch? Good! Now, [i]have you tested everything [b]untouched[/b] by the patch to examine weapons rising or falling in the current snadbox[/i]? What weapons are making a power creep? Is your old Hawksaw feeling more reliable than a Grasp of Malok, Clever Dragon or Waltz? How are your sidearms doing? Then, have you tested weapons that fall in between? Your scout rifle may not have been directly affected, but one of its perks happens to be High-Caliber Rounds, or it could potentially roll with it. Might as well see how it handles. A lot of my examples focus on gunplay because of the current break in changing hungering blade. I feel for you bladedancers...and subsequently every class/weapons with healing capabilities. My point is that players have not fully experienced what there is to offer. Yes, you can rack up tons of hours with this new patch and dislike the majority it has to offer. You can voice your experiences/opinions, but it honestly cannot be done in a day. Ultimately, players provide Bungie with an "on the surface" look of the game by voicing their opinions, and they provide Bungie with what's going on within the game with raw data. Change may take time, but it has to be seen to be implemented. Moreover, if players are quick to condemn every single aspect of a new patch without fully examining it, then they'll potentially miss out on something that they might have enjoyed, approved, or thought was good but needed tweaking. That's my two-cents. /wall

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