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Edited by Azure: 12/21/2016 5:03:01 PM

Difficult to practice at Trials (Optional Matchmaking)

There's no matchmaking for Trials, so you have to find teammates on your own. If there's nobody on your friends list who actively plays Destiny, you need to find randomers on the internet. Nearly everybody on the internet is a carrier, someone looking to be carried, or a sweat who insists on only playing with other sweats. If you're not good enough to roll with the sweats or carry someone else, your only choice is to seek a carry, and since the carrier does pretty much all of the work, you get basically no experience and your skill remains more or less unchanged. Of course, the option is always there to play Elimination during the week, but the immense pressure that comes with Trials simply isn't present. Although the game mode is more or less the same, the feel is way different. It is more difficult than it should be for people to improve at a game mode like Trials. I just think that at the very least, optional matchmaking should be there for players who find it difficult to get teammates. This way, players who want to improve can do so without the pressure of having to roll with sweats or the shame of having someone carry them. ...oh and FYI, I don't have anything against people that get carried, its difficult to compete with people that essentially live inside of the game. This is more for people who want to improve for the sake of self-satisfaction. === As a bonus suggestion, I think we should allow people to exchange a pass for a blank one from orbit (i.e. without having to erase it and then go back to the Reef to get a new one) as it would help to save time between attempts.

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