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12/20/2016 3:27:11 AM

Fix My Favorite Game

First time here on the feedback forums. Just got back from work to log on and play some more of the new free Dawning update. Not sure if this is the right forum to gripe to but whatever helps me blow off steam. I'm a hardcore gamer. I play a lot on my free time and I have ever since I was 7. Im 22 years old now and I have a lot to be thankful for. One of those things is Destiny. Ever since the weekend long Alpha on PS4 following E3 2014, I've become entranced by the butter smooth shooting mechanics and solid graphics when it came to Destiny. I loved it and still love it. Year One brought a host of problems and it was apparent the game needed some fixing. I did my best to remain loyal and wait out the good fight. Most left and soon the game did a virtual 180 and introduced 2.0 and The Taken King. That DLC rocked my socks. It peanut buttered my jelly. It was the yin to my yang (?). So when I heard Rise Of Iron was coming out, I didn't *hesitate* to pick it up. 30 dollars was whisked away from the confines of my wallet and I was left with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Couldn't wait. Now it's worth noting that before we continue, we should talk about micro transactions. Upon the launch of Eververse I was in full support. It was all cosmetics and I was totally cool with that. Why shouldn't Bungie make some extra cash off some harmless emotes? (I think you know where this is headed). So Rise Of Iron. Came out. Played the disappointingly short main story. Got a couple of new exotics, played the Raid and then...nothing. What happened? Why did TTK take up months of my time and this measly expansion with a 10 dollar discount only last me a couple of weeks? The Dawning? You done f*cked up, Bungie. Everything wrong with Year 3 wrapped up in a single, free update. Let's revisit microtransactions. What started as harmless fun turned into an obvious cash grab and shameless advertising. "Hey!", the new Destiny ad screams "Check out these aaaawesome new masks and armor sets that you can get in a new FREE expansion!" only to spit on your face when you find out theyre exclusive to these dumb treasure boxes. Sterling Treasures, Radiant Treasures, Treasures Of The Dawning, Treasures Of My A**hole! *WHY* would you put the coolest rewards in the game and stick em in a pay box, Bungie?! Call me a sweaty nerd with nothing better to do but I remember in TTK when all the cool weapons could be *earned*. "But Andrew, the new exotics in ROI are all quest based and are guaranteed." ENTER YEAR THREE ICEBREAKER MORE LIKE THE DREAMBREAKER OR THE BALLBREAKER OR THE F***YOUBREAKER!! Why on Earth would you do this?! Take a weapon adored by long time fans and put it behind an RNG system? Here's your answer folks... ...profit. Now im not saying Buhngee cant make profit. Thats kind of how they keep the servers up. And its all free so what the heck, right? But have you now shame, Bungalo? Have you no shame? Trap a revived fan favorite behind a weekly RNG reset just so people will keep coming back. And here's the thing: microtransactions and RNG resets are one in the same. You make the chances low. They dont get it. You have to wait 168 hours to try at it again. "Hey while youre at it soldier, check out these bombin new treasures that you can totally buy and junk!" ... I think I exhausted my mind. The games fun and maybe Im just being too cynical and unappreciative. I just hate those dang treasures. And the method for getting Heartbreaker is a** backwards. - A Loyal Fan
#feedback #angry

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