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Edited by TheShadow: 12/4/2016 12:39:11 PM

So Bungie, it's another new DLC that doesn't have any content that expands this game or has improved it...

Is Tess that is the only vendor out of this entire game that has a rotational stock knowing this game is going on 3 yours with timed events your best effort on adding content to this game? Is this your plan on filling in that void for another entire year? [b]Fair warning it's a long read. Bungie straight-up lied to everyone and used the BS line "we wanted weapons to feel the same across the entire board" and later gave us the line about creating a "variety"[/b] I can't even believe they capped the entire y1 because of a couple weapons they consider that was "game-breaking" and now are using them as a marketing tool. Funny how everything and even y1 works as intended in PvP only. But it didn't stop at capping y1. PvP is the main issue in this game that Bungie has focused everything on and knowing the gamers that cry nerf in this game it made things even worse. All Bungie did was reverse the inevitable. It doesn't matter if it is [b] exotics or legendaries...[/b] Gamers are always going to go to the next go-to. In PvE it is the same way no matter what BS excuse they try to use to justify their [b](Deliberate Poor Actions)[/b] and a lot of that is to stretch out what little content they will offer. Ttk is a prime example of Luke smiths failure to work around the environment that Bungie has created and shouldn't have ever been made lead. Bungie needed to stretch out Ttk for an entire year. What did Bungie do to make this happen especially knowing they weren't planning on adding any content..[b]accept cash grab events. It's funny how Tess is the only vendor out of this entire game that has a rotational stock.[/b] Yeah, I can see how Bungie is learning from their "mistakes" especially with the slot machine knowing there is no way to acquire silver just by playing the game. Got to love the RNG that has worse odds then Vegas. But wait! Bungie did add something else. A reskind POE that a lot of gamers asked to come back. Well, let's get real here Bungie. POE was the least requested activity that gamers wanted back what you deliberately took away causing more than half of this game to become irrelevant. The request from gamers was mostly about raids coming back. Now common sense tells a company that when their fanbase is bored to s*** because the lack of content that you [b]( Don't just reskin the same area's and call it new content. )[/b] gamers wanted it to expand and see new area's as well. Well guess what Bungie? You have a huge problem with this obsession on lets reskin everything in this game. That is the problem gamers are having because when you reskin content that is already there. It leaves this game no futher then it was. [b]When Ttk dropped Bungie (Deliberately...) Remove primary Elemental. Removed y1 perks. Nerfed loot drop rates in this entire game. Nerfed ammo in this entire game on all weapons. Ammo Reserves etc... Nerfed reload time on a lot of weapons making rocket launcher garbage. Nerfed the entire y1 and capped it at 170 prior to Ttk Nerfed revive time. Nerfed anything and everything they could get away with. And the added bonus to that was created 3OC that turned exotics into a material for progression. Making them have less of a value in this game.[/b] Created weapons that had less of an effect on their mechanics throughout this entire game. -blam!- guys! These gamers are too -blam!-ing good at killing our statues. We need to stop this shit now! Were not going to add content that expands this game so how can we stretch it for an entire year? Hey Luke! I know what else we can do. What's that? Add a bunch of freaking stupid ass s*** to the loot table in Nightfall. That will keep them grinding more for months. Any other idea's? Yeah, we can create a material for KF on a chance on maybe getting lucky getting a reward. But lets increase the chance on getting nothing at all or just getting that same material back. Yeah yeah! Hahahaha. Anything else because we need a hell of a lot more then that.... Ooh ooh! We can have weapons and gear drop way below the Guardians light level. They will be grinding for months just trying to reach max. Not that it matters because it's only bragging rights. What do you mean? Well Luke, no one has or ever will need max to complete anything in this entire game. Oh yeah, hahaha. Mean while 7 months later after Ttk was released a lot of you Guardians were complaining for that 7 months about all of that that and a hell of a lot more.[b] ( Bungie Deliberately did everything they did to stretch out Ttk. )[/b] and here comes Bungie to save the day and gave you a hand me out update to reach LL 320 in no time at all. Funny thing about that most of you acted as if Bungie was "improving" this game. When all they were actually doing was stretching out content because they weren't going to offer you nothing but the [b]( cash grab events )[/b] well, the cash grab events weren't enough for ya. So you went on complaning that there isn't enough content as you guys are doing now with the added bonus of asking Bungie again to increase loot drop rates. [b]Key anyone?[/b] Bungie has been in business for over 25 years and this game is going on a decade that it has been worked on and Tess with cash grab events has become more of a priority then actually improving or expanding this game. Bungie has only made this game easier or made things easier to acquire. Then you have the regrinding reskind or resold rewards in each "expansion" leaving this reward system to have never changed in almost 3 years. Running backwards through content you been playing on for almost 3 years. The list goes on...You know what's messed up about all this besides me being salty? [b]Bungie has had a decade to look for help through other companies that has experience in the areas that they don't. I recall them attempting to take a bit of advice at one point over a year ago. What happened? Bungie literally ignored it all and your game today as a Guardian is the results of it.[/b] [b]THIS IS WHAT BUNGIE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING INSTEAD OF MAKING TESS AND PVP A PRIORITY OVER THIS ENTIRE GAME.[/b] Bungie actually needs to start to expand this game. There #1 priority should be investing in servers... -Open up the borders on the planets giving gamers that sense of exploration that they promised. "If you can see it you can go there" -Create new planets with new species. This reskind enemies is beyond ridiculous. -Making vendors as their intended purpose. The speaker should have quest telling more of the story in this game. Wonder who's bright idea was to make him a material holder. -Making vendors relavent. Meaning having a rotational stoke. Tess shouldn't be the only vendors out of this entire game that has a rotational stock. -Light level needs to have a purpose when reaching max. Bragging rights isn't cutting it anymore that's leaving gamers nothing to do in this game but play PvP because the lack of content that could expand this game. -Rewording gamers. There needs to be a hell of a lot better rewards in this game. Running nightfall has become a waste of time on the added unnecessary Loot that has been added to the loot table. - factions need more of a purpose other then trying to level up for a RNG chance on getting a loading screen. This also applies to all vendors in this game that should have a variety of items to sell. Especially the gunsmith that isn't even what he is intended for. -Stop making tess with timed cash grabs events a priority over making an actual game. -Getting back to investing in servers. It's amazing what a company can accomplish when they actually do. It would put this vault space BS that has been going on for almost 3 years to rest. It would allow more then 3 on a fire team. It would allow more gamers to spon on the social spaces. As if this game needed another one other then the tower and Reef lol. It would allow 8v8 or more in PvP. It would allow more content to be added that can actually expand this game....[b] The possibilities are endless so in the long run if Bungie doesn't. You will be stuck with another rinse and repeat 3 years later.[/b]

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