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11/14/2016 3:55:19 PM

Crossing the Rubicon Ch. 3: Underestimated

Victor respawned in a cave tunnel on the other side of the base. Nathaniel had repaired his shattered humerus. The titan shifted his arm as he held his shoulder. "I know you were taking it easy on them, but, they do have potential. They could prove useful in Freehold." "It's still early. I can still scare them off..." Victor readjusted his gauntlets and grabbed his auto rifle from off his back. "You really shouldn't underestimate these two, Vic. They just might be what we need..." Nathaniel studied the files on them. [i]"Laurel Heron: A team oriented warlock. Not one for hurting, but for healing. She has a caring and soothing personality that seem to calm those in pain. Matson Murdock: A hunter not one to back down from a fight. Easily provoked, but stands his ground."[/i] he thought to himself as he read the reports. "Maybe their skills can be used somewhere else. I'm still disgusted Zavala wants them in Freehold." "You can't change that. You can only train them for the worst." "We'll see about that." Matson tried to sneak up on Victor again. He jumped around the corner with a shotgun ready! Victor forced the barrel up as Matson fired a shell. Victor, while still holding the shotgun, punched the hunter in the gut. Matson hunched over, but Victor picked him up over his head. "Need to try something a little more creative than a shotgun!..." The titan slammed the hunter down on his knee, breaking his spine and killing him. "D***. That was brutal," Matson's ghost, Panoptes, looked down at his dead Guardian's body. "Yeah, I'll go revive him..." he said with a monotone voice. Victor continued to hunt down the rest of the Guardians. A titan charged at him. Victor glanced at his radar-- someone was coming up behind him. Victor stood his ground, taunting the titan to shoulder charge him. The titan, building up more momentum, grew ever closer. "This is for earlier, a**hole!" Yelled the hunter as he raised his knife into the air. Just as the titan swung, Victor jumped to the side. "Ah, f***!" The white and gold hunter was sent flying into the back wall from the titan's arc attack. "Quite impressive," Victor said. The titan pulled out her shotgun, but Victor raised an arc shield that vaporized the bullets before they hit him. All of the sudden, a bullet passed through the titan's helmet, causing a painting of red to splash onto the wall behind her. Her Ghost appeared and stared in awe, then looked down the long hallway to where the bullet came from. So did Victor. "I... I hit that!..." Laurel yelled excitedly. She hopped around, clapping her hands together. Victor looked over her shoulder, and pointed. Laurel froze, then turned around. Matson killed her with a single shot from his shotgun. Matson pulled a long and narrow sniper from off his back. The wooden, bolt action weapon was an iconic tool of Pre-Golden Age technology. The hunter lined up the shot, and fired, piercing through Victor's shoulder and into a warlock's head! Victor fell to the ground and crawled to cover. The warlock was dead, so the bullet couldn't have stuck in the titan's bleeding arm. Victor looked up to the arc mine that appeared in the room. It scanned the environment once. "S***..." Victor knew what came next. A bolt of arc energy coursed through him, killing him instantly. "How's that for creativity?" Victor respawned dead in front of the warlock. Quickly acting, he snapped the Guardians neck. "I'm telling you, Vic, these Guardians are good. Are you still sure it's just beginner's luck?" Nathaniel said as he wrote something down on a little notepad. "I won't deny the fact that these two are more skilled than the usual, but it doesn't change the fact that I will not take them to Mars!" "The Commander wouldn't have assigned them to you if he didn't see anything special about them. Maybe, if you actually helped them hone in their skills, they could actually watch your back... and vice versa." "It's not my life I'm worried about, Nate. You know that."

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