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Edited by BilboTBaggins: 10/24/2016 4:39:18 PM

it is absolutely intended that average players do not go to the Lighthouse. There is nothing to fix there.

Not my words, those of the Bungie lead pvp designer, Mantis: It's attitudes like that which make me throw money at the screen Edit: Another thread in #Destiny, started before mine about the same tweet, if people want to see others thoughts, and share their ideas their too:

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  • Anyone can play trials, yet not everyone can go flawless. If you bought the game you are entitled to play trials but not everyone is entitled to win.

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    • I just find it funny that elitists say to average people ''You just want an easy trip to the lighthouse'' and at the same time instantly downvote when someone suggests they implement skilled based matchmaking.

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      • finishing a ticket should bring you to the lighthouse. flawless only for emblem.

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          Okay. So. Lets consider this to be reality. Only the very best players are suppose to ever touch the holy Lighthouse. Abandon all pretense. Abandon hope for carries. Make this a game of absolute survival where you depend on your self and nothing else. Put your money where your mouth is. No more elimination. Everyone. Everyone. Gets exactly one shot. No buying new tickets when you lose. You screw up. You're out. Period. Until next week. Each game is 12 players. No fire teams. No respawn. Rumble. Everyone, is a target. Everyone, is a threat. You go down. You stay down. 3 rounds. The top 3 continue to the next round, everyone else is out, ties are broken in a final match between the tying players. Game two on the ticket is made up of only survivors from game 1. Same rules. Game 3 on ticket is made up of only survivors of game 2. All the way to the top, untill you are only competing against players who have survived all 9 other rounds. You survive this last round as one of the top 3, only then, after you have survived through the best of the best, do you make it to the Lighthouse. If you manage to be top rank in all games, you don't just get something rare or exotic or "adept" you get something held only for the best of the best of the best, because your odds of coming out top rank reduce significantly after each successive game. There. That is your sweaty elitist trials of osiris where only the best need apply. If that kind of sweat house isn't the skill exclusionary madness you're looking for. I don't want to hear someone say that "Trials is only for the best". Because if what I described sound scary because you have no one to fall back on and help you survive, then you aren't the best. It doesn't scare me..... But then again. I don't measure my worth as a human being on rather or not I visited a fictional area in a video game. It would open up the trials system so that every player has a right to participate instead of excluding solo players. And as this guy mentions, it would absolutely ensure that average players do not make it to the lighthouse. And if that's his philosophy then they can have at it. But the system they've set up here creates an economy of nothing but paid carries. If this is suppose to be so skill exclusionary, then why are they allowing people to build a business around it? Most companies actively try to obstruct that yet Bungie appears to be deliberately encouraging it.

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          • Right cause 3/4 of your fan base that keep you from being poor shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the full game...that comment is disgusting and very unprofessional. Even if that is a true statement he shouldn't say it. If I was bungie I'd have fired him if possible. I know freedom of speech but some companies don't allow you to talk like that on social media because they know their consumers will not buy. Just my opinion though lol

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            • The problem with trials is not the skill factor its the loyalty factor if you screw up once in a trials match bye bye your getting kicked its just like raids no one gives anyone a chance i should know I've encountered these people before of no one should get just freeload on trials but look the point im trying to get out is Everyone screws up we're human beings we've all done it no one is perfect at everything hell i congratulate the people who have gone flawless good job but ask yourself this how many people's trust did you break to go flawless? 10 20 100 ? The list goes on and on enjoy trials my friends you might just get kicked if you screw up and don't PAY ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN

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              • Lol i love this tweet

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              • Since no one I can trust nowadays plays destiny I look forward to them making trials MM. Otherwise I would struggle to find a team on LFG who would take me and knowing my luck if I did find one they would be lag switchers and I'd get banned lol

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                I don't see what the problem is lol. You don't even NEED trials flawless for anything other than ornaments and shinier guns. Nothing crucial in that chest tbh

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                • Yes pvp snowflakes lol we are just that smart not to get into bs matches. But if they know this why make it in the book? PvP team!

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                • Edited by The Boss Harmony: 10/24/2016 1:57:59 PM
                  I would have no problem with that statement if Bungie 1. provided good servers 2. provided CBMM 3. would actually do something about cheaters You can't lock content behind a "skill wall" if getting there has less to do with skill and more with having the luck of getting a match where everyone has good connection... Or at least having the lagger on your team.

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                  • I don't have any issues with that.

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                  • If you ain't good enough to get to the lighthouse then why should people go there? It's a challenge to get there so it should push u to become better in PVP. Find a team work together and communication is key. I'm just the average player. But can work well in a team.

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                  • Trials should be rumble elimination, straight up.

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                  • I've been flawless once, it was back in the HoW era. Even though I can't get past 4 wins now, I'm glad that the Lighthouse is only accessible by the flawless.

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                  • I enjoy the game mode but this is my thing, some of these guys are too good to the point that while I'm practicing to get better the good players are not only getting better but they are also gaining more situational awareness. The best analogy I can come up with is a lot of people play basketball they practice it and they may play well but no amount of practice will help them overcome a team of nba athletes they are just better. At the moment I think it should be tiered that way there could be like an A group flawless down to C Flawless maybe that way as you get better you can move up in tier. But as of now only fix it needs is the lag issue in some games other than that trials is fine. Also they should do something about this paid carrying thing because it just doesn't seem fair that the casual player has to face these guys who pretty much play the mode as a job.

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                    Best served chilled.💕🥛💕🥛 - old

                    I made a post on a post like this advocating for a perfected SBMM system that minimized lag, or a ranking system that placed players in tiers in a similar way that CoD does. While I stand by that I do acknowledge that there are people that are just better than me and that those people go to lighthouse. That being said Here's what I'd like to see in D2. A kill cam feature: if I get annihilated by a sniper or bum rushed by a shotgunner I would like the option to see things from his point of view, see how he moves, what he does. An in game theater mode: In a similar vein I would love to see a theater mode so I can see how these teams place themselves on the map and how they navigate. Maybe go in after a series of loses and dig into what I'm doing wrong. I'm a visual learner, getting god bodied from nowhere doesn't teach me anything, being able to see how and where they are when they did it would for me. Side note: any average bums wanna put a team together. We can only suck for so long.

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                  • honestly... i don't even care about the lighthouse loot, or being there or going flawless, but there is a grimoire card there that i CANNOT get without a carry simply because i can't do trials, i can do 6v6 i can do 3v3 to an extent and i can do rumble. but whenever i trials i get absolutely destroyed. gimme a way to even go to the lighthouse and i'll do it that way but i have none, i just want the grimoire, and the last 3 carries i tried all came short, the closest i came was being kicked at the flawless run and being booted by some error code... the others didn't even get to 7 before some dudes completely wrecked us. i know i won't get there alone and i don't care, i just care about that stupid little card locked in some part that unless i make sure i have a lot of time to play elimination with 1 pair of people (which i somehow can't get together) i will never get. i have tried a -blam!--ton of times to get carried so many even that i've been to 8-0 myself and then proceed to get wrecked 2 times in a row. yes i'm salty i know i want that FU.CKING grimoire card. *fluffs to bed*

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                  • This man speaks the truth

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                  • Bernie Sanders would have taken us All there. Oh well. That's politics for you.

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                    6 Replies
                    • People get offended by anything what's wrong with everyone

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                    • Well its true... Tf

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                    • This guy is a grade A ---hole.

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                    • I wonder how many Bungie employees have made it to the lighthouse legitimately, it seems to me that they don't really play their own game very often. I'm not saying the current trials flawless system needs to be fixed, but there's plenty of things like the matchmaking, red bar gods, cheaters, etc. that could be "fixed" or at least worked on.

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                    • I think that this is the truth and it is totally ok that it is like that. The Hardcore PvE players get the Hardmode and the Challengemode of the Raid, plus the hardest exotic Quest ( if you dont use any Tools or tips from reddit or YouTube). The casual playerbase have their Strike Playlists, the Nightfall, normal Raid, Iron Banner, the upcoming festival of the lost etc. . ToO is for the Hardcore PvP players. Of course everybody can participate but dont complain if its no fun for you. Everybody who arguments with “ But I paid for it!“. You paid for the experience that Destiny offers. Stop to yell and cry at Bungie just because there are players that beat you in PvP. Option 1: Start to work on your skills in PvP and get slowly better. Option 2: Just stay away from the crucible when you emotionally cant handle to play better players. Btw I hope my english doesnt suck too much and my sentences make sense. Have a nice day Guardians.

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                      • Edited by s13mark: 10/24/2016 1:41:39 PM
                        I am a daily destiny play since launch, I started playing pvp around a year in to destiny and love the 6 v 6 game modes in any flavour..... Mayhem clash this week was awesome. I'm a great team mate to have in banner and give as good as I get..... However 3 v 3 I am dog sh1t, I understand why I don't go 9-0 and I know what to do to get there, play more elimination game mode and become comfortable in that game mode.... I respect trials and flawless I'm not worthy of it just yet and I like that fact. Because it proves destiny has a space for every one and teaches improvement gives you rewards

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