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4/24/2010 12:20:18 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 04.23.10

It's super fun! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=BWU_042310] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Glove Good read! My mind melted from all the information!! One question - For those of us who pre-ordered the Legendary Edition and are getting the sweet Spartan armor effect, will we be able to toggle the flames on/off or will they always be on?[/quote] Always on... plus you will flash neon colors constantly and emit a sound like a tornado alarm. Seriously though, no clue, but I'd imagine you'd be able to turn 'em off since Bungie employees can currently play without the flames in Halo 3. [Edited on 04.23.2010 5:12 PM PDT]

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  • Hey Urk, if I changed my GT from jakwak96 to Spartan052Jorge, and the Halo 2 games/stats didn't transfer(check my service record) am I out of the running for all the beta frebies? [Edited on 04.23.2010 5:11 PM PDT]

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  • I have a pretty significant question: Will our rank, credits, and all the rest of our stats we acquire in the Halo Reach beta carry over to the full game when it comes out?

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  • Good read! My mind melted from all the information!! One question - For those of us who pre-ordered the Legendary Edition and are getting the sweet Spartan armor effect, will we be able to toggle the flames on/off or will they always be on?

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  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who plays Inverted. Urk, you just became my favorite ginger.

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  • Oi- not too fond of those controller schemes. Can you guys there, I don't know, make one where RB is reload, LB is change grenades, b is melee and x is AA? The only thing I LIKED about Halo 3 was the controls, and this scheme would be greatly appreciated by moi. Or hell, just make a classic recon, and change the X's and LB's up. That would please Gaga. [Edited on 04.23.2010 5:04 PM PDT]

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  • Sage's beard. *Head asplodes*

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  • Nice update as always! Got to play some Halo 2 with the massive mob on the last day (not as much as I would have liked since the wife had to go to the hosptial(she's okay now(triple parentheticals FTW!))) but I got to finish Halo 2 with a lifetime kill count of 7777, so that's pretty sweet looking on the stats page. Will the Halo 2 stats page be sticking around since the game is now offline? I'm guessing it probably wastes precious bandwidth or something, but it's cool to have the basic records still there. Can't wait for the beta!

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  • [quote]Posted by Urk: Come in with an odd one out all Yoko-style, and well, I'll let you do the math. Sorry, we can't pull any King Solomon type action. Whole players only.[/quote] I love you Urk.

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  • I was kinda hoping there would be a control scheme similar to Halo 2. None of those control schemes have X to reload/pickup AND B to melee. Oh well though everything else was really good in this update.

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  • Very nice and cool Weekly Update also very nice Screenshots. [quote]I like how the oddball is going to be flaming that is a very nice and cool idea to see in Halo Reach. Question: Will Bungie Employees have a special Emblem next to there gamertag while playing the Halo Reach Beta and Halo Reach?[/quote]

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  • The beta it's super awesome!...very awesome indeed I can't wait ten more days make it TOMORROW!!!

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  • so if we change our gamertag on our account we won't be getting the Halo 2 stuff

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  • Great update, I can't wait to see more info about the Beta, also can't wait for the Beta D: That super awesomeeee [Edited on 04.23.2010 4:58 PM PDT]

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  • Urk! Please answer plz. Any word on the Lack of "Making-of/Benhind the Scenes DVD"?. There is many people who is very disappointed. [url=]Disappointed with the Lack of Making-of / Behind the Scenes DVD?[/url] Thanks in Advance ;)

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  • Thank you, I was beginning to get a little nervous about bumper jumper not making it in this game. THANK YOU TIMES 1,000,000. I also like the fact that nothing was changed. YOU made my day, Urk!

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  • Awesome update. Did anyone get the BTTF reference? "Hey, you. Get your damn hands off her!" LOL :)

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  • We are still online. Yous stopped the tracking. lol at 10:30 est we will have another streamer up because we lost our last 2 today before then. [url][/url] there are 21 of us on still. Edit: Z0mbie stench and I are tempted to hook up webcams to stream our games atleast til booker gets on [Edited on 04.23.2010 4:56 PM PDT]

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  • Loving the Invasion summary! Nice update, although you did pretty much give bumper jumper a death sentence, which makes sense.

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  • Awesome update! Also, recon button layout is PERFECT the way it is!! don't change it!!! [Edited on 04.23.2010 7:04 PM PDT]

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  • Just thought I'd mention that the new advert on the front page goes to an Amazon page called [url=]"Test Video Games"[/url]. Made me lul. Everything's looking amazing, guys. Can't wait for the Beta (it's super awesome)! Also, holy lol Sage.

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  • Sage's beard.... good god Sage's beard.... I haven't lol'd so hard for so long, holy crap...

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  • What an awsome update! Can't wait to take a stab at the Beta =]

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  • Haha, you make think Halo 2 is dead. But we're [i]still[/i] playing!

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  • The update was super awesome! These may be the longest ten days of my life....

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