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9/24/2016 12:37:16 AM
It is now after 5pm PST, so we probably wont be getting any updates (if at all) till Monday at the earliest. It's weird that a few Xbox accounts get a "boar" error and both Bungie and Xbox tweet out that it's being worked on. But the problem we have been having has been going on for 5 days now, and both Sony and Bungie just blame each other, nothing on twitter, and just an "add-on" to the known issues thread that hasn't been updated in over 48 hours. The "work-arounds" work for some, but not for others, and some don't have the ability to use them due to ISP limitations, or location. I am also hearing that a few Xbox people are having the same issue also, and yet nothing, silence. This has been escalated up the ladder at Mediacom, but not everyone who is getting this error is on Mediacom. Something is going on here be it a coding error, a packaging error when the update was sent out to platforms, a "glitch in the matrix" or something else, but it just seems with the lack of communication this thread is just going to be buried and forgotten. In the last 24 hours this thread has almost been pushed to page 2 due to some legitimate posts, but also some really frivolous posts that somehow have the ability to be "more important" than people that can't even download an update to play the game to see if anything is missing, or if everything is there. We need an update from someone on whats going on, and no more of this passing the buck and hoping it will go away. Getting a refund is one thing, but it admits to everyone involved that you just give up and are moving on, while some of us still want to play the game that we like and paid for. This was going to be a short snarky post, but my mind just took off....

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