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9/19/2016 5:54:19 AM

Before Rise of Iron drops tomorrow, I want to ask Deej and the Devs a legitimate question about Y3 Thorn...

When I ask this question, it will ensue a bunch of hardcore griping and crying in the comments below from the, "SHUT UP AND STOP COMPLAINING" crowd. But that's fine. This isn't a complaint, so they can sit and have their rage party. I just genuinely want to know the answer to this: [b]Why[/b] should we care about Y3 Thorn? What's the point of it? What's going to make ANYONE want to use it? Deej, Devs, do you know that even with combined DOT, Y1 Thorn is not a kill after 2-hits to the head? I get it, that's the original Thorn, "Two taps to the head, DOT makes you dead." But even a 1-tap to the head, with DOT, doesn't even do enough damage to lower someones shields. No. Really. Anyone about to call me a liar, go load a private match with a friend, use Thorn, and see for yourselves, right now. Thorns entire exotic basis was the Poison-Effect that lingered over time. Now? That DoT lasts maybe 3 pulses, and does 1 or 2 damage at a time; not enough to drop shields with a head-tap. The DoT is USELESS already. Oh, but let's not forget, you're also adding in an Artifact that will FURTHER "Nerf" the effects of DoT from all sources, for anyone wearing it. So, what's that gonna do for Thorn? 1 pulse of 1-HP ticks off? Guess you may as well not even have Thorn deal DoT at all. It makes 0 difference. Oh, and let's not forget that hand-cannons, even with maxed-range like Thorn has, are currently dealing with the infamous "Ghost Bullet" problem. And no, for the "PVP Experts" getting ready to weigh in with their, "It's just lag. Get over it." comments... [url=]Nope. It's not Lag.[/url] See for yourself. So taking that into account, let's look at yet another reason why I, and many other people I've spoken to in Parties, feel "Underwhelmed" by the return of Thorn, when all of us, myself included, WANT to feel excited for it, but just can't. Bungie previously stated the weapon would perform the same as before, just at a higher Light level. That is not actually the case as the developer is reducing its base range by 25 percent. [url=]Read more here.[/url] Thorn hasn't even made it's "Triumphant Return," yet, and you've already added yet ANOTHER Nerf to it. It's lost its Range, which at this point was the only thing that really set it apart and made it distinguishable from other Hand-Canons, as an exotic. With all of these things in mind, you're asking us, and expecting us, to be excited over something that is LITERALLY just going to become a waste of an exotic slot. So, WHY? What's the POINT of bringing Thorn back, when it won't even really BE "Thorn" anymore? Aside from doing the quest JUST for the sake of "collecting all the exotics," why should any of us wanna go through something like we went through in Year-1 to get Thorn, when it's NOT "Thorn" anymore? Again, this isn't to "b*tch". This isn't to gripe, or complain. This is an effort to put Deej and the Developers in OUR shoes, and to have them see this from a players perspective, rather than a "Nerf-velopers" perspective. What makes Thorn great anymore? In fact, what even makes Thorn GOOD anymore? What should we CARE about, in relation to this hand-canon? You're labeling it Thorn, but it isn't actually Thorn... It's a "Fake Exotic," at best. So, one last time, Deej. Cozmo. ANY developers who might read this... WHY... Should We... Care? I'm not being a dick. I'm not being "snarky" or "smug," or even WHINING. I really, honestly, genuinely want to know WHAT about Y3 "Thorn" is worth ANY of the players time?

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