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Edited by ironBill: 9/10/2016 11:44:27 AM
For the record, and for the naysayers who say this was an accident, posts of known issues elsewhere in the forum clearly show the removal of the bounties was intentional in advance of changes to Iron Banner. Speaking for myself, I'm not really upset about losing the marks - they aren't that difficult to replace. However, it could just as easily have been something I did care about, and the flippant way this business was conducted shows a lack of regard for the customers. The reason people have learned to hold onto things from one DLC to another is because of the dearth of information Bungie releases about anything coming to us. They want to dangle content in front of us, work us up, so they are never too specific before something drops. They *WANT* us to speculate wildly. They *WANT* us to engage in spirited debate about what is coming. They don't care if we are right or wrong, they just want us to talk about it. They want the buzz. There would never have been any confusion about this if Bungie had been specific about the Iron Banner changes. Their comments have been limited more to what wouldn't happen than to what would. They said the incremental daily buff would be going away. They said bounties would be different. No specifics. We've been burned by this before. I wonder how many people wish they'd kept that first set of armor from VoG when HoW dropped and we found out all old armor could be infused! And what about weapons? I had a Shadow Price I wish I'd kept, I know that! What about materials that were exchanged for rep or rank? The list goes on and on. If we had all deleted our extra bounties like some armchair quarterbacks have suggested, there's a fair chance (and history shows us this) it would have bitten us. I felt like it was wiser to just hang onto them and see what happened. I had nothing to lose - either they would be useful or they would not. And then we come to the real problem. It's almost two weeks before the drop of RoI, and Bungie does a huge download in preparation. They told us that. What they didn't tell us is they would be taking those bounties from us. This is the inexcusable part. What possible harm could there have been to simply post, "Hey, if you have any remaining bounties, cash them in - they won't work in RoI!" Problem solved, crisis averted. But no, that's not how it went, did it? No, Bungie decided to just pull the trigger. Rather than use their outlet of information here on the forums, we just get a "surprise". I don't care what side of the fence you're on, the "You should have known better" or the "You never know with Bungie", you can't dismiss this one point; they knew in advance what this patch would do and did not tell us. This cannot be explained away, parsed, or excused. I don't care about the marks, let me be clear. I care about the communication, or lack thereof. I care that things I have spent time accumulating get jerked from me without warning. I care that Bungie continues to blunder along this PR path, making unforced errors that are truthfully rooted in their disregard for the time players invest. They want us to be invested players. They structure the game for invested players. They want people to care. Then when something like this happens they and their surrogates come back with "It's only a game".

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