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8/28/2016 3:26:11 PM
Or how about balance the weapon?

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  • It's the most balanced weapon in the game. So many other primaries have a faster ttk than the Mida.

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  • But Mida is easily useable in every situation and range. That's the problem.

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  • [quote]But Mida is easily useable in every situation and range. That's the problem.[/quote] It's supposed to be, it's an exotic.

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  • Exotic means unique, not OP

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  • MIDA isn't even OP, it's just a consistent weapon to use. At mid range, it will get outgunned by Hawksaw, and at close range, it will be outgunned by handcannons. It excels at long range, which is where it should thrive since it is a scout after all. Yes, it's probably slightly better at close to medium range compared to other scouts. But it will still get outgunned by other weapon types if you aren't using it within its effective range.

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  • [quote]Exotic means unique, not OP[/quote] It's not op !!! Mida is good, at best.

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  • Do you think it's OP?

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  • It's definitely a weapon that can be used easily and effectively in any range or given situation. Give back the flinching rounds. They weren't the problem. The problem was it easily outgunning every weapon outside of its effective range. Do something to fix that.

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  • To be fair, that's all scout rifles (Sans Low RoF ones like Colovance's). I'm not sure if you're suggesting it's too good at close range..? Because in my experience, most of the closer ranged weapons do perfectly fine against MIDA. IMO, the Villainy/Hawksaw pulse archetypes are a lot more versatile than MIDA seeing as how they can outplay scout rifles and handcannons relatively well. So I don't think MIDA being decent at close range is exclusive to just it, if they were do something about it, they'd have to change more than just MIDA itself.

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  • Edited by Ness: 9/1/2016 12:07:49 AM
    Sorry you wasted your time arguing against that guy. I tried to argue why I thought snipers were balanced in another post, but he just kept shutting down everything that I said. He even went as far to say that I couldn't "have an argument because I can't read," when I was simply trying to interpret the poorly written sentence that he had written beforehand. Before that, he had also insulted my individual skill level as well as the weapon itself by saying that "snipers take no skill." I would've been ok if he left it at that, but he was relentless. In the end, he blamed me for being the immature one, and he muted me, suggesting that I was the one who was being disrespectful. I usually don't go out of my way to say anything about someone, but he has to be the most irrational, disrespectful person I have dealt with on the forums. I apologize if my rant didn't mean anything to you, but I just thought I had to put it out there.

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  • It's no problem, I see people like that on the forums all the time. I don't understand the need people have to continually debate something even if they're obviously losing. I don't mind being wrong, it means I've learned something and if it comes up in the future, I'll truly be able to understand it. And while I realize discussing whether or not MIDA is balanced is an opinion, I was still right ;)

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  • Yeah, you were lol. The guy never knew when to stop. I still have no idea how long I'm muted for.

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  • Except Mida is a Scout Rilfe. They are meant for Long Ranges only. Pulse Rifles are Medium Range only. Pulse Rifles should do better than Scout Rifles at Close Range, but Mida does better than any Pulse Rifle at any Range. The same goes for Hand Cannons and Auto Rifles except these weapons are meant to excel at Close Range. The only gun out of Range here is Mida. Nothing else needs to be changed.

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  • Edited by SweetOrngVegRoot: 8/29/2016 3:40:19 PM
    I consistently gun down MIDA with pulse rifles, handcannons, other scout rifles, and auto rifles. You can't say there aren't other weapons that do perfectly fine outside of their optimal range. The high RoF autos win fights in "pulse rifle range" all the time. Pulse rifles win fights in handcannon/auto/and Scout rifle range all the time. I don't understand this idea everyone has about MIDA being this crazy good weapon all of a sudden. The only time MIDA out guns a pulse rifle/auto rifle/hand cannon in their optimal is if the other player has missed vital shots. And the only one that truly punishes you for missing headshots are handcannons, pulses and autos are usually a lot more forgiving. It's the same thing with low RoF scout rifles, if you miss any, you will lose. My point of bringing up other weapons that do perfectly well outside of their intended range was to point out that MIDA isn't as exclusive to this concept that so many people have forced on it. Just because you [i]can[/i] shoot another person out of its intended range and win consistently (Which I find hard to believe for anyone who is not a good consistent PvP player) it doesn't make the gun OP, it means the people you're shooting at either suck, or don't know how to use that particular weapon. The [i]only[/i] reason there are so many MIDA users is because people will use anything they think will put them further ahead. Do I think it's a very versatile guns? Yes, of course it is. But I don't in anyway think it's OP in the sense that it beats every other gun in their own ranges.

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  • Except it does. Go ahead and play crucible and find out. Go watch any YouTube videos and find out. Go on Twitch and find out.

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  • I have played crucible, and as I've said, I very easily kill MIDA users with other weapons. I've seen twitch/youtube and those are almost always players shooting potatoes (You can't say you haven't seen games where the enemy lands about one shot into them while the streamer shoots and kills everyone else on their team. When you see games where everyone is actually competent at shooting their gun, you'll notice that most of the time guns are out performing other weapons while in its actual range. Because once again, if you're losing battles at your guns optimal range, it's because you're missing shots. This is true for every single gun in the game (Except in certain situations like a scout rifle shooting from a far end of a map to another, if the other player is using an auto. You can miss as many as you want and still win). Also, it's called the Mida Multi-tool for a reason, so even if you dislike it's ability to do descent outside of scout rifle range, you're probably getting nowhere. The best they'd probably do is increase zoom while ADS, but people would probably just hip fire it anyway. And so it'd go nowhere, and people would still think it's OP for whatever reason. So have fun calling for a nerf for gun that doesn't even need it (Which also just a reminder, Bungie said so themselves that it's in no way OP). That's the reason guns like MIDA seem OP in the first place, everything else gets nerfs.

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  • That's why everything has received buffs except Scouts right?

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  • Edited by SweetOrngVegRoot: 8/29/2016 4:33:50 PM
    Technically MIDA was buffed at one point (With HC rounds which were then removed anyway). And Scout rifles got a base damage buff with the Taken King update. If you've noticed that scouts hardly receive buffs, it's because they're balanced already. No one complains about them, and nobody wants them buffed. It's only recently been decided that MIDA was OP even though there are guns that out gun it all the time. At this point, it's just the fact that so many people are using it that people think it should be nerfed. Because the clean-up kill someone got on you (Not you specifically :/) means the gun just has to be OP. And since so many other weapons have been nerfed, a perfectly fine primary class is suddenly determined OP. So nerfing a gun that doesn't need it will get you nowhere. Everyone will just think it sucks and go back to using Grasp of Malok/Hawksaw/Villainy/Suros/Doctrine of Passing/DIS-47/etc. and then these guns will suddenly be declared OP. And the cycle continues until more guns are considered awful and more are considered OP. 😒

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  • Except it's OP because it's OP, not because people are using it a lot.

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  • This a pointless conversation seeing as how neither of are going to agree with the other. I'm just gonna leave it here, have a nice day.

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