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Edited by Lazyponi: 8/24/2016 12:30:13 AM

Separate Playlist for Guardians after Going Flawless

What I am suggesting here is that characters who have gone flawless that weekend would be placed in a separate playlist from the normal trials playlist. This would only be per character per weekend. You can still do the bounties and the daily gold tier bounty just on a flawless playlist. This would still allow for competition against normally flawless players in the normal trials playlist but also allow for new guardians to experience the lighthouse by allowing for further competition against other guardians who haven't reached the lighthouse that weekend. Thoughts? Opinions? Ideas? Suggestions? Edit1: So I may not have made this clear, but what I am suggesting is that all players will play on the same playlist for trials until that character achieves flawless victory. I am simply stating that once that character goes flawless that weekend and they wish to continue playing that they play in a separate flawless playlist. Edit2: Changed the title to better encompass the idea I'm trying to get across. People don't like long pieces of text.

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  • 1. You've got to beat the best to be the best. No participation trophies 2. It is already difficult for matchmaking to find matches. This would severely cripple matchmaking. 3. Finally, a lot of players, like myself, play this game mode simply for fun. So punishing us for going flawless and not having anyone else to play with the rest of the weekend is quite unfair

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    73 Replies
    • Signed

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    • Good idea imo. Make tier one just to the lighthouse... Make tier two be all the rewards, and have the drop rate be higher for scarab. Take special drops like scarab out of the loot pool for regular. Someone has made a point that not all have finished the raid, yet to counter there are 2 modes (3 if u count challenges) and only one for too. Just so people can fulfill their grim desires, let their be a 'normal mode' for flawless and a 'hard mode' for all the adept stuff, along with special emblems. I think thats a good compromise. Anyone else?

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      1 Reply
      • I am sure someone has already said it... but people will just dump the card before going flawless if they are doing carries.

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      • No. Flawless must be earned (or carried, whatever). Don't make it easier for people. Challenge them.

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        4 Replies
        • I agree with this if there is a greater reward for those in the Flawless playist. Kind of like a tournament of champions.

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        • Only nerds want to find fire teams to play destinys shitty pvp

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        • My last 2 trials runs have been stopped by streamers carrying people to the light house, sucks for sure

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        • I agree.

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        • Trials of Osiris is the most competitive part of destiny. Because of this, bungie will not implement an easier way for the "less skilled" players to go flawless, it's not fair to the others with arguably more skill who did go flawless

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          3 Replies
          • No. That's what the scarab run Playlist is for. I don't believe in making the lighthouse any easier to achieve.

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          • Not really. Seems like a cheapish way to earn that victory imo.

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            3 Replies
            • Good idea. I think it's stupid some people stream and make people pay them to take them to the lighthouse. I doubt that was what was intended for this game.

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            • No.

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            • That's a terrible idea. I dont believe everybody should go to the lighthouse. This game has countered to underskilled players way too much. Keep something for the top players to have pride in. Then there wouldn't be anymore carries and stuff. Just an awful recommendation

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            • Isn't this really just asking to make the activity easier by removing good players from the pool? Also, what is to prevent good teams from taking a dive in their last match so they don't get bumped?

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              • No

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              • just say git gud orz git retk

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                2 Replies
                • Bad idea. Destiny is already hurting. No need to take players out of the playlist for which there are only a couple hundred thousand to play across the world. That is an abysmal number just in case you thought it was a lot.

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                • Hot dogs were invented in 1939 by Larry Hotdogs when he accidentally dropped a bag of prize-winning pig buttholes into his penis-shaping machine.

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                  • Separate playlist for people who need background noise to distract from their ticking biological clock.

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                  • In theory would be awesome BUT I want to earn my flawless (not yet but 8-0 many times Y1 & 2) It would be much better if Bungie actually did something about the cheaters using rapid controllers, Ddos, chord pulls ect I don't mind loosing to someone better it's the people I know I should win against and cheat that really piss me off Would also be great if crucible wasn't so passive aggressive.... Have some balls (not sure what say if your a girl lol)

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                    4 Replies
                    • Edited by blacksteez: 8/23/2016 8:15:31 PM
                      get good or get out

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                      • It should just go back to the way it was in y1.

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                      • Edited by bilbo t baginzz: 8/24/2016 12:07:06 AM
                        I dont think it should be made any easier for people who suck at PvP. Im not the best at ToO and we get beaten a few times each week but good teams and sometimes by teams who we should have beaten but thats just how the dice rolls. [b]ToO IS for everyone[/b], bad players can easily complete bounties which Bungie bought out to make them not feel left out. [b]The light house IS NOT for everyone[/b] if you cant get there on your own merit then you dont deserve to get there. Theres a shit load of people who havent completed the hard raid yet, is it fair that we make it easy for them by lowering all the enemies down to 100 light and making the ogre blind so they can see or shoot guardians? of course its -blam!-ing not. If you cant finish the raid then you cant finish the raid. if you cant get flawless then you cant get flawless. [b]Deal with it.[/b] You are good at PvP, 1.54 overall K/D but only been flawless 3 times none of which were in year 2 which doesnt seem to have anything to do with your ability but the people who you are playing with. Some of my friends will never go flawless but they accept that, its time to tell your friends that they suck and they wont get to the lighthouse.

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                        4 Replies
                        • I agree.

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