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originally posted in: Dear Snipers: Thank You
7/26/2016 10:12:41 PM
A player since beta here. You'remore than welcome to check my stats. GT is Ew Simply . So yeah, I kinda agree that the game is boring now, bud back in y1 a sniper couldn't do much in 6v6's. They used to be good, now they're WAY better, but look... We used to play against fusions, that suros/vex era. Plug One's, Give/Take Equations and many more. It wasn't easy tho. Fusions were pretty damn viable. Nothing that a nerf to the ground wouldn't do. Then matador's and felwinter's, hand cannons and pulse rifles era. Control matches I'd wreck then using shotguns. But you had to double your attention to play with a sniper. Now we're having the sniper era. With pulse rifles being a viable option, as well as scouts and hand cannons. And doctrines, though I don't see many doctrines right now. This era is probably the most boring one. Crucible is slow AF, slow paced, slow everything. Control matches not ending and whatever. I agree with you, but all eras, were meant, or not to come.

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