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7/9/2016 10:08:22 AM

If I Designed Destiny - Hunter Rework

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So I have been working on this for a while now. This is how I would have gone about designing a game like Destiny. I hope to make a little series here on the forums to expand out to all the different area's Destiny has to offer, and to start we are going to rework the Hunter. When I complete the other classes, I will post their links here as well. Also, these are NOT designed to be balanced in PvP. Let's get right into this. Elemental Damage - Arc, Solar, Void, and Dark. I will be changing the entire Character Progression System to fit how I would see Classes and Subclasses to be. Leveling and Progression - Scrap the current XP leveling and light system for a new light system. Leveling up your subclasses now increases your effective power, and is not based on gear. You level up your subclass by doing Meditation, Training, Learning skills from NPC's, and from getting kills with your abilities. Because of this change, Subclasses are much larger and have many many more nodes. This does not mean power is exclusive to one Subclass. Having multiple subclasses leveled up will stack your Light. Max light is 1,000, to stop bursts of power from large increases in Light. Actual Rework Time! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes - Same classes with a completely different Subclass system and Subclasses in general. Subclasses are MASSIVE now with this system. About double the size originally. I will only show the Super Augments of the skill trees, as the entire skill trees won't fit. If anyone has a site that I can write out and separate the ENTIRE skill tree into segments, please tell me. Hunter - A Damage dealing class designed to be a glass cannon.. The Solar and Arc subclasses are unlocked instantly. Void requires 300 Light to unlock, Light requires 600 Light to unlock, and Dark requires at least one raid completion. (The Raid and Mechanics behind the raid will be in another section of the series.) Hunter Subclasses - Solar - Suns Guide: This Subclass all about DoT damage and sustain, but can be setup to be a burst Subclass with a long cooldown. It's Super is called "Bow of Flame", in which the Guardian summons a Bow of pure fire that can do MANY different things depending on selected nodes. Duration Based super. The bow doesn't go away until the duration is used, or all shots have been fired. "Guide the Sun so that all may feel it's fire." Super Augments: Dynamite - Every shot with Bow of Flame causes a massive explosion that does half the damage of the original shot. Radiation - Every shot with Bow of Flame causes a napalm effect around the area, that can stack damage. Increases Bow of Flame shots to 5, from 3. 20% Reduced base damage per shot. Nine Suns - You now fire 9 shots instead of 3, but each shot is 66% weaker and has diminishing returns against one target (In crucible it will take 2 shots to kill a target.) Not only that, they are way harder to land and requires a steady hand to land the arrows. Think Hanzo's bow from Overwatch. Hellfire Arrow - Bow of Flame now does a INCREDIBLE amount of damage. Increased damage by 600%. Reduced shot count to 1. Rain of Fire - Bow of Flame turns into a activation based Super instead of a Duration based one. Upon activation, shoot 20 arrows into the sky that will land around your target reticule. Damage is adjusted accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arc - Blade Master: Blade Master is about precision slices with blades of energy. Become a Arc conductor and send forth waves of energy, or focus your power into your blade for powerful strikes. It's Super is called "Arc Blade", in which the Guardian will summon a blade that can be a Greatsword, Dagger, or a Longsword. You can move quickly and strike fast, or you can take it slower to unleash AoE Arc damage, it is up to you. Duration Based Super. ""Beautiful Lethality, Relentless Style." Super Augments: Arc Daggers - Longer Duration but not much damage or range. (Requires 2 hits to kill a target in the Crucible.) Missing a strike doesn't take up that much Super Energy. Arc Sword - Shorter Duration but much more damage and rage. Swings slower. Missing a strike takes up a decent amount of Super Energy. Arc Greatsword - Even shorter Duration but MASSIVE damage and range. Swings MUCH slower. Missing a strike takes up a quite a lot of Super Energy. For Blade Master there is a special node line for things you can do in each Augment. Augment Abilities: Static Blade - Requires Arc Daggers to be selected. Every swing against targets increases damage by 5%, with diminishing returns if you are striking the same target over and over again. Blink - Can be selected with any augment. During your Super, you can Blink forward for a portion of your Super Energy. Blinking close to a enemy ricochets some Arc damage through them. (Not enough to break someone's shield in the Crucible.) Has a cooldown of 4 seconds. Lightning Strike - Requires Arc Sword to be selected. During your super, you can dash a long distance to unleash a devastating slice. Missing this takes a very large amount of your Super Energy, but landing it takes none. Current of Energy - Requires Arc Greatsword to be selected. During your super, you can throw a field of Arc damage in front of you. This can only be used once per Super, and doesn't take up Super Energy. If you played Dark Souls 3, think Prince Lorians fire field attack. Arc Wave - Requires Arc Daggers or Arc Sword to be selected. Send a wave of energy forward that will both damage targets and push them back. Takes a decent amount of Super Energy per use. Has diminishing returns. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Void - Shadow's Favor: Learn to control Void Light to follow your every move, or send it forward to manipulate your foe. It's Super is called "Shadow Call" in which the Guardian calls the Void Light to place a copy of yourself out in the heat of combat, AKA a Ghost.. This Shadow can stand at your side and fire at your target, or you can throw it forward to distract and set you up for the kill. Activation based Super. You Ghost also has a health bar, 25% the size of yours. "Mimic my every move, see only what I see." Super Augments: Shadow - Your Ghost now follows your every movement at a 2 second delay, and conceals you until your ghost dies. You can shoot during this time as well. 1.5x base ghost health increase. Decoy - You now throw your ghost forward to distract targets for a short time. The ghost will shoot at the nearest target, however it will not deal damage. After activation, you are concealed until you fire your next shot or 8 seconds have passed. This increases Shadow Call's cooldown by adding 1/4 of the base cooldown on top of the current cooldown. Nightstalker - This changes Shadow Call to a duration based Super. You can now select a target for your ghost to attack. They deal 1/2 of your damage, have 1/2 of your health, and will follow you. You may also switch targets. Lasts for 10 seconds. Oblivion Call - Final node perk. Can be used with any other Augment. You may now activate your super again before you Ghost dies or the duration ends to cause a explosion around you, that does a incredible amount of damage. This will instantly end your super, however using this slows down your cooldown for your next Shadow Call. As with Blade Master, Shadow's Favor also has a special node tree exclusive to Shadow's Favor. This node tree modifies the things your Ghost can do. At base your Ghost can't use other abilities, but selecting that option will allow it to do so. I can't fit them in here however so we are going to just continue on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark - Abyss Walker: Abyss Walker is about using the Darkness's power against them. Either send forth minions of the Abyss to kill your enemies, or channel that power to become a creature from hell... it is up to you. It's Super is called "Abyss Walk", in which the Guardian walks onto the Abyss realm, pulling things from the Abyss into the real world to aid them. During the super, your abilities are changed. What they do and how they do it is up to you. Duration Based Super. "Call from black, become what you fear." Super Augments: Control - Select a group of enemies to take control over, and have them fight for you. Doesn't work on major's or ultra's. Lasts 10 seconds. Hell Beast - Send forth a Beast from the Abyss to fight at your side. Lasts 15 seconds. Zen Terra - Receive faster Ability cooldowns, and increased weapon stats. Lasts 8 seconds. Empty - Abyss Walk now is a activation based super. Upon activation throw a Dark Cloud towards you enemies. This cloud blinds them and does damage over time. It will also group up enemies within the cloud. A Deal With The Abyss - Upon activation, become infused with the power of the Abyss. During this time you become a monster that can leap forward, throw Darkness Bolts, and now attacks with melee. Lasts 20 seconds, however during this time you cannot regain health. Health regen only happens when you kill an enemy. Focused fire will end you quickly. Torn - Upon activation become torn between dimensions.. During this time you have increased agility, cannot attack anything, and cannot be hurt. It also freezes your health in place. Can be activated on and off for 15 seconds. What do ya think?

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  • The sword realm is never referred to as the "Abyss" -_- This is Destiny, not Dark Souls. If anything, you would be called a "Deep Walker". We would also never have access to the powers of Darkness as the Light and Darkness harm each other. They can't coexist in one entity.

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