Please just don't. It's ridiculously childish. I have a friend who does this and I'm embarrassed to be seen with him when he does it.
Just win, or lose.
Wow! It seems that umm, everyone sends mail. Good lord.
When I was playing COD I never saw a single message. But in Destiny we are sending messages all the time. Wonder why that is.
It sucks, but people must be really raging. That time to type on PS4 pad though...
You should take getting hate mail as a good thing just shows ur actually a good player and only reason they can handle that is message u and call u a cheater or lagger paha they just all need to grow up can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen
I have a friend who did something similar. Tbagged the enemy, trash talked them and even sent hate mail I think. I felt so bad, I personally took it upon myself to apologize to them for my friend's behavior.
I always reply with, [quote]Sorry man, I'm gay.[/quote]
Never get hate mail cause I suck at Crucible.
Edited by Sunbroken: 7/4/2016 10:50:57 PMI know someone who always sends hate messages. [url=]here[/url] is this person's profile
If you act like an absolute a hole and tbag the entire time, I might send hate mail. Yes, it's justified
So if I get shot gunned by a laggy, shoulder charging Titan, I shouldn't tell him to fix his shit? Or that he's a hack? Just carry on and get owned by lag? What am I? Canadian?
As a female.. CoD is the worst community for hate messages. Destiny is tame compared, and right now i could go to my inbox and see more than a few terrible messages. Usually my boyfriend and I just laugh about them.
Tlw is for noobs
Destiny really isn't that bad, as far as hate mail. I do really miss the raging torrent of hate mail I used to get on CoD sometimes.
Last week, my internet connection was actually on point for once. Every gunshot was registering so I was actually getting kills. Not a single teleporting person. Not a single redbar. I was on a sniping rampage and kept taking this one dude out like, 6 times in a row. He quit the match early and I received a message about 3 minutes in that said verbatim, "Bunch of campers only way you can get kills with your lame ass team" Funny thing is, we were on Black Shield holding down the middle room, but we were running outside to choke people off early, so we weren't consistently in the room the whole time. So I responded with, "Stay salty, my friend." Also added this picture His response was basically a "no u" sort of response so I blocked him for it. It's not fun if you don't have a good response.
I love when people use universal remote. I always send them: Primary weapons are just too hard to use huh? It's okay bro some people just can't handle Regular primaries, limited shotgun ammo is just too hard to deal with right?
Been playing a long time and I can honestly say I've never had any hate mail playing crucible.
Reporting people is even worse.
I'll never get why people send me hatemail saying "You suck" or "You're a scrub" when I just beat them. Like what does that make you if you just lost to someone who sucks or is a scrub? Lol.
I have never understood it. I rarely take the time to even see who killed me. Occasionally, someone will be completely dominating me ( the other night a titan had 37 kills and was using only shoulder charge and shotgun) and I will notice them. But I would never take the time to pull open messages and send one. The ps controller sucks for it anyway
Don't listen to OP. All you hate mailers keep up the salt! I love hate mail but sadly hardly ever get any :(
In CoD they attempted slander in lobbies, Destiny doesn't do that so to feel "BiG" it's sent in a way you can report them.....
My friend does it a lot. I end up having to bail him out a lot...
Edited by JUNE BUG SPAD3: 7/5/2016 11:12:30 PMThis loser message me after a match, and I quote, " Mida is for pansies" , end quote. Now I was 24-12 on the losing team. I message him back "blow me." Xbox live banned me for 24 hours. Alot of people bait you into trying to get you banned.
I just reply "Salty"
What if I send them BEFORE crucible games?
i send odd messages. there was an instance where this guy teabagged me and punched my corpse. I told him about a time I shot the corpse of someone i killed after the ten times said player killed me and i kept shooting said corpse until the guy found me wasting my clip on the ground where he died at about a minute later. This dude respected my hatred so much he joined my fireteam, and we went on to kill many people. That's how it's done.
And don't -blam!-ing teabag people. Especially when you finish the game with fewer kills than them
I actually love getting hate mail especially the one that get my status and compare it to his. If any foul language is present I usually report and tell him about it. I got a lot of ppl banned. Personally I either send GG to other players or nothing at all.