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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by x7L7x: 7/2/2016 9:37:55 PM


Your on to something! Yes this idea will work!


No this idea is terrible! (Explain why in comments)


Maybe this will work.... I'm undecided.


It's a good start but your idea is missing something. (Explain what in comments)


I think this idea is great! But I think this (insert idea) will make it better! (Explain what in comments)


Other (Explain in comments)


*RULES* -READ ALL OF THIS BEFORE RESPONDING OR VOTING (You don't want to embarrass yourself by asking a question I already answered in the post / debating something before receiving all the information) -NO IGNORANT REMARKS OR NAME CALLING (Just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn't mean they're wrong and it certainly doesn't justify name calling) -RESPOND WITH A MATURE, INTELLIGENT RESPONSE WHEN DEBATING AN OPINION. (Yes, yes. We've all seen your K/D. No one cares. Stop pretending that since yours is higher, you are more correct/the other persons opinion doesn't matter.) [spoiler]Just to reiterate, no one cares about your K/D[/spoiler] -EXPLAIN WHY YOU SELECTED THE POLL YOU CHOOSE (Don't just vote then leave. It doesn't help give proper feedback.) -HAVE FUN AND BE RESPECTFUL (Self explanatory Guardians.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- SO, now that that's out of the way, hear me out. Whenever we think something is overpowered or needs balancing, (whether it actually is op/needs balancing or not) we tend to vocally express that opinion on the forums. Very often this causes a nerf to happen to the thing needing said balance. However, most of the time we nerf something, we fail to realize that that op thing was countering something we couldn't see until we already nerfed it. I have three examples. The first example being in Year One. When fusion rifles were nerfed, there was nothing to keep the shotguns in check. The next example is in Year Two. After the reign of terror that was Thorn, a blanket patch was placed over hand cannons nerfing all of them. This caused Pulse rifles (and certain exotic Hand Cannons) to outperform other weapons because the only thing keeping Pulse Rifles in check were Hand Cannons. ( And the only reason Hand Cannons started reigning supreme was because of the great Auto Rifle nerf. Since the ARs had been nerfed nothing kept the HCs in check) My final example is from the very beginning of Destiny and carries all the way to this year. After Blade Dancers were nerfed, there was nothing to keep Gun Slingers in check. After Sun Breakers were introduced in the Taken King, they stopped the Gun Slingers, but nothing could keep THEM in check. As a result we nerfed Sunbreakers, and suddenly there was nothing keeping Stormcallers and in check. So we nerfed Stormcallers, and there was nothing to keep Night Stalkers in check. So we nerfed Night Stalker, which gave birth to Sunsingers, Gun Slingers, Storm Callers (again) and Blade Dancers reigning over Crucible for awhile being hell to deal with. It was annoying to deal with and Crucible wasn't as fun to play anymore. So we nerfed them all and now Striker Titans seem OP. Because we nerfed every counter to them! And what happens when we nerf them? A new ability will show itself and will be considered OP again and the cycle will continue because even though we don't know it now, the Striker Titan is keeping that ability in CHECK. Do you see the pattern? No matter which class ability we nerf, a new one will appear because the ability we just nerfed, was the only thing that was able to counter the new one that showed itself. (A personal example (and opinion) is I feel that the Sunsinger's old Viking Funeral with Touch of Flame and Firebolt Grenades, and Hunters old Throwing Knives, kept Shoulder Charge in check. Now that they changed the perks, Strikers aren't as worried running in for a Shoulder Charge because the fear of a throwing knife head shot or a high damage burning Firebolt isn't there.) SO HERE'S MY SOLUTION! Rather than nerf the next OP thing let's make a counter for it. Not every class needs a counter to everything and that's OKAY because it will provide balance. In other words let's make a very advanced Rock, Paper, Scissors. This ability has a higher chance to beat this one and so on. Of course we all have our guns to counter abilities, but I feel this way is better of handling it. So for instance which ability would be a good one to counter Shoulder Charge and how do we buff that ability without making it too OP? Examples I personally would pick: Hunters Smoke Grenade. (Slows down the momentum deactivating the Shoulder charge perk.) Hunters Blink Strike (it should be quick enough to hit first and stop the momentum deactivating the Shoulder Charge perk, but not too much as to where the Titan can't Storm Grip your ass if you're to slow.) Sunsinger's Solar Wind (This perk is useless as of right now and the pitiful amount it did push enemies away, I don't even think works correctly anymore. Buff the amount it pushes enemies back and reduce the amount of initial damage it does while keeping the burn damage. I'm not saying like Phalanx strength push but enough to where if the two perks collide at the same time, Sunsinger's will be safe and Strikers will have to readjust.) Defenders Supresion Grenade (Buff radius so when thrown at a running Striker it suppresses the Strikers (or any Guardians) abilities.) Storm Callers Amplitude Melee (We don't need greater range on this melee. It's already long enough. Rewrite it so it blinds the enemy it hits. BUT EXTREMELY TEMPORARY. Enough to disorient but not enough to where your enemy can't do anything. OR make it so it forces your enemy to do a 180 when hit with it. Or just make it so it stops momentum of a moving person for 2 seconds. Kind of like trying to move in a vex detain bubble. You can still aim shoot and use your abilities, but you can't move in any direction very well for like a second and a half. After all it is electricity coursing through you.) Now I'm not saying implement those ideas. Those are just examples I came up with off my head to show that instead of nerfing everything we should apply SMALL buffs to SELECT abilities to counter other one's without making said abilities too OP. Instead of buffing or nerfing whole Classes, lets buff select abilities to help promote better growth for the balance between our subclasses. What do you guys think? Also i know gun balance is a thing but thats a whole other topic for a later time. Let's work on our Characters first. Do you think this idea would work better? Also please like this post if you vote, for I am trying to get as many people to see this as I can to provide proper feed back. Edit1: Spelling Edit2: 253 Votes Guardians!!

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  • Great idea! Everything should have a counter, but that counter would also have a counter. Counter-ception!

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  • Honestly, I think you're totally right about why everything seems OP, and I think your solution is sound enough, but I think there's another issue at play that's a major issue... The meta itself. Think about it. Every time Bungie patches the game, the meta changes completely. Now, an EVOLVING meta is great. A CHANGING meta? Well, honestly, how much are you going to invest yourself in a game that you know is going to change in a few months? Probably not at all. So when a player doesn't invest themselves, you know what they find for their trouble? No new techniques. No new strategies. There's a huge genre difference between this game and Super Smash Bros. Melee, but it's worth looking at as a good example of an evolving meta. Once the game's tournament scene started to take off, Jigglypuff and Yoshi were considered trash. Jigglypuff in particular was a floaty character in what was otherwise a fairly fast-paced game. It seemed like she wasn't very compatible with the game's mechanics. And that thought process continued for YEARS. What finally changed opinions on those two characters was when people who mained them arrived on the scene and mopped up the competition using techniques with those characters that nobody even thought possible. Before long, everything that everyone even know about the game was taken back into serious consideration. Jigglypuff and Yoshi are currently sitting at high tier. And how many balance patches did it take for Jigglypuff and Yoshi to get good? Well, it was a Gamecube game. There were no patches. Their rise through tier lists was simply because they had techniques that took time to discover by dedicated players. In a similar vein, at the beginning of Smash 4's meta, we all thought that Little Mac and Greninja were OP, and they ended up getting nerfed. Well, when everyone got better at the game, we realized that even unnerfed, Little Mac is actually crap and Greninja's mediocre at best. Thankfully, Little Mac's been buffed since then so now he's even better than launch (and people are getting notable tourney results with him), and Greninja's about even with launch. Now, that last example is especially notable. I mean, what does that sound like? It sounds a hell of a lot like Destiny, doesn't it? Except Destiny got patched out of ever getting that happy ending. It's very possible that at one point, Destiny's PvP actually was balanced, it's just that we never figured it out because we never had the time to. It doesn't help that Bungie patches out all of the clever/advanced techniques we discover, either. I honestly think it's safe to say they don't WANT an advanced PvP meta, which makes me highly doubt they're at all receptive to this. But as far as a meta goes, this would be nice, so I'll okay it anyway.

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  • Nope. The only way to balance something is to give everyone the same thing.

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  • Just rebuff throwing knifes and tripmines

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    2 Replies
    • Dear bungie, start taking notes!

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    • That's what I've been saying all along is its just a cycle that you need one gun then everybody switches to the next one til that gets needed and so on until we go all around full circle. I think your idea definitely has the potential to address any balancing issues, real or imagined. I think the Rock Paper Scissors analogy was good. I also think that the forum itself is part of the problem because people will just complain too much about anything that kills them.

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    • Bump this is an amazing post

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    • This man right here, give him a noble prize for a actually educated post

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    • Edited by WartyBean39438: 7/3/2016 11:29:15 AM
      Bungie, put that cookie down and take notes![spoiler]I like your ideas man.[/spoiler]

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    • The Khan of Khans shall tear down this great Wall of text!

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    • This is spot on. If we allowed the counters to remain viable the game would be balanced, and the meta would have more options than ever :)

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    • Personally I think if they made momentum on shoulder charge make sense and removed the tracking it would be fine or even better give it a cool down. That being said I do agree to some extent. Some stuff like sunbreaker at the launch of the taken King was broken a needed a nerf. Making other subclasses as broken as it was would not have been the answer.

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    • I'm a day 1 player and I totally agree with you 100% I think bungie should really look into this acount good thread/idea

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    • Bungie wouldnt do it. To smart

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    • I think this is a good idea but we honestly just need to go back to the year one style of subclasses. Like vanilla destiny. The hunters were the best in crucible because they had the multiple use supers rather than the single use. But we have sunbreaker and Stormcaller now so why not bring everyone back to reasonable potential? (Don't bring sunbreaker back all the way. Way too much armor.) I hate when people cry for nerfs because it just makes every gun get a nut punch. It destabilizes the game.

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    • [quote]your onto something[/quote] [quote]your[/quote] First word in the post op, first word...

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      2 Replies
      • I think they just need to do a complete weapon and subclass overhaul and balance things around each other rather than doing lazy nerfs based off of what the majority chose to b!tch about one week

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      • I do like this idea but I think every subclass nerf or buff is just digging a deeper hole. But I do think you are completely right about abilities countering each other, balancing seems like a very delicate ecosystem one small thing could trigger a huge chain reaction. I propose that each class is reverted to its original state, in most cases this is its strongest point. Then one subclass should be chosen as a benchmark point and note this should only be done after the proper data is collected, but here's what I predict would happen, bladedancer and sunbreaker would dominate, sunsingers, gunslingers, nightstalkers and storm callers would be in the middle of the pack, I think striker, voidwalker, and defender would lag behind. Also the strong versions of these subclasses didn't necessarily exist together eg. Y1 bladedancer and 2.0 sunbreaker so my predictions could be totally off but I would choose a subclass in the middle that's strong but not op such as gunslingers or sunsingers then the other subclasses could be nerfed and buffed to the level of the benchmark using your system of having no ability that can't be countered by another. But always make sure you never buff or nerf the benchmark subclass, if one subclass is out of line then take it down a notch to the benchmark level and buff it to the benchmark if it isn't feeling the love. Nerfing and buffing random stuff completely messes up the balance.

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      • Bump

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      • Edited by Vivian Feticher: 7/3/2016 6:45:20 AM
        You are on to something. I do agree with some other comments where Halo's PvP base was "fair." But here is the thing, I myself along with probably quite a few others think the nerfs go further than just to piss off players. Let's go with weapons for a second since we keep coming back to it in the comments, weapons are nerfed because of the, A) so much yelling nerf of a specific weapon type, B) Stat's show a certain weapon type being used more than another making it terribly over-used resulting a soon to be if not already nerf until the next "OP" weapon set is overused. Currently would be Pulse Rifles, shotguns(Again), Some auto-rifles, and snipers. Now as for your subclass counter to Shoulder Charge, it's painful enough to use as is. Yes with the tweaked melee hit detection made it a bit more deadly, but it comes down to players not being aware of their surroundings. Shoulder Charge is easily countered with team fire, Shotgun/melee, supers from another subclass. Only thing ridiculous about Shoulder Charge is when you are caught off guard slightly and to avoid it, you go into the air and the person never jumps once and they come off the ground to hit you. That's about it. Shoulder Chargers have the same problem as shotgunners, they have to close, a lot of distance. And the restriction, the charge up only lasts for x amount of time. Smoke grenades were designed to be used in combination with other skills or weapons. Otherwise usually under powered for the most part. Suppression grenades weren't designed to have a explosive blast radius like some of the other grenades and with practice can shut down just about any super + shoulder charge. It's annoying but creditable to see someone skillfully utilize a suppression grenade. Because if you buff suppression grenades, you will see a large population utilize defender titans in the crucible more, (Yes I am about to say this,) Weapons of light + No Back Up Plans + Shotgun. That could be your result which will make for aggravating matches but easily countered. You have some good idea's and put much thought into what you've brought to the forums, but I think you thought a bit too hard and not the effects it could cause later on down the road. Although my theory is, only reason why these said, "Nerf Herders" are crying nerf is because they are trying way too hard to be like these streamers on youtube and twitch instead of find a skill set that works best for them, and weapons that work best for them. And learn what counters what and sometimes you just have a bad day. I do have to agree on a last note that Stormcallers melee range needs a bit of tweaking and time duration of the super also.(I'm not screaming nerf the shit out of stormcaller to render unusable, but we all remember a Blade Dancer with Mask of The Third Man in Y1 before the super time duration was nerfed, it was the most hated thing) Other wise, a well placed suppression grenade, distance to target, or even a well used super can counter storm callers.

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        2 Replies
        • Firstly, your entire point of having things to keep other things in check certainly exists, but the best is only the best because there is nothing better than it, not because there isn't a specific counter. Secondly, it is a terrible idea to allow abilities to be really strong, even if there is a specific counter, because I should never be forced to change my playstyle to hard counter a playstyle which is not the hard counter of my own. Thirdly, yeah sure we can add more utility to class abilities. But that's the exact opposite of easy and totally infeasible for a non-major release. keep dreaming.

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        • 1
          Why So Searious
          Why So Searious

          Professionally Casual - old

          I like your idea but your evaluation of crucible seems a bit off at least when it comes to subclasses. Y1: In y1 blade & sun were the strongest subclasses together but bladedancer was above even sun due to arcbolt, blink + quickdraw, & the super was effective. 2.0: After 2.0 dropped & before ttk sunsinger was the obvious best choice. From the time ttk dropped up till the sunbreaker nerf, sunbreaker was the strongest subclass with no equal. 2.1: Without sunbreaker in the mix, sunsinger, stormcaller & nighstalker began to stand out. & since titans recieved some sizable buffs, striker & defender began to see more use. 2.3 (now): Gunslinger hasn't been the hunter subclass of choice since the beta but seems really good compared to blade, bladedancer is dead unless you snipe or invis shotgun, nighstalker is still pretty effective if you like smoke & shadestep. Stormcaller is pretty much the same, voidwalker is better than before unless you like blink, & sunsinger is significantly worse than the other warlock subclasses. Defender is pretty good if you know how to make use of force barrier, striker has always been pretty good but now that tracking nades & roaming supers aren't so strong it'll stand out, sunbreaker is at the level it should've been when ttk launched.

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          1 Reply
          • Not even a tl;dr? This is bull!

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          • I noticed this too along with a change in community behaviour... Everyone is so cranky now... I just want it back to Year 1... It was great then..

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            1 Reply
            • This has to be one of the best and most intelligent responses to the nerfs I have ever seen on these forums. I think your suggestions are brilliant, and add another element of excitement to the game!!

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            • Bump for later

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