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Edited by The 7th fall: 6/18/2016 5:28:48 AM
Oh your not the only one, the majority of my PvP buddies have stopped after trying to adjust to this update. Sunsingers are just crap in and out of PvP and Hunters are sowewhat crappier in and out of PvP... can't Bungie just do buffs without counter nerfs or just obscene nerfs that clearly aren't needed? Oh and the lag is noticeably worse, Bungie refuses to get off their potato powered servers. Like I could go play Defiance, which is THE WORST game for lag issues on the console, and I can last longer in there as an opposed to Nerfstiny where I get chased off by Weasels or Baboons, or get a constant "contacting Nerfstiny servers" when I sure as hell know my internet is fine.

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