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2/26/2010 4:40:05 AM

RIP BerserkerBarage

Today we have lost a long time community member. After battling an infection for about a week he awoke this morning with a heavy fever and shortness of breath. He was admitted this morning to the hospital. A short time later on he slipped away and they were unable to revive him. Whether or not you hated him or loved him you at least knew where he stood on any topic you could find on these forums. Many of you will see that we have lost a long time community member. I myself have lost one of my closest friends. My thoughts go out to his wife and family. I shall miss you my friend. Please use this thread to pay your respects. Any disrespect will be removed from this thread. [url=]To all my friends, present past and beyond Especially those who weren't with us too long Life is the most precious thing we can lose While you were here the fun was never ending Laugh a minute was only beginning BerserkerBarage this one's for you Ever get the feeling you can't go on Just remember whose side it is that you're on You've got friends with you till the end If you're ever in a tough situation We'll be there with no hesitation Brotherhood's our rule we cannot bend When you're feeling too close to the bottom You know who it is you can count on Someone will pick you up again We can conquer anything together All of us are bonded forever If you die I die that's the way it is To all my friends, present past and beyond To all those who weren't with us too long Life is the most precious thing you can lose While you were here the fun was never ending Laugh a minute was only the beginning Berserker, my brother, this one's for you[/url] This song fits perfectly the way I feel. Miss you man. [Edited on 02.25.2010 10:11 PM PST]

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  • I never had the pleasure to meet him, but if this much support is going out to him and his family, I cannot pass by without paying some respects. I'm glad to be a part of a community that supports other members with real compassion as is clearly displayed here. My prayers go out to the family, I'm sorry for your loss. -Wisdom

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  • I can't even imagine what his family must be going through. With all of the hateful people in the world, why does this have to happen to such a class guy? Much love B.B. and prayers for your family.

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  • Prayers and sorrow for his family and friends. May he rest in peace.

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  • I haven't posted on here in a long while, due to college and other interests, but to read this on the front page saddens me. I never knew him personally or played a game with him, heck I'm sure I only ever spoke to him in a thread once, but I saw his name around the site everywhere. He always had a good debate to hand, a concise answer, and a valid point. I never saw him resort to cheap shots or harsh words, and respected him for doing so. My deepest prayers to all his family, and all his friends who were lucky enough to know him.

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  • I never truely connected with Beserker. We talked once in a while, yes, but regardless, it was a horrible shock to hear that he had passed away. My thoughts are with his friends and family.

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  • [url=]The time we had....will never be forgotten.[/url]

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  • I never really played with him that often, but I have seen him around, played with him once or twice, he was a cool guy... when I found out, my Heart dropped. I have never knew someone online to pass away before, it's a hard feeling I now know, to know someone you have talked to, and seen around, it's something I wouldn't ever imagine to happen. Not too long ago, I saw him post on here, I will never feel the same way when I think about it. Prayers to his family. Hope they do well...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] chubbz RIP B.B. When I'm hitting my case of Sam Adams on St. Paddys Day, I'll down one for you.[/quote]Same, cept I'll do it everyday. I'll poor a bottle in your name B.B. [Edited on 02.28.2010 12:59 AM PST]

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  • Damn. :(

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  • =( I've only crossed paths with him a few times, but it's still sad to hear of someone going before their time was truly up. [Edited on 02.28.2010 12:03 AM PST]

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  • RIP B.B. When I'm hitting my case of Sam Adams on St. Paddys Day, I'll down one for you.

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  • It's weird. I never really knew the guy, but my stomach feels like it has been twisted into a knot and I feel, sad... Man, it's too, too weird that when a person of this community moves on, you feel as if Bnet is just, that much less... My prayers to him and his family...

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  • A small cold crystal clear departed from my tear duct as it slowly crept through my face and plow a drop into my favorite alcohol beverage... Realizing that I just lost my favorite member on, BB. You will be remembered. Song I'd like to share. "[url=]I will wait for you - Connie Francis[/url]". I do, in fact, like the motto, "Spartan never dies, they are just missing in action."

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  • While we all feel the sorrow of the loss of a fellow brother, I think it would be best to celebrate his life rather than get down in the dumps. Yes, easier said than done, especially for those who knew BB well. So I raise my glass to BB. Also, when you score in Grifball this weekend, just before you score say, "For BB!" Surely he is in a better place now and can hear us. (I'm not sure if BB played a lot of Grifball, just saying.) Once again, prayers for his family. Delta

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  • Reading through these posts, I feel left out and disappointed I never got to know Logan better. I played a couple games with him and Obi and the gang but nothing more than that. From what I hear, he was a fantastic friend and will be sorely missed from the community. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and those that knew him.

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  • Never got to know him or see him, but why him? Rest in peace Berserker :'( reminds me of how I lost my friend [Edited on 02.27.2010 10:57 PM PST]

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  • Rest in peace BB. I will never forget out conversations. You were truly a good person. My thoughts are with your family and close friends.

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  • Wow.. I'm almost crying. I hardly log on to anymore, but when I used to frequent the Halo 3 forum I got into a heated debate with B.B.~ in the "BR thread". This is so unexpected, and sudden I just can't believe it. B.B.~ wasn't my friend, enemy, or anything really. He probably wouldn't even remember me, but I still remember that debate vividly. He was just a Heroic member then, and I was barely a member. He helped shape the way I think of FPS games in general, and I will always remember him for that. He truly was a valued member of this community. Cheers to you B.B.~ from Texas. P.S. now I am crying.

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  • I never knew him personally, But he was an excellent guy. Rest in peace. And prayers for peace for his family and friends.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] evilcam I don't know what to say. a horrible thing. Its surreal. I'm not sure if I even believe it yet. It just doesn't seem possible. I knew BB pretty well for quite awhile. I have not talked to him in some time, nor played with him, but I still consider him to be one of my good friends. I used to spam him quite a bit on MSN, and here on with whatever nonsense I was laughing at at the time. It seems like yesterday still. Man, this is harder than I thought. You were a great friend BB. I really like talking to you. I loved playing with you and your wife. I had some great times with the both of you, and I'll always appreciate you for being who you were. You never backed own or compromised. You were always a great and loyal person. I respected you and everything about you. From your time working in Criminal Justice, to your work involving helping people in need. You were always there for everyone else. You wanted to make the world a better place for everyone around you. You succeeded in my opinion. To Mrs BB; my greatest condolences. No one should ever have to go through what you're going trough right now. Thank you for always being there for him. We were all jealous that he found someone like you. You two really fit one another. Thank you for posting as well. That really helped me get my head on straight after seeing this thread. To Achilles: I'm sorry to you as well. I know he was one of your best friends, and I'm sorry that you're going through this. We're all here for you man. Thank you for posting this, and letting us remember him. Thank you to everyone who posted here to. I know that this reaction would have elated BB had he seen it. RIP[/quote] Give me a hug baby, or cry on each others shoulders. [Edited on 02.27.2010 8:59 PM PST]

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  • My thoughts and prayers go to the family.

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  • [quote]Posted by yoozel: *Do not post about individual users. This rule is a clarification and extension of the Code of Conduct's prohibition against material that may cause unwanted attention, abuse, or harassment to users of this site.[/quote] You would think the admins would know better than this... and they even stickied it. B.B.

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  • Didn't know him at all except for seeing him post around the forums. It's a shame to see this happen, thoughts and prayers go out to his family. RIP B.B.

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  • My prayers go to his friends and family.

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  • I've seen him post around...and I didn't get a chance to get to know him. But I'm actually nearly crying, just thinking about it. I mean, it's so sad. He was only 27, and he was recently married... Just the fact that he died, looking through this thread makes me feel terrible. But, he's in a better place. He no longer has to worry about the world falling down around him.

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  • my heart goes out to his family and his friends.

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