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4/13/2004 11:21:41 PM

All bias aside, is halo the greatest game ever made.

ive played an early version of half life 2, ive played an early version of doom 3, and even if it was perfect halo 1 is still better, i personally think halo will be the greatest game ever made. I work at a game store and i have never seen this many pre-orders pour in, i have kids that are 6 or 7 pre-ordering halo 2, i have senior citizines going on 50 pre-ordering halo 2, i have never seen anyhing like this, once agian, thank u bungie for making the next evolution in gaming!

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  • uggghh. perfect dark a good game? ok maybe it was. but you might as well say that time splitters 2 was a good game too. you know why? because they were all copies of golden eye. Halo is the revolutionary. its like no other. I originally rented an xbox from blockbuster and tried halo. and you know what i bought an xbox because of it. I was completely content playing that game even if the xbox were not capable of playing any other game at all. man i love halo. for the record it is the best and always will be. lets hope halo 2 can push the limits that they set for themselves.

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  • Goldeneye was good but it was no halo..... I do belive Halo is the best game... So Far.... It will be intresting to look at both Halo 2 and Half-Life 2...

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  • No...Bond for the nintendo 64 was the best game ever

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  • I dont agree with you, haloruler, but thats probably just because i feel bias against anything to do with zelda or nintendo gc.

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  • The 2nd best FPS for the console is GoldenEye:007. I remember back in the old days with N64, I played that game soooooo many times. It was the cheap version of Halo.

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  • well i havent played every single game made, but in my opinion halo is the best game ever made, but "the legend of zelda: orcarina of time" on N64 comes pretty close [Edited on 4/13/2004 7:48:55 PM]

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  • that means halo 2 will be the GAME OF THE CENTURY

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  • Yes, Halo is incredibly awesome, and is easily the best FPS, and one of the best games ever. But I think that Knights of the Old Republic is better. I usually hate RPGs, but I loved that game. But that's just my opinion.

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  • Ah. Halo. To compare any game to it, it seems like heresy. Halo is absolutely one of the biggest milestones in gaming. I can't even list all of the things that are great about it in this post, it would exceed the character limit that is menacingly decreasing to spite me even as I type... *scowls at character counter* But I must say, for a once through, I haven't found anything like Deus Ex 1 on PC. It doesn't have even a smidgeling of the replay value that Halo does, but that one time that you go through it, you are astonished and amazed. It has been called "the thinking person's game" and "the smart peoples' game", and for that, I am very biased (for the thinking a lot part, not the smart, lol) and it is not to everyone's taste. The amount of thought that went into EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING in Deus Ex is INCREDIBLE. I mean, who thought that breaking into a Frenchman's apartment and just continuing to talk to him or make him say things by clicking on him would be so entertaining? Don't know that I've found a plot that's deeper, either, at least not one with as many CRAZY plot twists as Deus Ex. The main character is still the coolest guy I've seen, and from what I've seen and read (all the books) of John 117, JC Denton and he are a LOT alike. Plus, the whole atmosphere of the darker, imposing futuristic world really made me feel like I was caught somewhere between the X-Files and The Matrix. That's a great comparison too, Deus Ex is like a cross between The X-Files, The Matrix, and Metal Gear Solid so far as atmosphere goes. I have never seen a game with as much dialogue either, with the exception of Morrowind. They really went through each level and though "What if the player does this?" and put something there for you to see, whether it be an except from an engaging philosophical book, a quote from a famous person, or an article from a book that questioned the role of government, and these things weren't all disembodied and irrelevant, they were actually interesting and plot-related, and made you question a lot of things that you take for granted. I don't think I've found a game that made me second guess what I think and why I think it that does it like Deus Ex 1 either. There was some funny stuff in there, sure, scattered about here and there, but it was not so present that it took away from the ominous tone of the whole game. Now, granted, Halo will always be 777,777,777,777,777 to the 7th power times more fun to play, with so many different ways to play it, but I am a plot and a depth person, and Deus Ex was DEEP. Halo, not AS much, although it is deeper than 90% of what's out there, and the books added a huge amount of depth to the story, making it my second favorite game so far as depth is concerned. But yeah, Deus Ex played out like a movie too, and to give you an idea of what you feel like when you're done with it, imagine mixing together the best elements from "The Matrix" "X-Files Fight the Future", Terminator 1/2/3, Memento, Blade (for the combat and "whole world no one knows about" element), Soldier, A.I., X-Men, and a good chunk of the Metal Gear Solid plot. There is just SO much to that game. But, it's like a movie, in that, you really only wanna watch it after a while, when you've forgotten most of the story (unless you wanna see all the different stuff that happens when you make different choices.) which brings up another thing: what you do MATTERS. And not just a little bit, a LOT, and ALL THE TIME. Example: I was exploring the building, looking for items, and I swing by the restrooms, I think, "They might've left a candy bar, a datapad, or a funny note in here", and so I go in the men's room; dude comes out, doesn't pay me any attention, I go around turning water on and tossing trash cans in random places for the heck of it, and don't find much; but then I go into the women's restroom, thinking, "It's like the men's room, they probably just cloned the men's room, and put the different icon texture on the door" *buzzer sound* Wrong! I walk in, and I walk by a stall that's door is opening, where a woman comes out and says "How [i]unprofessional[/i]...." I laughed for a lil bit, then continued doing stuff. Later on, I get briefed for a mission, with my brother and boss sitting there, and as I get paid, my boss adds "Oh, and JC, stay out of the ladies' room - you may not care, but it makes the company look bad." This post is far too long, lol. So, case in point: my favorite game to play? Halo. The best game ever made? I'd have to go with Deus Ex 1 on PC. Graphically, acoustically, and replay wise (among other elements that make up a game)... not so remarkable. Depth, intelligence required, and general addictiveness....# 1. (btw, I went thru on Realistic difficulty, and didn't kill anyone, just knocked them out or avoided them, depending on what morality called for, and beat the game that way. [b]NOT EASY[/b]. I played as if it were really me, and it's not like the covenant, where you go through, and kill X amount of Grunts, X amount of Elites, X amount of Hunters, and X to the infinite power of Jackals (I really [i]really[/i] [b]hate[/b] jackals) and they randomly say a hostile or funny remark as you blow them away. These were simulated REAL people with REAL beliefs about what was right and wrong, and who should be rebelled against and why or not. It would be immoral to just kill them without thought {this is if you care to play morally, as if it were really you in that heavy trenchcoat behind those stylish glasses} and so you find yourself thinking "Crap, they've spotted me.... *you run to avoid a hail of fire* leave me alone you stupid people, you don't realize what you're doing! We're essentially on the same side! Once again, highly recommend this game.)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MrFreekill halo is not the best game ever but it is a really good game now halo 2 that i have got to say is the best game ever soon...[/quote] Of course you are right. I was just saying that Halo in my opinion right now is better than any other game released

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  • halo is not the best game ever but it is a really good game now halo 2 that i have got to say is the best game ever soon...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] D von Either Halo, or the Marathon series, thats how good Bungie is, the only competition for its games are its other games![/quote] Ya your right but halo in my opinion is still better..... just wondering anybody know anything about bot's or map editor

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  • Either Halo, or the Marathon series, thats how good Bungie is, the only competition for its games are its other games!

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  • Halo is my favorite by far......the greatest game until halo 2 comes out. Just the 16 player blood gulch, hang em high and sidewinder. Deep Plot. Great controls. All make for the perfect game

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  • I'll be playing deus ex one when halo 2 is out!

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  • halo is a GREAT game...but as far as THE GREATEST, i dont really think so...greatest multi-player for sure....imo, i loved WARSONG for the sega genesis....that game made me appriciate the depth of gameplay more than any other video game i've ever played (besides halo)

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  • what is

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  • Halo is not the best game ever. At least not in my opinion.

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  • do u think that u will be playing ut2004 after halo 2 comes out!

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  • Deus Ex is great, Halo is great, HL2 will be great (don't judge by a leaked ALPHA), Doom 3 will be great (same thing), Farcry is great, UT2004 is great, the list goes on and on. But Halo is not the best, I don't know what is. But is you want my opinion UT2004 has the best multiplayer I ever played (*drools at thought of Onslaught* even if on some of the Onslaught maps its hard to manouver the vehicles) -EDIT- Myth is better than UT2004. Just wanted to make sure that you guys realize that. [Edited on 7/10/2005]

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  • i agree that perfect dark is an awesome game, ive played it a ton and loved every second, i love dx, its a very clever rpg like fps, but it never grabbed me like halo, in halo i would spend hours just flipping ghosts, or stand in a room just for the soundtrack, every aspect of halo is magic, the other games are good, heck they r 100% awesome, but no game has that kinda magic to it, its this magic that changes a rating from 100% to 100,000,000% [Edited on 4/13/2004 3:49:51 PM]

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  • it's all a matter of opinion, I thought Deus X was dumb

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  • Nope. Perfect Dark is the best FPS ever. And Deus Ex is the best game. Halo is very very good though.

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  • Id like to a huge gamer ( im not the only one here). Iv played all types of games. most of my friends are crazy gamers. so any game they have, iv played. They also have x-box as well. One of them have A LOT more games than the rest of us. iv borrowed, taken and traded games with them. Coming from the same frame of mind i did when i first got Halo. To me it was the best game iv played. The graphics were out of this world. The game was set up like a movie. I was crazy about this game. Every minute i wasn't sleeping, eating or at school was spent mostly playing this game. Either schoolin my friends or tryin to find how to get on top of levels. To me this is the greatest game ever made.When Halo 2 comes out. All my other games are going to collect dust. P.S- id just like to say to bungie. Nice new look on the website. Great job guys. Keep it up

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  • i absoulutly agree with u, i buy all the new games and every single time i buy a game i think this one might just be as good as halo, a few hours later i turn it off and go back to the almighty halo and realize why i love it soooooo much!

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  • Halo has been and always will be the best, the classic. In the future when someone makes an FPS game with vehicles they will go "What a Halo-copycat." And the term "Halo" will be known as the worlds best game. "Whoa, that game is almost as good as Halo."

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