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originally posted in: Transphobic hysteria is sickening
Edited by Spartan 22O: 5/8/2016 11:19:51 PM
I don't think transphobia or homophobia even exist. Nobody goes "Oh shit I'm absolutely terrified of that gay/tranny dude over there." It's just kinda weird and out of the ordinary. The government ruled it unconstitutional to not let gays marry, so what's your big deal? Who gives a fu[i]c[/i]k now? Somebody doesn't like you for who you are? Your not the only person on earth some people hate. Some people hate Christians, some hate Jews, some hate Muslims, some hate immigrants, some hate Mexicans, some hate blacks, some hate whites. There's assholes in the world. I don't happen to hate gay people (I do think trannyism is a mental disease). You made a name for yourselves, and there are those people, and gays and trannies aren't the only ones who some people hate on. So deal with it.[spoiler]Skip to 4:10 in the video[/spoiler]

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