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4/9/2016 4:13:16 AM

Feedback regarding the Destiny reveal

Firstly, this topic is not really meant for a heavy discussion. More about putting feedback down and just seeing where users as well as Bungie takes it. This is just a list and comments about what I saw in the video. - Reaching max light 365 (isn't it 335? Why say 365?) has a few options now. - Revive changes- a) No longer sprint through players to revive, b) instead of 5 second timers? 7 second timers. -Overshield is lessened to reflect people don't like immune status revives. I agree with this complaint generally. It just puts a stop on combat. - Due to icebreaker and invective exploits - All matches spawn with special ammo. Icebreaker is still not fixed? Same with invective? Sorry, but people will still use Y1 ammo regen when they run out of ammo. Ammo coming in much later time into the match? 3 min's first drop to physical crate 2 min later? Same problem before. You really need to address this actual situation Bungie. You can't have one without the other. If the crucible needs to be reworked entirely to suit gameplay which allows all possibilities? Then simply say you are looking at alternative methods. Oh and btw? There is going to be someone who says it (it already happened with the special ammo crate nerf from the first time): "I have weapons on myself Bungie. I want to be able to use them. Let me get a full storage of special ammo from a crate if you don't want to populate the map with additional special ammo at different intervals to specify good range diversity combat scenario's." This idea is just one of many. - Heavy ammo once a time in most gametypes (ToO and Mayhem exceptions). Ok, here's the next complaint since most are still taking Destiny one step at a time: "I need to get my exotic swords! Why am I being restricted because of a single time, when supers are flooding in, and I can't get ammo now? Why would I stick around a match where my objective to get sword kills in crucible can't be done outside of the one time it spawns?" Here's the solution: Either heavy ammo needs to be given to players without the possibility of losing it... or... Two heavy crates. One on each spawn... or... ghosts can be worked to be interactive, "Our heavy ammo resupply is coming in." Hold X or square to take heavy ammo. Like an activated super? Once it is taken, it is yours. You lose it on death. Reality is? This is a dodge on your part Bungie. Not a solution. You can't keep restricting gameplay because of charts and graphs with the same overall seasoned gamer mentality that if it doesn't feel good enough or allow for a variable change enough? Then the gamer will be displeased per your numbers and studies........ Here's how I challenge you on that: If the crucible is built to be a Halo game with predefined spawns and timers on those spawns then the game timers need to be increased, the score limits increased, and the game play to be more diverse in the sense of environments allowing diverse play styles to be of effective use against all other classes. Do not mention the fact you can't put in walls and barriers in the crucible. They are all over Mars and other planets. - Crucible award screen's will feature more legendary rewards. - Weekly Shaxx bounties will get up to 335. Thanks for giving a few options to PvP to get 335 gear. This has been an actual complaint for a good amount of time that IB RNG 320 net holders can't get gear unless IB is running when raids do it all the time. - Iron Banner rank 3 and 5 are 320 rewards for artifacts and ghost shells. These are the basic rewards? Ok. Still the possibility through packages and post match rewards to get 335 gear? - Rank 5 Iron Banner package is 335. lol. Well, thanks for answering the question. - Full patch notes will be on bungie blog tomorrow. Ok. Will probably look more into this then. WEAPONS SECTION - Auto rifles- High RoF, base damage getting lowered a little. Low RoF, base damage increasing a tiny bit. Doctrine of Passing will be less effective for IB and Suro's will be better for continual combat scenario's. - Pulse- Low RoF, getting a little damage buff. Ok. this should be interesting. - Hand cannons- Ammo capacity increased. A much needed buff to the actual hand cannons. - Fusion rifles- Blanket stability increase (all bases increases in stability.) and closer coil charges. So less spread and stability as a base modifier being increased? Ok. Time for some good ole fashioned fusion rifles. - Sniper rifles- Zoom distance on scopes are higher (meaning the glass is sharper to reflect seeing farther). You will see further instead of close range scopes. Increased accuracy trade off. Snapshot is down to 20% instead of 30%. 2 more frames to wait for a scope in. Stability decreased overall for no scope, double body tap capability. To be honest? I agree with this. While scopes are typically untouched this buff to them only means perks like clear glass will be the new perk to have in the middle column to better enable tracking of targets as they are moving over distance and up close. - Mida- Aggressive ballistics dropped. Mida with that RoF and kickback should have had this done a while back (it was my personal crutch for countering scope rifles and with the new perk rolls on scouts? The tree's have been in much need of getting rid of this. It's a sniper rifle for impact with none of the recoil). - Suro's- Buff to damage per auto buffs. Spinning up behavior is now starting 4 bullets in. Focused fire is range buff. - Hawkmoon- Increased range. General accuracy increase. - TLW- Damage down on the perk only. 3sk kill. - Thorn- Y1 stat gun. No 335 version. Minimized DoT to 2 points. 6 pulses? Now 4 cap. Less blind per the poison. So you basically are saying that guardians have increased their light capabilities and Thorn is less of an overall threat? Good save honestly, but this gun is only one of two which can be said effectively counters warlocks and hunters so well. They will be used to great effect. - Icebreaker- No increased damage. Y1 weapon same as thorn. Nerf- Ammo is now lost. Kinda knew this was going to be happening. Hopefully the same will be granted to invective. - PvE versus PvP- Global philosophy in the design. Your guardian is your guardian and it's the same toolset. You know what to expect. These guns don't change one to one and the other aspect is not against any player so much as it is against the general onset of balance and counter balance. Bungie? Deej and Jon? This kind of explanation goes over most gamers heads for a reason. Simplify it and for lack of a better phrase, funify them to make them powerful. Halo did something wrong with this philosophy and it was corrected by 343: Spartans have to FEEL powerful. They can't just be said, "You survived bio augmentation." and be powerful. They had to be revered like MC and Blue Team. They had to be memorable like the Arbiter. It's not just "you have light. You are powerful." They have to be more powerful then ever before. Not "personalized", but legitimately capable of doing feats in a wide diversity of ways. If you take that book out of Star Wars? The powers of Heroes is supposed to flow evenly and work in coordination with one another. - Dreg's Promise- Projectiles now track better based on line of sight lock. - Telesto- Has less glitches like friendly bubble shots? Disappeared. They will explode now, but they won't cause harm to them. - 1k stare- Remove a few bullets from the inventory. Perks will stay the same. You just can't carry as much ammo. KING'S FALL WEAPONS -QT and HQT- Reduce total inventory. - All KF weapions- Reload faster. The pulse rifle gets a small stability increase. No more talk about the KF weapons? This must mean they might be getting 335 versions for both sides then? Ok. - Doctrine of Passing- Slightly less damage . Already stated, but ok. CLASSES - The formula- How people are playing them, what they are using (in conjunction with the class), how successful are they. The basis is how successful is that one class, fighting the others. Nerf to buff other elements and give another play style a possibility. Recommendation: Deej, Bungie collectively. I've always known the formula for any video game involving game play changes as much as Destiny is specifically about modifying the mathematics and cooldowns and other elements to suit the counter balance to class effectiveness. Example? Fleet fire in sunbreaker used to be a negative stat perk as a base modifier (towards 2 actually: Recovery and Agility), but the speed increase for a single solar level (out of 3) was 25%. Not the current 20% we have, that's a lot when it was 75%. You simple decreased the actual buff and gave us a base modifier back. The same went to pyrotechnics (combustion on hammer kills). So when you make these changes simply say: We added more buffs to the Solar wind build in the sunsinger tree since we saw distance based players running around all the time. Feel free to get closer now and push people off ledges (literally) now. - Flameshield will be less of a shield. More of a temp recover. - Titan bubble will not be detonated due to landfall bolt. - Increased cooldowns and minor mathematics to help voidwalkers be a little more competitive. Grenades and melee specifically as well as Second Wind activating more often and for a little longer. - VF build- DoT's are the basic build. It's the subclass tree build. Without it? Warlocks would not kill anything. They would be 3/4/ finish only support class with no real armor or agility to them. - Firebolt grenades untouched as per point before.

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