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2/13/2016 9:36:17 AM

This Guy Tries Acting All Pro But Fails

Today I played 2 matches of Skirmish to finish some bounties. We faced these guys who invited us to their party. One guy said, " Prepare to lose and suck my Dick loser". I decided to leave their party and rejoin my friends party and I told them what happened then i told them to go easy on them. We start the match on Black Shield. We let them kill us and teabag us. So we were down 1000-200. I told my friends to let them have it. We went Savage. We rekt them, they ran and tried to kill us but failed every time. The guy who told me to suck dick joined our party and said, " We aren't even trying, don't think you're so good scrubs" Then he left and we won. Then the next match which was on Anomaly. I told my friend to act Afk. So it was a 2v3. The guy joined our party again ( We purposely didn't make it invite only) and said, " Now we are going to try, hope you guys don't cry much" He leaves the party. We start the match, were down by like 100 points and I tell my friend to purposely kill him self so they could teabag him. He said no I have a plan. All 3 of them are in this small room, My friend goes all Allu Akbar and Purposely Kills him self, and as I guessed, they all were teabagging him. I run in and use my Fist of Panic and Slammed them all. One guy tries self resurrecting and fails horribly cause I just shoot him with my shotgun once and fist him ( lol ). Believe it or not, they all leave and we immediately win. The guy joins the party again and says this, " It kicked us all out, -blam!-in Cheaters" I say," hahaha lol dude, cant handle the hot stuff over here so you just give up? Dude before Trash talking make sure you have skill then trash talk. Then he leaves. Just a little story nothing else

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