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2/9/2016 11:24:39 PM

Crimson days or Sparrow Racing?

Crimson days


Sparrow Racing (SRL)


Ok so now that we have Crimson days available to us, based on rewards and emotes and bounties and shaders, gameplay. I would rather have SRL any day over this Crimson Days event. If i wanted to play 2v2 elimination with let down/ no rewards i would go to Modern warfare 3. And i was playing on a friends console at his house to try it out before i go home, Not impressed at all, the broken heart buff is okay, only thing i like is weapon handling. SRL is an entirely new thing to destiny, despite the two tracks and many annoying pests that bumped you, I would love to have that event return for the same duration as last time or even one week. The rewards were always cool to get and even bad, One thing to change about SRL, Please make the Horn relays drop either in packages or in races (maybe both?) But Crimson days is trials of osiris practice days. Not a fan at all BUT!! The emotes are pretty cool, bingo is making a lot of money. ( Yes i meant bingo)

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