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Edited by DestinysInBeta: 1/13/2016 1:45:57 AM

More cut and rehashed content?

[b][u]video above is Joe Staten new project[/u][/b] (not sure why I put that, oh yeah ttk got rated 6th) So once again we come to learn that "[u]more[/u]" upcoming content is just rehashed content from the original game. [u][b]Read the article and do your own research[/b][/u]. I'm tired of showing the countless links, that shows what they are doing, only to have some blind sheep (most of these sheeple didn't join till after ttk)say "nuh uh, bungie would never rip off players". Now I know it's easier to call me a liar, but try, just try doing some research and connect some of the big shiny dots that are strewn across the web, because there are a lot. And once again I'll make it loud and clear. I am not here to just spread hate, I'm hear to speak my mind and talk with friends, my mission is to make destiny great again (but without the total lies and bullshit that some republican Presidential "candidates" spew forth) and stop this bungled-vision from becoming more bungled and convoluted. We were promised an open world that "you could go anywhere you see" (fail), a game with epic pvp (fail), a game with an immense story (fail) and the ability to "become legend" (fail) [ and that is just the tip of this titanic killing iceberg, I've hardly touched on the fact that Jason Jones and Luke Smith put the game in a digital paper shredder and spread the remains out and just taped it up where the pieces lay, 9months before launch] its time for a full reboot, other games have done it successfully and increased their player base by tens of millions and brought back nearly everyone who left, the key is to be honest, tell players on the game and the app that you will close doors for a few weeks or months...... I'm going to stop right there, and walk it back just a minute, for those of you who know, it takes over a day to move an ammo crate a foot or two, so I'm going to suggest something that would be more practical, as well as show everyone that you genuinely care, leave the game running as it is currently(we all know you guys are running on minimum capacity right now and much of your focus is already on destiny 2[with high moon studios, creators of such epic jokes as the transformers games], I don't know why you think so many will hop on board when you won't transfer any gear over and you already screwed the community so many times), just bite the bullet and put a halt on this over used hype train, stop development on destiny 2 and just make a new destiny 1, create a better functioning sandbox, add the things players asked for like Optional Match Making and a D-pad that has a functional use like ammo synth or ammo synth and emotes (let the player choose what to assign, as well as many other simple things, add all the sandboxes that are on the disc and offer players a discount for sending in there old disc, you can make so much more money off fixing the errors you made and you could still do destiny 2 once you make it more compatible, I don't think you realize how much players would be willing to pay money to see the original supercut. Start with honesty and go from there, because most of us have [u]totally lost faith in you[/u] ^^^crazy I know but when you keep adding to the mistakes, some people will hate you and even if you draw more players in, you are turning just as many away. (And that's how I let the whole subject of this thread run away from me) For some small summary of the mess we face start here

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  • 1. Please use paragraphs. It's much easier to read and understand a post if it is spaced a bit. 2. 100% agree. I hope like hell they make Destiny 2 with a decent base sandbox that can be fixed and altered in some semblance of decent turnaround time. Do it right this time, guys. Also, yes. They need to start being honest and talking with the player community - and not just sanctioned press releases and twitch reveals. We want to help. They seem to not realize that.

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    9 Replies
    • Edited by Hiatus: 1/14/2016 6:36:27 AM
      I love it when people say they can make so much more money, as if an accountant that is already being paid hasn't crunched numbers to determined if it would in fact be profitable. They were willing to effectively trash a game because it did not align with what they envisioned. Let that thought sink in and realize how asinine these requests are. If at any point they felt the need to, did the math and found the risk was worth it, and they were contractually allowed to, they likely would have done it.

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      3 Replies
      • I love how people claim 100% of destinys content is cut and rehashed yet these people have no clue what goes into making a game. I'll let you in on a secret. Bungie didn't make the decision to scrap Joes supercut and spend tons of $$ in rework because it was too good.... It obviously sucked and he was fired for it. The resigning was just to save face. He is a great storyteller but he's human. It's entirely possible he just did a bad job.

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        38 Replies
        • Still beating off that dead horse I see I lost all hope for this game long ago..

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          4 Replies
          • Edited by LONE RONIN2012: 1/12/2016 3:04:00 PM
            Though I agree a complete shutdown and reboot I don't think is feasible at this point. At best they can set up a CTE, Community Test Environment, the same as DICE did with Battlefield 4 to get that in a semi working condition. Bungie's biggest problem though is the massive difference between PvE and PvP.

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            2 Replies
            • Bump! The only thing that I would have made me like what was said here, would be to have it broken down into more paragraphs; otherwise, what you have said is right on. Oh, and about what you said: "I'm tired of showing the countless links, that shows what they are doing" I say that it is good to do this, because it helps a lot of people go out there and read the information. I add links, as it helps promote what you are saying, and it also helps support having to mute the nay sayers - after all, it does help others that don;t know, know that the trolls.are something other than intelligent debaters - (lol, if you could ever call them that.) Keep up hunting, and posting facts!

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            • For me personally, Destiny 2 will make or break this franchise for me. I get that many of the issues that vanilla(and consequently everything built off of vanilla) faced were a result of the rushed schedule. Honestly the fact that they were able to put together a game in basically a year with far fewer bugs than some other large studios is borderline miraculous, and idiotic. It explains many of the problems, but would it have been disastrous to push the date back by a year, do make the game right? It's also why I'm waiting for D2. I expect by that time that they will have their shit together, and should be able to deliver the product that was promised in 2013. If it is not the product advertised in 2013, I am done with it.

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              10 Replies
              • It's January 2016. If you didn't know that content was cut and blah blah blah tin foil blah, then you don't care. If you're still playing the game some dudes on the internet telling you how much Bungie scammed you isn't going to stop you from playing the game either. It's gotten to the point that posts like this are a joke.

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                6 Replies
                • ...and right 'next door', Blizzard is announcing a "patch" for Diablo III - that's also bringing even more new content to the game. It's fascinating how these two development studios can exist under the same proverbial roof - while taking such diametrically opposed approaches to game design and the ongoing support (or lack thereof, in Bungie's case) of their fan / customer base. These days I try to avoid anything with the name "Activision" attached to it, but were I to have to pick - I think it would be a much smarter bet to jump on the Diablo III train that appears to still be powering down the tracks admirably ... instead of jumping (back) aboard the S.S. Destiny, bound and determined to sink itself - just so the crew can see how many passengers they can take with them to a watery grave.

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                • I pointed out that the taken king fleet was in concept art we saw three years ago. The desticle defense force was really pulling the mental gymnastics to explain that one away. Bbbut things change, work in progress, it's only the beta, waaaaaah etc. I'm with you op, game is a disgrace, bunghole needs a ladder to get back to rock bottom at this point , and the people that choose to ignore the blatant facts and lie to themselves are seriously incredibly stupid, or trolls.

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                  15 Replies
                  • You're beating a dead horse with a dead horse. Plus, you used kotaku as a source. They are the same people that said the next dlc would be free. Well, there isn't going to be dlc. And, Bungie never said they were going to give us dlc for free. Muted.

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                    2 Replies
                    • After all the outright lies and DLC extortion that they they have pulled, I'm rooting hard for studio failure. I had quit before TTK because of the repetitiveness and lack of value in their so-called. "Expansions", but planned to give it another shot after Patch 2.0 was announced. Their patch was nothing more than ransomeware, reducing my game to even more of a beta than it was at launch; unless I paid the $40 "protection" fee. What a bunch of extortionists. I can't believe that some people still defend this studio and their anti-consumer practices. You can see footage from every paid expansion in their pre-launch videos for Destiny. Obvious chopped up game is obviously chopped up, if one cares to research. Also - you misspelled "democrat." Pointless political party war, activate!

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                      5 Replies
                      • The amount of sheep and fanboys that clog these forums are disgusting. Brainwashed, automatons that can't think for themselves. No wonder the gaming industry is going to shit right quick and in a hurry.

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                        28 Replies
                        • I oft wonder if we're clinging on to a painted up carcass

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                          6 Replies
                          • I truly don't give a shit.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Edited by BlueJay: 1/12/2016 3:56:33 PM
                              It's okay to use paragraphs you know, it's hard to read the Pangea of paragraphs.

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                              5 Replies
                              • Please not another mask event, that shit was so dumb.

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                                1 Reply
                                • Boom.

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                                  21 Replies
                                  • ... Sheeple? Really?

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • Bump.

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                                    • I think u forgot destiny is already a great game. Awesome gameplay. Hottest game out there in my opinion. It's the only game I've played for a year straight and still want more. Why. Cause the gameplay is -blam!-ing awesome. Also it's a great coop game to play with friends

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                                      13 Replies
                                      • I can't complain much when I've gotten the hours upon hours of entertainment from this game

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • I don't really want to read your post, but that promotional video was beautiful. I'd rather see it made as a movie than a game, but it might be good.

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                                        • I wonder how people as slow as you can manage to keep themselves fed. There were plans to have Mercury content in Destiny 1. Those plans fell through and it was never finished. Now, supposedly, they're finishing them. Where's the problem? There is none.

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                                          8 Replies
                                          • Santa Claus isnt real, neither are dragons or unicorns, i feel your parents should have told you by now.

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                                          • I'm waiting for destiny 2. If they screw that up I will never play this game again. Complaining about destiny right now (the way it is) is understandable, but pointless. I feel like they have given up on this game and they plan on just giving small content to keep the new players busy.

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