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1/4/2016 7:10:05 PM

Can we get some gear worth our time?

I know we are all very competitive. But I guess at this point in my life I'm a more casual gamer than say in the Halo 2, and black ops 2 days. But I still like to reach the peak of the game and well I just can't in destiny. I have played countless hours in iron banner, trials, strikes, night falls and among 3 characters to boot. I don't have a group of high school buddies that I play with, I graduated 10 years ago. The people I do play with are not strong enough to get it done in trials and raid, so I'm left at this moment of never being able to beat oryx on hard, I never beat vault, Croat, or prison on hard either. I want to, and need to in order to reach 320. And the other thing when I am going through a hard raid I get moldering shards out of chests?!? Wtf bungie? I want to be able to ascend to the top. The volume I play at should at least get me top gear, but I again with the taken king now find myself playing for hours with nothing to show for it but 260 rares and a couple pointless 280 lengendary's. Do something. I have been rank 5 in iron banner since Friday and nothing else has been worth it drop wise. Help!!!

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