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10/7/2009 11:20:07 AM

ODST's Vs Spartans

I've been playing Halo Wars over the year with Halo 3 and I just came up with an idea of who is the better soldier. ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) or the Spartans? Fancy a fight together to see which is the UNSC's best soldiers. [Edited on 10.07.2009 3:31 AM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3 #ODST

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  • Spartans no contest

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  • They coverd this in the fall of reach. ODST'S got their asses handed to them by MC. he was not even armored. I can't say armed because he is a weapon. He killed 2 of them the rest he mangled pretty badly.

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  • HE'S pretentious your the guy whose been BASHING every single person that thinks the ODSTs are better YOU are more pretentious than him/her stop hate bashing everyone on the side of the ODSTs and let people enjoy the site

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PMR NYM um considering Master chief beat the pulp outa 3 ODST marines when he was only 14 and didn't have his armor or anything like that it's obvious a fully developed spartan would destroy full squads of ODST marines.[ i know that if you had a squad of ODST's dropping from the sky and running out of there pods guns a blazing at one spartan that spartan would kill at most two ODST's but he would get his ass handed to him.(f**k the Spartans go ODST hoooah

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  • Spartans are killing machines they destroy ODSTs in a fight although ODSTs are cool but a spartan could probably take and ODST down at the age of 8 or 9

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  • spartans their shields recharge

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  • defantly spartans they have the more better deadly and advanced equipment

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  • spartans ftw

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  • hi BATTLE DAWN this is braydon nice post by you ================== [url=]webdesign[/url]

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  • i thank that Spartans are very good at what thay do but Chief is in crio alot. ODST's do alot of work and are not to be forgoten so over all ODSTvsSpartans i thank it is a tie thay are both very good soldiers

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  • At the age of fourteen, John underwent the dangerous SPARTAN-II augmentation procedures. These procedures caused 30 of the Spartan trainees to die, and 12 to become physically disabled. John was one of 33 Spartans who made it through the process unscathed, while the rest who could still operate were sent for jobs in the Office of Naval Intelligence. At only fourteen years old, it is said that John had a body of an eighteen-year old Olympic athlete; the augmentation process gave the Spartans faster reflexes, greater strength, enhanced eyesight, and made their bones nearly unbreakable. Following their augmentation procedures, John and the other Spartans were transferred to the Atlas in order to recover in a microgravity environment. During his first visit to the Atlas' gym, John was confronted by four ODSTs, whose sergeant then ordered the five of them into the boxing ring. In the ensuing fight, John killed two of the ODSTs, and left the others severely injured. For those of you who don't know who "John" is, He's spartan-117 [Edited on 06.27.2011 2:30 PM PDT]

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  • Although the odst's are the elite of the non-enhanced soldiers, the spartans are so tough the are not allowed to be Kia. The odst's are allowed to be Kia because they are not super soldiers. The Spartans are not just better through strength and bravery, but their skill and ruthlessness on the battlefield far surpasses that of the odst. They have superior skill over the odst in every way. The are the leaders of army. The odst are not the best because they are not the main force of the UNSC. The Spartans skills blow the odst out of the water. The odst are strong enough to take down a brute chieftain. But the Spartans can single-handedly take down entire armies by themselves. A single Spartan can do that. A single odst couldn't even take down half. That is my answer.

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  • Depends who gets the rocket launcher first :L

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] b0skiewheels i cant believe this thread went on to two pages. just absurd. and odst is essentially a spartan without the genetic growth horomones, cloning, mjolnir armor, and the training from 6 years old. odsts are better in the fact they choose to do this and knwo there can be other stuff to do. spartans had no choice. they were tortured and mutilated throughout thyre childhood in hopes of a few surviving. in a fist fight, the books clearly stated, when joh FIRST got into his armor, he annihilated 7 ranking odsts. and even without his armor he put 3 in the hospital. so really there is no more comparison its basically a matter of preference. do you want to be a psychotic marine who jumps feet first into the middle of a battle with no hope of survival, or do you want to be a navy supersoldier who who jumps feet first into the middle of a battle with no hope of survival, but has special armor and ai in your skull.[/quote] you my friend, just found the answer :D

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  • I disagree while the odst are the top of the non-genetically altered forces they still are elite soldiers. Spartans are meant to be the best of the best through strength and bravery although i do like odst just a bit more.

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  • I've always liked ODST's for their personality but I like Spartans more because they shut up look epic and tear stuff up

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THE3STOOGES1234 The spartan is better only for their genetical modifications. The cloned spartans have their templates from experienced odsts. The odsts were the basis for the spartan IIs[/quote] What the -blam!- is this about? There aren't any cloned Spartans, they replace the stolen children with flash clones that only live about a month, there are no cloned Spartans. -_-

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  • Freaking ODSTs man.

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  • hahaha im dieing

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  • The spartan is better only for their genetical modifications. The cloned spartans have their templates from experienced odsts. The odsts were the basis for the spartan IIs

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MetaTrooper82 when it comes down to individual fighting ability based on the training and augmentation such as having a broken bone not even slow them down the Spartan II's are better but they are pretty much just drones. They were essentially made for combat and thats it they go where they are told and have no choice in the matter. ODST's are all volunteers it takes a hell of a lot of courage to do something like that ODST's are like US Army Rangers and Paratroopers today. Volunteers always deserve the most respect and the ODST's are still great soldiers[/quote] You failed to take into account that Spartans are conscripted at the age of 6. You know why ONI didn't go public about the details of the Spartan program? Because telling people they kidnap children against their will, indoctrinate and torture them into becoming soldiers is generally the kind of thing that builds sympathy. It is for this reason that the Spartans are more respectable because of the trauma they have to endure. ODSTs can just choose to sign up not knowing what they're getting into, out of blind patriotism or simple xenophobia.

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  • Spartans anyday any time... - They start their training young - They're genetically motified to pwn regular humans because they were first used against rebels - They can kill countless armies by themselfs - They can bag whoever they want (exaple A my profile pic). - They have shields - They have good weapon skill - They have better equipment - They are all around [Blam!]ing awesome - They are 9 feet tall and way 2000 pounds I see no problem with Spartans v ODST's

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  • iv played odst and reach for a while i really love the odst but im thinking the spartans are their betters

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  • Spartans are better because of gear and gentic engineering crap the end

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  • If you have read the books and the comics you'd know that as a 14 yr old john killed 2 ODST's and wounded 3 when they picked a fight with him on a ship after spartan augmentations, this is also without the suit on and hes 14, most ODST are on steroids and all types of stuff.

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  • when it comes down to individual fighting ability based on the training and augmentation such as having a broken bone not even slow them down the Spartan II's are better but they are pretty much just drones. They were essentially made for combat and thats it they go where they are told and have no choice in the matter. ODST's are all volunteers it takes a hell of a lot of courage to do something like that ODST's are like US Army Rangers and Paratroopers today. Volunteers always deserve the most respect and the ODST's are still great soldiers

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