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10/7/2009 11:20:07 AM

ODST's Vs Spartans

I've been playing Halo Wars over the year with Halo 3 and I just came up with an idea of who is the better soldier. ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) or the Spartans? Fancy a fight together to see which is the UNSC's best soldiers. [Edited on 10.07.2009 3:31 AM PDT]
#Halo #ODST #Halo3

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  • thats because johnson doesnt need an army. he kicks ass without armor or anytthing.just check this url

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  • You know what? In the end of this discussion, we know that Spartans can beat up ODSTS. But why are aruguing? It's a stupid topic because unless the Spartans or the ODSTS were AWOL, there is no reason for them to fight. Personally I like ODSTS, but I'm fan of Sparatans too. Spartans can the battle and the war, but I just think that ODSTS put more the line than Spartans ever do. Except for Chief, that Spartan deserves a break. Also I'm just saying this to anyone who replies. Don't fight in a stupid war between this silly topic. it's these topics that start stupid flame wars. ODSTS awesome? Good for you. Spartans are better? Good for you! Let's all stay on our sides of the territory. RookieRules out of here!

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  • Sprtans are way better. but y in odst you can carry 3 grenades and you walk faster with turrets? they also seem stronger, on legendary u can get hit by a beam rifle and not die (unlike halo 3)

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  • dont u mean "spartans never die"?

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    This thread is now basically settled by the fact that the books are now canon. In [i]Halo: The Fall Of Reach[/i], It is explained that Master Chief, being recently augmented and w/o his MJOLNIR armor, was assailed by three hot shot ODSTs in the work out room of the space station. During the altercation (unless I'm mistaken) Master Chief kills two and leaves the third in critical condition, even though he was out-matched by two and out-sized by one. [b]TL;DR[/b] Master Chief killed three ODSTs with his bare hands. Then again, he [i]is[/i] The Chief. [Edited on 08.16.2011 1:43 PM PDT]

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  • All these soldiers are mortal. Spartans are as expensive to field as an entire battle group. I don't know how many ships there are in a battle group, but 80% of the cost comes from the layer of mjolnir armor that allows an AI to do what it does in a ship. It's essentially a hard drive woven into a layer in a suit. A big hard drive. The kind that goes on a ship. If they took that out, Mjolnir armor would probably cost as much as a frigate. Still pricey. For the same cost, you can field a battalion of ODSTs. While It seems like spartans do more damage, alot of it has to do with well placed explosives. What all these dudes before me have said is that Spartans are better than ODSTs, no doubt. But, without the augmentations, without the Mjolnir, all you have is excellent physical specimens, and cunning intellects. If you're gonna add in the Augmentations and the armour, even it up by adding in the cost. 300-1,300 ODSTs versus one spartan? In matchmaking, spartans die from a sniper bullet to the head. In the fall of reach book, John-117 almost got killed by an air strike. I don't think spartans are worth the money, but I do like their morale boost. People needed a rally point, and spartans were just that messiah like figure that they needed. I just don't get why most of them had to die on reach...Whatever happened to "live to fight another day?".

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  • Spartans because John-117 beatup 3 ODSTs by himself in hand to hand combat before completing training. Also, Spartans would still be very effective in combat without the biological changes made to them. They went through brutal training and had their own natural abilities. Example: Blue-2 (Kelly) was extremly fast before training, after she could run faster than 55kph. [Edited on 08.15.2011 12:22 PM PDT]

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  • InTeReStInG

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  • OK im not saying odsts are better then Spartans but it still shows that humans can still be good without needing special armor or being biologically enhanced like spartans

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  • Thats like saying House cats vs Lions.

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  • Spartans are trained from childhood, have plated armor with overshields, and are genetically enhanced. ODST's are like special forces marines with full body armor. Spartans win.

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  • well you dont know -blam!- about halo buck is the only odst he could be a spartan if you paid atention on halo 3 odst you would know that so just stop talking

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] INSANECORNFLAKE id say its a draw sure spartans have great gear and all not to mention their 1000 pound armour but helljumpers get sent in before spartans so the get to now the enviroment better and alot of odsts have what it take to be a spartan like buck so i think they are pritty even if you ask me [/quote] Spartans win hands down. Better gear, genetically enhanced, more experience etc. Not a single ODST has what it takes to be a Spartan, spartans are trained from age 7, ODST's are just marines who join up at age 17. Sure Buck is a great soldier but any Spartan would dominate him in a fight with or without the gear.

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  • WOW you really know nothing about spartans do you? trained from childhood tto be fighting machines, genetically enhanced walking tanks. One spartan without his suit could take at least 10 ODST's in hand to hand. Reason you can't kill Johnson? Spartan's never die. ODST's jump feet first into hell. Spartan's make sure its crowded when they get there. Spartans

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  • both groups of soldiers have weaknesses and strengths and pro's and con's. the spartan is physically stronger and has better reaction times ect. but the genetic augmentations are extremly expensive and very risky. out of all the selected candidates only a few made it to active duty. whereas odst are in greater number and are cheaper to train and upkeep. the spartan mjolnir armour costs as much as a unsc destroyer enough to train over a hundred odst maybe even thousands. spartean 2s are also near impossible to replace whereas odst are expendable. however spartans have a legendary stature and are more well known and looked up to more by civillians (only spartan 2s though spartan 3 project never became public).better 4 morale.i think it takes more skill to be an odst as these guys have been in the -blam!- as marines and worked their way up to the elite. spartans have been made the way they are by augmentations and have had a bigger headstart over the odst. it takes alot less skill to be a spartan. the spartan 2 project as well as 3 are severly unethical as well. in the spartan 2 project the candidates are kidnapped at the age of 5 or six and indoctrinated into a world of harshness and hatred. the augmentation also has a low success rate. many kids were left deformed or died in the progress. the spartan 3 project was unethical as spartan 3s were sent on suicide missions with exeption of noble and the headhunters who were assigned to black ops missions. all but 2 of the beta company spartans died when trying to destroy covenant capabilities on pegasi delta. although success rates were higher and survival rates alot better. odst are also not far off spartan 3s. spartan 3s are alot weaker than spartan 2s closer to odst. the spi armour is not alot better than the odst armour. tbh it is hard to say which one is better

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  • ... [Edited on 10.25.2011 1:18 PM PDT]

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  • yeah spartan do start training sooner but odst are right under them and are sent in before a spartan cause spartans are sent to place that are of high importance heavy risk of heavy resitance or where there mission lead them to just like cheifs does

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  • You'd have a better chance for an ODST Spartan-I against a II or III than a regular ODST. Trust me, it'll take like 4 Spartans to wipe out the ODST community.

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  • In Fall of Reach the book, Master Chief goes against like 5 ODSTs and wins. He actually hit them so hard he kills a few and breaks the others. He also beat the hell out of a few while they were armed to see if he could work well with Cortana.

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  • I'm going to have to repeat myself... Blue Team were fresh out of combat training when they were assigned an infiltration mission on an Insurrectionist base highly protected because Colonel Robert Watts was there. They killed most of the Rebels there without MJOLNIR armour, just a ballistic body suit. No ODST could outmanoeuvre a Spartan "with ease". That's a moronic statement as Spartans are put through a torturous training program on physical and mental abilities, ODSTs receive no such training. Nor do they receive augmentations that make their bones near indestructible, allow them to see in darkness naturally and "slow down time" as a result of their vastly superior reflexes. ODSTs do not stand a chance. Blue Team ran a field test where a group of highly trained Marines were in power armour and the Spartans in jumpsuits. The Spartans won without contest. Anyone who believes that an ODST can beat a genetically enhanced super-soldier needs to see a doctor because there is no logic nor evidence of an ODST doing so or even coming close. [i]And yet there are plenty of scenarios where Spartans have beaten ODSTs...[/i] [Edited on 08.06.2011 5:36 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] VautlingFrog [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZundayXx But still. Spartans > ODST's. Spartans have WAY more combat training, WAY better equipment, Shields, Higher stamina, more melee power. Everything is better on them, thats why they're advanced infantry...[/quote] ODSTs are regular Marine infantry that request to be put into the ODST training program. They already have actual combat experience under their belts before they even begin their ODST training. Honestly they have about the same amount of training. Spartans are no more skilled than an ODST. The armor they wear however gives them a huge advantage over an ODST. With out the armor they are no better soldiers than the rest of humanity. But to prevent hard feelings about my opinion I give you this: [url=]Link[/url][/quote] I'm going to have to disagree a bit with this. the Spartans started their training much earlier. At age 6 while ODST's can sign up in the Marines at 17. So the Spartans have 11 more years experience. That as well as armor and genetic enhancements, on top of mental conditioning make Spartans far superior soldiers. The ODSTs just have numbers. And don't get me wrong I love ODSTs, just Spartans are superior.

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  • id say its a draw sure spartans have great gear and all not to mention their 1000 pound armour but helljumpers get sent in before spartans so the get to now the enviroment better and alot of odsts have what it take to be a spartan like buck so i think they are pritty even if you ask me

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  • Spartans. The power armor kinda made it obvious.

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  • Well first off Spartans start training at the age of 6. After about 11 years they then get physical augmentations, thereby improving them further. They then have lots of combat practice and often do suicidal missions that no one else could do. After all of that they also have highly advanced armor with shields and plating. They have done everything ODSTs have done, and much more, multiple times. While cool, they could never have a chance against a Spartan, not even mentioning a 3-4 man Spartan squad.

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  • spartans obviously

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  • A Spartan II is better. Master Chief accidentally killed a few ODST's while training, that being said, if Spartan II's and ODST's were to engage in actually combat, the Spartans would win hands down.

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