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12/24/2010 11:46:03 PM

I just can't justify eating meat anymore

[quote]Heifer whines could be human cries Closer comes the screaming knife This beautiful creature must die This beautiful creature must die A death for no reason And death for no reason is MURDER And the flesh you so fancifully fry Is not succulent, tasty or kind It's death for no reason And death for no reason is MURDER And the calf that you carve with a smile It is MURDER And the turkey you festively slice It is MURDER Do you know how animals die? Kitchen aromas aren't very homely It's not "comforting", cheery or kind It's sizzling blood and the unholy stench Of MURDER It's not "natural", "normal" or kind The flesh you so fancifully fry The meat in your mouth As you savour the flavour Of MURDER NO, NO, NO, IT'S MURDER NO, NO, NO, IT'S MURDER Oh... and who cares about an animals life? ~Anon[/quote] As Morrissey once said: "nobody can come up with a good argument for eating animals - nobody can. People as some kind of a joke say, well, 'It's tasty', but it's only tasty once you garnish it and you put salt and pepper, and you cook it, and you have to do 300 things to it to disguise its true taste. If you put garnishes on a chair or fabric, it would probably taste quite nice." Animals who die for your dinner table die alone, in terror, in sadness and in pain. The killing is merciless and inhumane. There is absolutely no reason why we should eat meat from an evolutionary or 'natural' perspective either. Our bodies are not designed to. Just, how do I stop, I suppose you could say I'm addicted.
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mahspoonis2big [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gage_1337 As a Vegan, my Veganism isn't about trying to feel morally superior to people. It is about trying my best to abstain myself from cruelty and it's about trying to live as lightly on the Earth as possible. One of the reasons I am a vegan is because I abhor all forms of unecessary killing. Killing for mercy, killing in self-defence and killing for survival are acceptable in my opinion. I personally have no problem with a starving man eating meat because the man would likely die if he didn't and is only killing for survival which is a necessary form of killing. However, massively breeding billions of animals to slaughter in-order to feed people living in economically developed locations like Britain and the USA is absolutely not necessary because there is no nutrient in meat that is missing in a vegetarian diet. Necessary killing may be tragic, but I find killing simply for amusement, taste and small convenience vile and abhorrent. That is why I am a vegan.[/quote]Not only is this post hypocritical in that you rave for a solid run-on paragraph on how you are morally superior despite claiming to not feel that way, you're also wrong. If no one ate meat, the trophic levels on the planet would be utterly destroyed. Human meat-eating is necessary for environmental balance. Sure, humans eat more meat than they need or should currently, but a world without meat-eating is one that will see devastating crop infertilities and mass animal and human starvation. Vegans are vegans for purely selfish reasons. There is no 'world-citizen' aspect to it at all; you're doing it for yourself and yourself alone.[/quote] The land used for growing crops to feed the animals we eat, could be used effectively to feed humans. With ease. There are more "farmed" animals alive than humans, much more, therefore there would be more crops used to feed these animals than humans. And even if not, there is plenty of crops to feed all the humans in the world, including the starving people anyway. Without this extra land.

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