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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Ego Sum Ira: 11/29/2015 1:34:15 AM

This community makes me sick sometimes.... Here's why

Edit 5: please read the entire post through before jumping to a response. Thank you! I'm a day one player. I've been around since the first hour of this game dropping and I'll always have a soft spot for this game in my heart. I'm a die hard gamer. I don't post on the forum much. I'm an observer. I've been around for about 15 years; competitively. This is by far my favorite game I've ever played. Bungie games I have always been really good at. One thing I am having a lot of trouble with is the general attitude of this community. Collectively, it sucks. Seldom will I ever find a forum post that isn't "nerf this, nerf that, I hate this, bungie does this wrong, bungie does that wrong, we need more of this, we should't have to grind for this." I am clearly part of the minority. I love this game. This game has been nerfed into oblivion. First you all complained about auto rifles being too OP. Auto rifle nerf, now they suck. Then you cried about the thorn and last word being too OP. Nerfed. Then you complained about shotguns, nerfed and now useless. Just like everything else that has been nerfed. This community is toxic and it's bringing this game down with it. NOW it's snipers. I have been a sniper from day one. Pretty damned decent one at that. All this talk about aim assist, scope nerfing, rez sniping nerf; it's ridiculous. I try my best every single day to enjoy this game and for the most part, I do. I'm not calling against a nerf here. It's inevitable and I won't fight it. My message is not anti-nerf. My message is this - I am willing to admit when a team in trials beats my team fair and square because they are simply better than me and my team. They snipe better or work as a team better or are just more tactical. Whatever the reason I don't go running around blaming other people, cheating, lag or the game developers for my own failures. Quit walking directly into well known sniper lanes. Stop rushing around corners when you know the other person has a shotgun. Work together as a team. Admit when you do something wrong. Don't blame others for everything that goes wrong. Don't have temper tantrums. Learn from your mistakes, make yourself better, and move the fcuk on. I am so sick and tired of scrolling these forums not seeing a SINGLE shred of constructive criticism or positive energy. It's flooded with prissy little whiners. Don't like this game? Too bad. Go play fallout, or CoD, or even Battlefront. Destiny is a game better off without the narrow minded anyway. This game has it's flaws. Just like every game. But I love this game and I am a loyal gamer to the end. I guess that is just not as common as it used to be anymore. This current younger generation is never satisfied, so they whine and cry until they get what they want. This game needs positive and adaptable minds. Edit: My point was not to come off as "whining" or the "same as everyone else" I'm just trying to help people see that there are A.) plenty of other gaming options if you do not like this game. and B.) Solutions to this games problems that can be solved constructively and collectively as a community. There really are strength in numbers, and if we can all get on the same page and REALLY talk about suggestions to make a good game great; ultimately we will prevail. I do believe Bungie values our feedback, but I feel that it is hard for them to do so when everyone is spewing incoherent babble from their mouths because they're too salty to formulate a coherent thought. Edit 2: this topic is getting attention. Let's get this up to the top of the trend so we can REALLY start getting this message across. Level headed, constructive minds can retake this forum if we really want it! Edit 3: keep this topic trending! I work late nights and want to reply to all of you and I will. As soon as I get off work. Keep up the positive and valued feedback. I appreciate all of you. Edit 4: Wow. Never expected this post to get this big but here we are. Let me clarify a few things for those of you who have chosen to take this entire message completely out of context. This post is [b]NOT[/b] about me being upset about sniper rifles possibly being nerfed. Not even relatively. I couldn't possibly care ANY less if the guns get a nerf. One of my favorite things about gaming is the fact that we all constantly have to adapt to changes made in the game whether they are good or bad. If snipers get a nerf, awesome! I'll adapt, learn, and perfect the new system the best way that I can. Not one time during this post did I intend for any of you to think I was "crying about a sniper nerf" I'm not. My message was and has been all along that [b]we[/b] as a [b][i]community[/i][/b] need to really work on positive reinforcement and being productive with our thoughts on [i]how[/i] we can make this game great. Is this my favorite game? Yes. Does that make me biased towards this game? You betcha. Does it make me a pompous narrow minded a**hole that has no regard for what anyone has to say or other people's opinions? Absolutely [b]not[/b]. I'm calling on this community to stand together instead of in little groups, hell bent on one idea and blind to the big picture. This game and this community needs those that are willing to put bias aside (I would like to think I am one of those people) and work collectively with like-minded individuals towards a better future for this game. Remember that this is supposedly a [b]ten year[/b] project. We all really need to slow our roll and really take some time to think and work together if we have any chance of making an impact. I apologize to any of you who have taken this post out of context or already have decided I'm not worth listening to. That is your own opinion and you are surely entitled to do whatever you want with said opinion. In all seriousness my intention is only to bring all of us together so we can truly enjoy this game like it is meant to be enjoyed. Thank you so much for all of your input and feedback. I couldn't be more appreciative at the amount of different perspectives I have been graced with over the last 24 hours. [b][u]TL:DR[/u][/b] This is a copy/paste TLDR that I said in another conversation with another member. It comes down to this. Like I have stated before, this game is nowhere near perfect. It has its flaws. It needs changing and tweaking. The community as a collective whole can help this process however, we need to find a better way to voice our concerns and suggestions for improvements for this game rather than spew sewage from our mouths. Think about it like this. Currently this community is a room full of angry citizens that aren't getting the things they want. Think of bungie as the mayor sitting in on this room, trying to listen to the voice of the citizens. How is it going to be possible for the mayor to hear ANYONE in a room full of pissed off screaming people? They can't. We need to all take a seat, collect our thoughts, share our thoughts with each other, brainstorm said thoughts into a suggested solution and present those solutions to the mayor. At which point our voice has truly been heard. Whether or not the mayor decides to do anything with our suggestions is up to the mayor. But if we remain in that room and maintain order; eventually we will ALL come to a common ground. At which point the community and the developers can move forward, together. This relationship needs to be a two way street. Not a highway and a bike path.

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  • [i]"The galaxy's a dark place and I just want to make it brighter before I go"[/i]

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  • This is fair enough, i agree

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  • Edited by Toland: 11/28/2015 3:42:45 PM
    SERRIOUSLY dude your post was basically complaining about a sniper nerf, something you said you hated. GG

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    6 Replies
    • We appear to be like-minded adult gamers and I couldn't agree more with what you said. I've been saying for over a year that people need to calm down on this forum and play the game for what it is, a game. I'm tired of the "X" game will be the death of Destiny and can't for the life of me figure out why people can't play more than one game at a time. Nerf this and buff that have taken on a life of their own over the past 15 months and sadly Bungie has pretty much jumped on the "respond to complaints" threads a bit too seriously with all the weapon tuning and updates. Some of it can be attributed to poor in-house testing, but alot of it is just reactionary to the bitching and moaning that goes on here. Sad too because that has killed many a game company in the past. I too am in it for the 10 year effort and will continue to play other games as they're released. It does appear Bungie is listening to some of the constructive criticism on the forum, and otherwise, as TTK was a major step in the right direction if you ask me. I thoroughly enjoyed taking my Hunter through the missions to get to 40 and eventually I'll bring my other 2 along as well. Let's hope more positive posts start showing up here. I've responded to quite a few in the last few days actually, so maybe the trend is looking brighter. Cheers

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    • Edited by Achomaniac: 11/28/2015 8:39:43 PM
      Tuff stuff buttercup. If shotguns won't be able to shoot through wet tissue paper outside of melee range, Snipers need their aim assist nerfed. Not repeatedly, into oblivion like shotguns have been, but tuned down slightly. I watch Twitch more than I probably should, and what do I see? Drag scopes for days. Snipers like to brag about how sniping takes real skill. Yeah, it takes a lot of skill to drag your reticle across the screen for a OHK from across the map....safely outside of primary range. Aim assist on snipers needs to be toned down. I'd prefer it be removed completely, but it needs to be at the least reduced. Besides, you snipers have so much skill, you don't really need aim assist do you?

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      • Edited by B0ngSaburr_Batul: 11/28/2015 8:47:17 PM
        Snipers have behaved consistently all throughout year one and two. Only reason you have people crying and bitching is the damn shotgun nerf. People kept whining and whining for bungie to "fix" shotguns, and guess what? With this 6th nerf coming in december the gun class will be completely unusable. With that being said, im sure there are a shitload of pissed off shotgun users right now that got their secondary of choice basically ruined due to whiny ass bitching on the forums. What are they gonna do? Go to the forums and bitch about nerfing snipers now, because thats the way shit gets done around here. The only way for this viscuous circle to end is ... .... Wait for it.. .. STOP CRYING SALTY OCEANS OF TEARS ALL UP IN THE FORUMS! WERE DROWNING IN NERFS HERE!! JUST STFU AND TAKE YOUR DAMN HEADSHOTS TO DA FACE DAMNIT

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        5 Replies
        • 0
          Get vaccinated.

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          4 Replies
          • I don't understand this logic how are shotguns going to he unusable? Not all shotguns needed a nerf granted but some did along with the rangefinder perk they should not have the range they did

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          • Pmsl you're using a pusle rifle and a high aim assist sniper rifle. That just screams current meta. You're trash.

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            2 Replies
            • I like to think of it this way..... All of the "Guardians" that quit this game are just weary soldiers who no longer had the strength to fight the Darkness. Honestly, we are better off without them. They played their part, the rest of us will just have to hold the line until the reinforcements (noobs) arrive. If we continue to shed the negative whiners.....things will only get better in the long run.

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              • Edited by Swole‘ak-Hul, The Blind: 11/29/2015 11:06:26 PM
                Don't worry Bungie stopped listening the this forum a long time ago LOL This place is a mess, your better off with the playstation 4 forums on destiny

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                2 Replies
                • Shotguns are useless huh? Nuthugger.

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                • Agreed, constructive discussions about issues with the game will work, toxic mindless crying won't

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                • Great post - couldn't agree more.

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                • Well said and greatly appreciated. It's how I feel. I'm a long time gamer as well. Destiny is great and far superior to all prior and current games as far as replay value and casual fun. Job well done Bungie. Can things be done different? Sure - go make it yourself whiners. Time spent with enjoyment vs. cost. OMG. Nothing comes close. I use to love the forums in year one. So much great info and insight. Now it's just a toxic environment full of haters and whiners. Rant over. I will continue to enjoy and play this all time great game however it changes. Peace out. Bandit Won (xbox1)

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                • Couldn't of said it better myself. Obviously Destiny has its flaws and you can question some of Bungie's decision making or practices, but this community is by far one the most toxic I've ever been a part of.

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                  • i agree 100 percent with you bro same here

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                  • Love this game, was hooked since the beta. Only thing I don't like is the PvP lag, but I still play it. You don't see a lot of posts on the forums regarding the lag, it's mostly just nerfs...(if you do find a "Get a better server post" they are normally cussing out Bungie and making an ass of themselves)

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                  • Edited by Ozamataz Buckshank: 11/28/2015 7:46:52 PM
                    I don't believe bungie cares what we think. They have a vision grinding for the next pvp weapon meta...and that's it. Everything revolves around this nerf cycle...nothing we say or ask for matters. It's a constant bait and switch. But know this, snipers will never be brought in line with other specials because bungie fancies the MLG crowd..and MLGs like to campsnipe. So, it appears that the tiny segment of the guardians get what they want...when in reality it is what bungie wants.

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                  • As soon as you do post a good idea it's driven to the bottom of the thread by nerf this, nerf that, bungie stole my mom and sexually assaulted my butthole posts to never see the light of day

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                    • I hear ya man.

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                    • Finally! Someone else who doesn't constantly whine about how everything needs to be nerfed! Personally I absolutely love this game and it's the only game I play.

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                    • Edited by Adam: 11/28/2015 7:29:59 PM
                      I'd be fine with a nerf to the AA on snipers. Little do those people who bitch about it know, but nerfing the AA on snipers would simply increase the gap between the good and bad players. As someone who snipes a lot, I'd be perfectly fine with this :) But this is Destiny we are talking about here. You should expect every weapon type to be rendered completely unusable at some point thanks to the clueless devs who attempt to balance the game.

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                    • the community is toxic because the game is toxic. its obviously designed for milking money - this makes it toxic for the whole industry! but dont worry, tabula rasa is close. the whole game industry bubble will pop soon - like in the eighties.

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                    • nice post.

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                    • With all due respect if Bungie actually had a sense to say no to weapons not favouring the player every now and again then we wouldn't have this problem, as a games developer Bungie has seriously underperformed this year, they are allowing immature kids (this community) to influence their decisions, since they do not test anything thoroughly they seem to be forced on to believing the community. I blame Bungie for being too soft, however saying that the community hasn't exactly done the game many favours with the extreme amount of cries for nerfs, on the flip side of the community though they have a right to speak up about ... lets not kid ourselves here, a broken shell of an untested game.

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