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Edited by AnTi PRO: 11/25/2015 5:40:46 PM

Why is the Destiny community so toxic? A question from a new player.

I would like to preface this with the fact that I've been gaming for a long time and I've been heavily involved with various communities over the years. I have been a fan of Bungie for as long as I can remember. I ran a community called Arm The Flag during the Halo days and we got our Machinima work on the front page all the time. I was even interviewed by the community director, Urk at the time. I've seen issues left and right within games, their creators, and the communities around them and I know there is a mature/respectful way to handle them. I am late to the Destiny game as I just recently finally purchased an Xbox One and I was eager to jump into the Destiny community because I remember all of the fun I had back in the Halo days....well that feeling was soon squashed for me. Upon checking out the Bungie Forums and jumping on r/DestinyTheGame on Reddit for the first time a few days ago I was met with all of of this hatred and resentment towards Bungie for just about every little aspect of the game. Where was this beloved community that I remembered from back in the day? It was nowhere to be seen. Now I've seen the posts and arguments...I realize that veteran players feel shafted for the Y1 stuff taken away then brought back...that's some BS. I see the arguments against the RAF program...which I think is an excellent program and the people complaining about it come off as nitpicking self entitled children, but that's just my opinion. Regardless of your opinion instead of dumping toxic waste posts everywhere in the community about how Destiny is shit and you hate Bungie, and you think it should be this way....maybe you should look at a more constructive way. Where is the mature community that enjoys the game? Where is the mature community that instead of whining like little girls they start a meaningful discussion and possibly come up with something to present Bungie that voices the thoughts of the community as a whole? Turning this sub and the Bungie forums into a cesspool of negativity, complaints, and a whine fest will not help your cause. I love you guys...and I've loved my time playing Destiny so far, but I hate reading through all these crap threads day after day.

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  • I joined this community when I bought Destiny back at release. It was all Destiny themed, I had no idea that before Destiny this was already a thriving community with a lengthy history going all the way back to Marathon. Bungie took an online community that had thrived for years and essentially shattered it. So a lot of people felt a lot of resentment and this resentment had nowhere to go other than to the forums. Then, much later, they pay-gated the community and kicked out people who had called this place home for years. Obviously those people who remained, who had formed lasting bonds with people in this community were quite upset when their friends (some might say their family) were kicked out of the house by the landlord. A home they had helped build, that Bungie had reinforced for years that it was a shared community created by the users was one day, out of the blue, upended. So a lot of people felt a lot of resentment about this as well and this resentment had nowhere to go other than to the forums. Bungie created this site and made it the main repository for it's lore, it made this community part of the game. Then Bungie went to Reddit for feedback and Twitter to give salient updates. So a lot of people felt a lot of resentment about this as well and this resentment had nowhere to go other than to the forums. SIDE NOTE: Phrases like "whining like little girls" are sexist rhetoric and do not belong in the mature community that you are describing. Everyone has the tendency and capacity to express themselves in immature ways, especially when faced with circumstances beyond their immediate control. This is normal. Some people make loud declarative statements like "it's a slap in the face" Some people make sexist and derogatory statements like "whining like little girls" Some people make derogatory statements about honest emotional expression "Bunch of crybabies" All of these are examples of immature posturing and immature communication. They are not for the good nor are they, in themselves, a good thing. However they are an understandable thing. The positive, constructive, well thought out and well voiced requests by the community, the key things that most of the community seems to agree upon. The polls and petitions that were signed have done essentially nothing. Bungie has demonstrated that Youtubers, Reddit and Twitter have more say in the feedback that is actually acted upon in game than this community does and most here either recognize it or at least feel it. All of these things are the Zeitgeist of these forums and they won't change arbitrarily or because someone asked the community to change. Some people may be overreacting or reacting strongly to the wrong things because they are not certain what to react to that will result in positive change but their reactions are based on actions that have already been taken. Things that have already been done and that have never been answered to nor redressed. The community will not be able to walk hand in hand into a collaborative sunshine of community future until our landlord and partner (Bungie), acknowledges the actions they have taken that are literally anti-community. Bungie owns the community, Bungie controls and manages the community, if Bungie does not become part of the community and accept that with membership in community comes accountability to that community then this community will remain a collection of players many of whom are so angry that they lash out at random and for reasons unconnected to the subject matter. I realize that Bungie has claimed over and over that they are a part of this community and that we are in this together. But these declarations are not balanced against their actions. Their actions are contrary to their message and this creates resentment as the players, the paying customers, are powerless to hold them accountable for the contradiction.

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    20 Replies
    • You don't see it, but Destiny is running on my TV right now. For an entire year, since the birth of Destiny, I've looked at this ship orbiting earth more than anything else. Yeah I go outside, save your salt for someone else. Destiny didn't chock up to what it was said to be. Not a lot of promises were kept. But, note this is a big but, (I can not even lie) Bungie did make something. Something different. You can sit down on any lackluster, run-of-the-mill shooter-type pew pew action game and kill the same generic (insert choice of foreign, middle eastern/Russian/German/etc. Terrorist group here) That's not Destiny. Destiny made a community out of some of the most diverse people out there: gamers. We've got your geeks, your not-geeks, your try-hard blowouts, and can't forget those filthy casuals (who are totally great people). I've got the worst RNG luck in the world. Never had a good roll, in fact, to this day, I have yet to receive an exotic bounty from the bounty tracker. All of year one, the only exotics I received were ones I bought from Xur. But hey, I can't complain. I get to sit down and play Destiny. Destiny's great, with its flaws. Destiny is fun, with its flaws. It has flaws for days, and I love it's little flaws. I don't care if sunbreakers smash my shit every time I spawn. I don't care if someone blows my head off every time I get revived. I[i]have[/i] [b]fun.[/b] So all this toxicity, this salt, this [i]poison[/i] is stupid. Why do I see new people come in every day, to be greeted with slurs and judgement in fire? For Traveler's sake, guys and girls, we talk about how Destiny is dying because of new blockbuster games, but you can't stop busting someone's chops long enough to teach them how to be a Guardian? My rave might not have structure, maybe there's some errors. Maybe I'm biased. But you've got to admit, not many Year 1 beta-tested filthy casuals care enough to come up on their soapboxes to sort shit out, yeah?

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      • easy: in 2013 Bungie announced that new amazing hardcore super duper ,"i can do everything" new video game in the spirit of "what can be bigger than halo" . they bragged and promised the blue out of the sky.. - open world - endless exploration - cinetmatic story - endless customization - social feaatures - endless content - playing together with friends - dynamic world - real time calculated weather effects bungies new spawn was perceived as the "Mass effect Halo Skyrim - clone in Space, with magic" -> and bungie like it and did nothing to clairify.. in opposite, , they pushed the notion of freedom and openness and greatness in every possible way.. see the sentence "we could go to this mountain over there RIGHT NOW".. then "Destiny was released" and people who already bought the season pass and the collectors edition were basically shocked: - very narrow and limited world, with killzones and invisible barriers - no exploration at all, you simply can't find anything out there or discover anything - there was literally NO story in game that made any sense - no customization apart from paintjobs , everyone had to use the same gear to level up - not a single social feature in game, all had to go through PSN or Xbox features no communication in game at all outside of preformed fireteams. and not a single groupfinder feature in game. - content was severely limited and felt very "cut down" - you could play together with friends, but having friends doesnt make it easier to form a team .. instead its easier if you go to a lfg site.. unless you dedicate your life to a group or clan.. - very static and sterile world. no interaction with the world is allowed, nor possible - i guess the weather is scripted.. and all bungie said to this was : "do we not have a brilliant and near to perfect game "? the over the last year people start digging around and literally had to pry out EVERY important information by themselves.. since the information policy of Bungie is more than devastating. the cut content the trashed story, the problematic game engine the delay the huge problems with the content pipeline.. people did not found the informaton on bungie,net but on thrid party pages.. where bungie opened about those problems to OTHERS.. in GDC 2015 one of the developers opened up about the huge problems the engine has in development and about the massive problems with the content pipeline.. in 2015 also the court documents revealed the BIG change in story and such .. in 2014 the activision contract was leaked revealing the 10 year roadmap.. all those informations were desperately needed by the audience yet bungie played dumb and did ignore the calls and the questions.. try to play dead man. and even worse, the plainly lied or misslead by purpose.-> with House of wolves, players asked if there will be a raid later. and bungie replied there will eb a raid later this year, WELL KNOWING that player meant in HoW.. but Bungie mislead them in referring to the Taken King Raid well knowing that this was not what the player asked.. the reddit leak "architect404" told the story about the end of the original story and how this whole game idea went down, and DeeJ himself tired to cover up the tracks by stating that this is a Troll, well knowing that this guy was well on point and right about everything and DeeJ even admitted in some posts later that somethign went wrong when he spoke of "chaos in development"..trying to play it down.. Pre "The dark below" Playtester reparted about the new subclasses, yet bungie remained silent.. and sold them later in TTK , UK players were complaining about the HUGE missmatch in the pricing about 40$ and 40GBP , Bungie remained silent.. there have been 1.000.000 opportunities for bungie to redeem themselves yet they remain the evertesting company, milking the player , misleading them and luring them to pay ungodly amounts of money while not .. not taking care of day one guys pisses off the vets, also the refer a friend program that is only availiable if someone pays 40$ again.. the taken kign collectors edition where people were pissed that they cant get anything as a vet just as a new one.. and and and.. bungie did a great job to really upset a LOT of people.. =)

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        15 Replies
        • Edited by ncexnyc: 11/26/2015 4:51:28 AM
          As you said yourself, you're new to Destiny. Most of us have paid $140, for what amounts to chopped up content. We have stuck by Bungie from Day One, yet the total disregard we are shown by people like Luke Smith and our supposed Community Manager DeeJ is beyond belief. You ask, "Where is the beloved community that I remembered from back in the day?" But the question you should be asking is, "Where is my beloved Bungie from back in the day?" Bungie has taken a serious turn for the worse and all of those people who remember them from the great HALO experience were more than happy to give them the benefit of the doubt for a rocky year one start, but unfortunately despite the claims that they've learned from those mistakes Bungie has kept TTK pretty much the same as what we saw in Year One. So reading your post all I see is another thread trying to blame the community for the toxicity which is in plain view for anyone to see on these forums, but not understanding where the real blame lies. We've supported this game for nearly 15 months now with both our time and money. It's time we should be seeing a return on our investment, but all we're getting are empty promises or vague statements about how things are going to improve in the future.

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          8 Replies
          • Edited by frankhail306: 11/27/2015 1:50:59 AM
            It's sane for me :/ if you see my post about my dead sister they give me hate The community was amazing during the halo days

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            1 Reply
            • The toxicity in this community towards Bungie is fine, it's the toxicity towards others that makes it about as toxic as the cod community. You can't post anything without someone looking up your stats, using low brow vocabulary like scrub as well as video game derived dribble such as getgud, umad and the like. Video gaming in whole has turned people in unintelligent, obnoxious morons where anything they claim outside of these forums and their imagination is rendered useless. I actually enjoy reading the unintelligible diatribe as its entertaining.

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              • Lack of story, cut content and a total -blam!- up with the writers is the base of all the hate which is deserved for that, as they essentially sold the game under false pretences when it came out more than a year ago.

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              • I'm sorry to break it to you, but mature and constructive criticism doesn't work with Bungie anymore.. They only seem to notice after months of incessant whining which I'm not an advocate of. Either way, squeaky wheel gets the grease. Whatever shred of humanity I thought Bungie still possessed has long since been eradicated. All they've done, are continually doing, and will continue to do is devalue our time and effort while simultaneously reaching deeper in your pocket so you can pay for more timegated content that was supposed to be playable at an earlier date. All this is done in hopes of giving the game longevity so Bungievision can squeeze as much money out you as possible. (Which is an honest and fair intention I guess, but the execution is horrible) Honestly this game impacted me greatly, good and bad.. But if could go back, I wouldn't have bought the game in the first place. -a once loyal fan with 2500+ hours played My advice? Put down the controller, find a more constructive way to spend your time.

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              • Edited by DvzLion-O: 11/27/2015 10:37:05 AM
                [quote]Where is the mature community that enjoys the game? I love you guys...[/quote] 1. Playing the game and not posting on the forums religiously because we are mature and, who cares? 2. You don't know us. Be mature and use the word love for it's real meaning

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              • Edited by Omega Wolf: 11/27/2015 9:34:50 AM
                to be honest a lot of year one vet lost a lot of respect for the game when we lost a lot of our stuff we grow close to, but then came year two... the whining, and complaining intensife, in till most of the vets become part of the whinners. their are few of the true vets out there I'd like to still think I'm one of them

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                • It's toxic from thorn after burn.

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                • Because people have raised three generations of ungrateful little entitled snots. Next question.

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                • Nice try Luke Smith, I know it's you posting this.

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                  2 Replies
                  • It's a generation of wireless latch-key tweeny monsters. Parents are afraid to discipline, schools are afraid to educate - this is what we get.

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                  • TL;DR: Destiny fun, Forums bad. I agree. Congrats on the new system! Good luck, and I hope you enjoy it:)

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                  • -blam!- off

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                  • Doing a Xbox one giveaway at

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                  • If you really think the Destiny community is toxic, you must lurk around just the Bungie forums. Go to the Destiny reddit. That's where you'll see the immense difference between this cesspool and that haven.

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                    • Id say it has a lot to do with the age of the community. A lot angry elitist teenagers. Its definitely one of the worst communities out there haha its up there with counter strikes lol

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                      • The mature community isn't on these forums. Most of the toxic idiots here are 12 year old squeakers whose nuts have yet to drop and they try to act like badasses online since all they do is play video games and wack their puds. Once they get a girlfriend in a decade or so they'll feel better.

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                      • Depends on the forum. Bungie forums are pretty much toxic, but destiny reddit is amazing. The in game community is good as well, you just get a warped view if you stay on this forum to long.

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                      • I'm a day 1 and beta player and I can assure you that the majority of the playerbase and the majority of this forum are two very very different things....

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                      • Play station players happened. Bungle forums were nowhere near as bad back in the day.

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                        3 Replies
                        • Bungie has traumatized us with their betrayal and money grubbing ways.

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                        • I've been wondering the same thing.

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                        • Well said. I wish the community here was a little less toxic also. My mute list has grown into the many hundreds after browsing the forums for the past two years. Many others have given reasons why the community is the way it is. Myself? I like playing destiny and find it to be fun. I also generally like the way Bungie has evolved the game. I don't believe the theories that "content was cut" or that Bungie hates it's player base. Life is too short to get upset things that I have zero control over. I believe that if you don't like the game, don't play it. I'm sure I'll get called names for it, but whatever.

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