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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by FearingDeath: 11/25/2015 2:57:59 PM

Everyone bitching about Cut Content...

What the hell are you whining about? Destiny is a great, unique game even with all of its flaws. I do not understand how people try to justify their complaints on how Bungie decides to price and sell their intellectual property. If you do not like how bungie has done it, then go -blam!-ing make your own video game;)

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  • Edited by FPSTrollestia: 11/27/2015 7:42:06 PM
    Everyone who hates bungie/Activision brings up the "cut content" theories. When even multiple articles have come out to say that the game was changed. What happens to a game that changes? Oh right it changes everything they wanted to change, including the story. "But at x:xx the trailer shows "yyyy" and that means it should be in game!" Trailer videos are prescripted events to showcase what the creators want you to see, but May not actually in game. "But the seraphim vault you could glitch into! And the ultra captain!" Rendered areas doesn't mean finished areas. Even if populated like the ultra captain, still doesn't necessarily mean it's finished, there was no purpose to the ultra captain. "But the original story had the dread naught! So it should of been in game too!" Yeah because the story orignally had us going there! You're totally right /sarcasm. Why would there be an area that literally serves no purpose, not even to the story be publicly available that you didn't need to glitch into. When story changes before release, so can in game content. "But dataminers found "xyz" in the game files! Where's my new thunderlords that they showed in trailers! Cut content!!!" As again, things in trailers aren't always in game, and data mining is just that, data mining. Just because an item was datamined doesn't mean it is or going to be available till the content creators make it available. And just because the files are in game doesn't mean they will ever be in game. Just like the consumables that were gonna be sold by a vendor to increase raid drops, those were out dated files that were just there, they decided to go with the three of coins instead. #ByeFelicia Edit: got around to reading all the responses. Hmm, didn't know there were many people who actually have the same views about the game like I have, interesting....

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    85 Replies
    • And then Battlefront ships with four map locations and only six heroes and expects you to pay $50 for a few more map locations and more heroes that should have been included in the main game. But that one is totally legit somehow and people are excited to pay for that?

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      17 Replies
      • Ah well you see they are spoilt children who want everything and throw tantrums when they don't get it. They act like they are cool and insult those who say anything positive about the game when in fact most are attention seeking self rightious cocks :)

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      • Edited by Cap10Victory: 11/28/2015 12:37:45 PM
        I know for a fact people bitching about lack of story dont read. They want a movie to tell them. Sad, sad, read!

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      • It's unique in the sense that you pay 120 to get 60 dollars worth

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      • Overwatch will kill destiny

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      • I think more importantly, why are you defending it? This game could be so much better, it's not that unique and so many things have clearly been put in the game and then ignored. The economy is terrible, crucible is massively imbalanced and lag plays an enormously detrimental part of every endgame activity (crotas end, iron banner, trials). People whining aren't the problem. It's bungies responsibility to sift through what is a valid complaint and what isn't. That's why we continue to give them money when they ask for it, we want them to make the game better. People ignoring problems and saying everything is fine are the problem. That's right, people like YOU are the problem.

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        1 Reply
        • [quote]Why the hell are you not whining about destiny? Destiny is a terrible, generic game even with its few pros. I do not understand how people try to justify their purchase of destiny when BUNGIE took out everything good about the game. If you do not like how bungie has done it, then you actually have a brain and dignity;)[/quote]

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          • Theres a reason why one of the game developers or producers left before release.cause he heard that instead of just coming straight out with a massive crazy game theres gonna cut so much pf it out and sell them individually to make alot more profit even tho they almost made 500million on the first 2 weeks alone on release. Fair enough the company are money hungry and desperatley want money but the people who play games and cant afford much to eat,drink and pay rent its hard for them to constantly pay a game to give them back the content that should have been there on release. Its unfair and sucks to everyone who has been there since day 1 like me but if money is more important than making a game amazing for players without the use of paying money all the time to unlock things in the game for us that are already there then....that just makes them a bad company thats all

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            21 Replies
            • Edited by DarthBrando: 11/28/2015 1:57:16 AM
     Please read those links in that post they ARE legitimate as possible. Kotaku even did a MASSIVE article on it. Then tell me you DONT want to play the original as designed destiny that was 80% SCRAPPED [b][i][u]BEFORE BETA RELEASE EVEN CAME OUT[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]faction wars[/spoiler] [spoiler]player trade system[/spoiler] [spoiler]open player chat in social areas[/spoiler] [spoiler]exo stranger was OSIRIS' assistant; OSIRIS was supposed to be a faction[/spoiler] [spoiler]factions had separate story lines[/spoiler] [spoiler]classes had separate story lines[/spoiler] [spoiler]prince uldren was originally gonna ba the crow; a character ditched and replaced with cayde6 and he was supposed to be encounter mission based story sideline[/spoiler] [spoiler]actual CUTSCENE INTROS to EVERY MISSION AND PATROLS[/spoiler] [spoiler]RASPUTIN's puppet NPC exo sideline story and rescuing him from the comet now known as dreadnaught which was supposed to be a vanilla release level[/spoiler] [spoiler]areas were supposed to be larger; all quest and game modes currently in 2 years in were supposed to be vanilla content[/spoiler] [spoiler]much more[/spoiler] [spoiler]YEA ITS SUMTHIN TO BE PISSED ABOUT[/spoiler] Wow thats some bull The post i linked [b][i][u]WAS ACTUAL NEWS[/u][/i][/b] an not opinion; it had a kotaku link for F sake Yet bungie tore it down to cover their a55 geeze

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              50 Replies
              • You are a year 2, so shut your mouth

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                4 Replies
                • Hell no. People that defend Bungie are either ignorant or in denial. Try watching a game and developer go to shit for 2 years, then tell me what it feels like.

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                • Seriously just shut the -blam!- up. I can't stand people like you. You're one of these zombies that enjoy getting bent over by corporations. Respect people's freedom of speech.

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                • I want my bloody Dunemarchers It's like getting virtual blue balled

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                • To be fair cutting content to sell as dlc is bad for the consumers. I agree destiny is a great game

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                  • [quote]People still play this trash after the reviews it got?[/quote]

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                  • Every game has cut content. Halo 2 was completely butchered from its original vision and the game we got didn't come together until almost two months before certification.

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                  • Anyone who wants all the cut content they can handle... Go to a "cutter" support group and toss a few packs of razor blades in the middle.

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                  • Edited by Severed Shisui: 11/28/2015 2:03:20 AM

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                  • Why are you on the forums? There's always going to be criticism on them. It's a way for customers to communicate their experiences and feedback.

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                  • Forgot to mention how much I don't care about you defending this ill business practice.

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                  • *Yawn...

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                    • You forgot satire

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                      • 1
                        I myself love destiny but I was kinda disappointed with the past dlc, dB was kinda fun, HOW was kinda disappointing, but ttk was so much fun I couldn't get off. I believe they should improve on weapons and I think some content was missing they could have added it in.

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                      • Wow is this a salt trap I guess you wouldn't mind working a 40 hour work week and get paid for only 1 day.

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